<br /> AL lhe uptiuca of Bea�eficiary, al[ or any pari of the ab eed fees and chargcs, accrtaecl interest�nd �rinci�al
<br /> shali heenirie immeciiately due and payable, after aiving notice ifrequired by law, upc�n ihe c�ecui�'ence af
<br /> a dcPaixlt ur aatytiuie rhereafter. In addi[iai�, Benefciary shall bc cntitled to all ttie remet�ies provideci L�y
<br /> law, the terms of the Secured Debt, this Security Iristrt�rcaenT.and any rela�ed duc:urncrii�, ii�cluding
<br /> without limitation, t13e power to sell the F'roperly.
<br /> Tf 2here is a default, Trus[ee shall, [n addition to any other permitted remedy, at the request of the
<br /> F3ene{iciartir, advertise and sell t3ie F'roperty as a��-hole or sn scparate parccls at pu73�ic���ctini3 to t.he
<br /> hi�hest bidder for cash and convcy absol�rtc.ti[]e fre.e and clelr nf a11 righi, 1if:1e .�nd i»terctit rsf Tcustor at
<br /> such timc and placc as Tr�stee desigclates. Trustee stiall �ive no[ice ol�salc irfc;ludiit�the Ci�ne, t�rms a�id
<br /> place oC sale and a deseription ol�Lhe prcaperty L�� bc: sc�ict as requircd by ihe a�plicai�le law ii� effect at t3ic
<br /> L€me�l lhe�r�pu5ecl saie.
<br /> Lipoi� sale of Lt-�e p�-opert}�a€id to the extent not prohibited by lacv, Trustcc shall m�ke 1nd cieliver a.deed
<br /> to the Property sotd u-hich convcys absQlu[e ticle[o the purchaser, and a#ter Lirsl payin� all i�es, ckxac�es
<br /> an�3 cos�s, sha11 pay to Beneficiary al� muneys a�ivan�ccl fur�epairs, taxes, insurance, liens, assessments
<br /> anc� p�-inr enci�mhrances and interest il�ereon, and the principal and interest on the Secitred Deb[, payin�
<br /> the surplus. if any, to Trustqr. Benefeiary may purchase tlze Property. The recitals in any deed of
<br /> coi�veyance shail be prima facie evidence af�the tacts set forth tlierein_
<br /> Al] remedies are disLincl, curnulati4�c artd r��t exclusive, a�}d the F3eneYtciary is ent€tled ta all re�raedics
<br /> prnv�ded at I���nr equity, e��he�her c�r i�ot�xpress4y set forth. The acceptance by�eraeficiaz-y of any sum
<br /> in �ayment or pariial payment on t�e Seiured Debt atter the balance is due oc is accelerated or alter
<br /> #�oreclosure proee�dittgs are fled s�a41 not cons[itu[e a cuaiver of Sencficiary's ri�ht to rez�uire coit�plete
<br /> cuce af any cxisting defatilt. B_y not c�crcising any remed5°on Trustor's cief;�iilt, Rene(iciary c[ezc:5 riu[
<br /> u�ai�'e Rene�ici.�ry's ri�ht.tn laier cnnsicler Lhe ev�nL a cleleulL if ii wntinucs ur izappe��s a�ain.
<br /> Except whe�t prolaibitec{ Uy law, Trtist.nr agrees tn pay all nf Bencficiary's expenses i£Tr�3siar breaches
<br /> anv co�enant in this Security Instrument_ Trustor uill also pay on demand any amaunt incurred 3�<<
<br /> Benefieiary for insfu-ing, inspecting, preserving or othervc�se protecting the Property�nci Bene:ficinry's
<br /> sccurity intcrest. Thcsc cxpcnscs w`i[I bear in[ezesE fxc�m Che date of the�raymeni unLil �:iid in full aE the
<br /> hi�hest interest.rale in effecL:iti�r<iviclec[ in L}ie Lerrris of tiic Secured Debt. Tlusior a�ees to pay al] costs
<br /> arfe3 experises it�ciured bti Sec�e�ciat-5'itx collecti�i�„ enforc:in�qr protecting Benefciary's ri�tits and
<br /> rei3zedies under this Security Instrunaent. This amount may include, but is no[ ]smitcd tQ, artorneys' fees,
<br /> couri costs, and other Iega1 expenses. This Securitv Fnstrumen[sliall remain in effeet until released.
<br /> Trusior agrees to pay for any�recordatian costs ot'such release.
<br /> 17. �:NY[StU_1'1b2r;iV'f':'1L L�'4WS AiVll ilP..ZA.[��101JS SUIiSTAIlTCES. As used in tl�is sectioi�, (1)
<br /> �nviroi33i1enta3 Law nieans, without �imatation, che Comprehensivc Environmcntal Rcspanse,
<br /> Compensation arfd Liabilitti�AcE(CERCLA, 42 U_S.C. 9661 et sey.), and•ail olher lecteral, statc ac�d
<br /> ]ocal laurs, re.gulations, ordinznces, coi�rt arders, attnrney �;eneral npinion�c>r inter�retive letters
<br /> c�ncernina the�uhlic health, safety, ue�fare, environment or a hazardous substance; and(2) I�azardous
<br /> Substauce nieans auy toxie, radioactive ar haz�rdaus maierial, waste, poliutant or cantaminant which Itas
<br /> characteristics���hich render the substance dangcrous or potcnLially dangcrous to the p��blic he�tllh, safety,
<br /> �ve.lfare or eaivironmcni. The ierm inc.l�ides, withotit limit�tion, any sul�stances cfef€i�eci ris "hai.arcle�us
<br /> material," "toxic substances," "h:�rdo�s wasle" or"har,;irdous SubStancc" un�ler aity E«vi3�onmental
<br /> Law.
<br /> Trustor represents, ��'arrants and aQrees Yhat:
<br /> A_ Exce.pt as}�reviousty discloseci anst ackne�vledge.[[ in �i�rifiing tn Renefieiary, azn�Ta�ardcfu�
<br /> Substartce is or w�il] be locatec�, stared or released pn or in the Property_ "I'his restriction does not
<br /> apply to sn�ail quantities ofIIazardaus Substances that are genera3Ey rccognizc.d ta bc appropriate
<br /> for the normal use and nzrtintenanc;e af the Property.
<br /> B. ExcepC as previously disclose�l:ini€ackr�uwlcclgce!in writino Lc�13eueticiar_y, Tt�ustc�r and every
<br /> tenant have been, are, and sh�ll remain in fi�ll enmp[i�tnce with any applicahle Rnvironmenlal Law.
<br /> C'. Trizslc�r tihall immedi:iCely nc�Lily F3enelie;i:�ry il�a rele:x5e c�r Lhrcatcited release uf a Hazardous
<br /> Sui�star�cc occurs on, under o� about tl�e Property or tl3zre is a violatio€1 of any �nvironmental Lau,
<br /> concerning rhe Pro�erty. In st�ch an event, Trustor shall takc a1L ncccssary rcmcdial action in
<br /> accordanee with any Environmei�£at Larv.
<br /> L�. 1'rustor shall irrunediately notiiy J3eneticiary in u�ritiny as soon as�rustnr h�5 reavcin tn he3ieve
<br /> there is any pending or threa€ened inveseigation, efa3m, or proceeding reiatirig ta the refease or
<br /> tlu-c�tcncd relcasc of any Hazardc�us Substancc or the viol�tion of any En.vir[�nment.�[ T,aw.
<br /> r�:ib�-'�4
<br /> Sz_uiily Ir�s1r�,;�neiiL-C�r',surner-NE F:C-0T-NE 'f1;20?7
<br /> VMP y, BxnkersSyslemsn.e VAA%+C985(NE)�a13.�
<br /> Wn€tsr_SKI'�,iwPr��nTn..i�E:r.rv.....s cQ190a,2L'?1 Gag 4 6
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