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201209384 <br /> IS. C�NDEMNATION. 7'rusto�-���ill sive Benefic.iary pram�t notice of any pending or t3�reatened action, <br /> by private or public entities to purchase ar take any or all oC[he Properry [hrough c€�ndemna�ion, eminen� <br /> docz�aat�, ut any utfier�tieaiis. '1'rusLur aulh�riccs t3eneliciary L� inLervene in TrusCor`s ndme in an_y�l�Lhe <br /> abo�e desct�ibed aclions or claims. Tr�xstor assigns tc>Beneficiary ihe pmceecis�f any asuard�r claim fc�r <br /> da€nages connected wzth a condeitv�atian or other Iakin� of all or any part of the Prop�rty. Sucl� proceeds <br /> shaJl b.considered payments and wil� be applied as provided in this Security InsCrumeni. This <br /> assiF,mmenc t�f prnceeds is siih�ect tn tt�e terms of�x�y prior mortgage, deed of tritsi, sectcrity a�een2ent c�r <br /> other lien ducuxnc�it. <br /> 19. IAi5C�R:1�CE. Trustor shafl keep Praperty ins�red apai��st foss by fire, flood, thefe a��d c�[her hazards <br /> and risks rcasonably�assoeiated wit� Ll�e Property due to its eype and locatic3n_ T13i� i��s�ia-ance sl�all be <br /> jri:�int�tined in the�tmounts and fior Lhc periods that Bcncficiaiy rcquires. VVl�at i3eneticiarc�requires <br /> }�ursuan� w Lhe prec;eding�tiun �eniences can ch�n�e during[he term of[he Secured DebP_ The ensurance <br /> can�ier providinn tlie iiisurai�ce sl�ali be cli�seti by 7rustur 5ubjecl Lc>13�'ncficiary's:�pproval, which 5h:�lf <br /> 3iot bc unxcasanably withhcld. If Trustc�r fails tc�maintain rhe cnverage descriUed �Uove, £sex�e�ciaxy <br /> n2ay, at Benefieiary's optiou, oUtaiEi €c�vera�e Lo protect 'I,eiict7ciary's ri�hts ie�t}ic Yrvperiy ae:c:c3r�liris Lu <br /> thc tcrms oi this Sccurity Instrumeni. <br /> ni4 insiit�nce policie5�nd renewals shall bc acccpLablc to Bcncficiary and shall inc�uc�e a standard <br /> "rrwr[�a�c�[autie" and, where a����licahle, "]nss��ayee cl�i.ise," Tri�stor sh�tl immedi�iely nntify <br /> Be�ieficiary nf c�ncellatiun ar terrnitiatiun uf t}�c ir�5uranc;e. k3enCt3�i�ry sh:�ll have lh� ri�hL lu hc>3ci the <br /> policies and i°enewals. If Be�leficivy reqttires, Trustor shall ii�u�aediately give ta Liea�e�ciary ali receipts <br /> oi'gaic3 pren�iums and renewa[ notiees_ LJpon loss, Trustor shall give immediate notice to the insurance <br /> carrier and �3eneiiciary. Beneticiary may make proof of loss if not made immediately by Trustor. <br /> Linless other«•isc abteed in wri[itYg, all iii�uranL°�pruceeds Shall �e applied to fhe restoration or repair af� <br /> thc Property oc to the Secured I�ebt, c�l�e[her or i�ot then ciue, ai$enetieiary's option. Any app3icatiun t�f <br /> proceeds to prine€paE shall not�xtend or postpone the duz date of the scheduled paymerzt nor change the <br /> amount of any pa_y�rnenL Any excess will be paid#o the Grantor. if the Property is acquired by <br /> �3eneficiary, Ti-��stor's ri�Eit to�ny insttranc.e.policies�nd procccds resultin�from damagc to Thc Propc.rty <br /> Uefore the acquisition shall �sass tu Bcric(ic:iary Lu ihe exlenl nf the ,iecured 17eht imn�ediately hefnre the <br /> acquisition. <br /> ZU. �5(:ROW F�R T�XES A\17 TNSL�RANCE. �:nless otherwise provided in a separate agreen-�ent, <br /> Tru.�t�r e�-ill nnt be rer�iFired Lo p1y to Beneficiary fiinds for taxes and insurance in�scrc>w. <br /> 21. FINANCIAL REPORT�AiYTI AT117T'CIi7NAi,17l?C`lS1ViL+'1V'1'S. 7'rustor will provide to J3eneficiary <br /> �ipon request, any financial statemen€or infqrmation Seneficiary n�ay dezn2 reasonably neczssary. Trusior <br /> agrees to sign, delive�-, aild fle any additia»al docume��ts or certi�catiutas t11at 13enc�iaa�'y triay c:uu�i�lcr <br /> necessary to perfect, continue, and preserve Grantot's obligations under this Secuc-ity Instrument and <br /> t3eneticiary�'s lien status on the Property. <br /> 22. JOINT AND IN�1V1llUAL LlAf3ILI'I`Y; C'(?-�ICUNER5; SL7CCESSORS ANb ASSTGNS BOUNB. <br /> A13 du[ies under this Security Instrument are joint and individual. If Tnastor signs Yhis Securiiy <br /> instr�imcnt htit dnes not si�n an evidence.of debt, Trustor does so only to tnortgage Trustar's interest in <br /> fhe Properiy to secure payment of the Seeuced Debt and Trustor dc�e5 n[>t agree tt� he�er�tinal ly tia.hle nn <br /> the Secure,d llebt. lf this Security Instrwnen# secures a guaranty beriveen Beneficiary and Truseor, <br /> Trustor agrezs to waiti�e any rightG thai may prevent Renefici�ry fi-om bringing a:zy�ction or claim <br /> a6ainst Trustor or any party i�debted ui�der tlae o�lioation_ Thesa rights rnay inclu�le, but are n(�t li�nitcct <br /> W, any �tnti-de�iciency nr one-�cti.arx E�ws. Trt�sYor tigrccs that Bcncficiary and any party to this Security <br /> Ittstrument rnay e5ctend, modiFy or i�lake ai�y change iri the tcr€ns �t lhis SCe:urily Inslrurrten�c�r any <br /> evicience nf clebt witE7out Trustor's conseni. Such a chan�e wilE not release Trifstor fi-otn ttle ter��ls oI tf-eis <br /> Secua-ity instru�l�ent. Tlie duties anci benef�ts ul`�f�is Se�urily lnsirument s�taIl Uind and henefit the <br /> successors and assigns of I'rustor and Bcneficiary_ <br /> 23. APPI..IC..�.BLE LA4F'; SE�%EIZASILITY; INTEItPR�TATION_ This Sec�ity Instrwnent is governed <br /> by tlie laca-s of tl�e jurisdictiur� ira w�iii}€ gcnefic:i:�ry is located, exce}-st t�the extent ntherwise re[�ttired t�y <br /> the l�«s of thc jurisdiction whcrc the Properry is located. This SecuriTy Instruinent i�cuEnplete a��d fully <br /> i�ite�rated. Tliis �ccurity InsLrument m.�y r�ne be amended or modi6ed by oral agrecmcnt. r�.ny scction in <br /> [liis Sccurily Instrument, allachi3�enYs, aa' any a�ae�nent related io tl�c Saiurcti llebL€h�zt cc�nllicts with <br /> appiicsble la��«�ill not be effective, un�ess that law cxpressly or im�liedly permirs t.he v�riat"€ni�s Liy <br /> r�,rii.len �trrePment. If any section of ehis Sccurity InsErurnent cannot be enforced acca3-din�T to iLs terms, <br /> tEiat seeeioi�will be sevcred aiicl w•ill nc3L•allec:i the enforceability of tiie ren7ainder caf rhis Security <br /> InsLr�unent. w'henever used, rhe singular shall icaclude the plural and the plura[ the sing�lar_ �he captio�is <br /> and headi3lgs of tlie sectiuns of tltis 5c€;�€raty Ir35i�'umenl•are for convenience ottly and are noC to be used <br /> to inLerpret or define the terms of tl�is SccuriEy Instrun7ent_ Tin2e is of tl�e essence i�i this Security <br /> Li�sznui3ecit_ <br /> 53443< <br /> SeCLf:;y fr�gfrumen�-CCnnSu�Ter-NC <br /> `..'31 P:y a.�kers 5'stem-5-��+ RE-DT-NE -i1 i207 S <br /> - Y �VM��C165(NE;i1 F�.' <br /> :woice�s xiu•ye�F��.-,���.���i 5��v���s O;»a,zai i p2ye`.l� <br /> ;��,��.�......._ <br />