<br /> Airy' application oPpayments, ivsurance proceeds, or Miscellai�eona Prooeeds to principal dLie mider Yhe NoYe
<br /> shall noC extcnd orpostpone the due d2tq or change the amow�E, of tl�e Periodic'Paymente.
<br /> 3, F'mids fm•I'.scrow IYents. Borrowor nha11 pay to Letider on tl�e d�y Periodic Payments are due under the
<br /> Note, unCi] H�c Note is paid in fiill, 1 swn(t1ie°Funds") to providc for pa�ytnent of amounts due for: (a) taxes
<br /> aud assesaments Hnd ot1�er iteins which can aStain pdoi�ity�over this Seourity I'nstnunent as a lien or
<br /> encmnbrance on the Property; (U) leasehold paymenfs or ground rents on the Pro��crry, if'auy; (c)preinimns
<br /> £or any and all insurazice required by Lcndar under Section 3; aud (d) Mortgage Insur�nce promiums, if any,
<br /> or any sums payablc by Rorrower to Lender in licu of the payment of Mortgage Iusurau¢a premiums in
<br /> accordnnce with the provieions of Sect'ion 10. These items ate called "Escrow Ifcros." At origina�tion or ttti
<br /> �ny tiimc dLuing the term of the Loan, l,ender rnay require Chat Commwiity Assooiation Uiu�, Peea, and
<br /> Assessments, if auy, be escrowed by Borrowcr, anci such duas, Pees and asecssnents al�all be nn Es+ c��ow
<br /> Item. Borrower shall promptly fmivah to Lencfer all noNces of amounts to be paid w�der this Section.
<br /> Borrower sha11 pay Lender H�c Funds for Escro�v Items uulcss l,ender waives Borrowcr's obligation to pay
<br /> thc Funds for any or all Esorow Itcros. l,ender may waive Borrowcr's oUligation to pay to Lander Fwids f'or
<br /> �ny or�tll Lscrow Iteins �t any time. Anq sucli waiver may only be in writing. In Uie event of such waivcr,
<br /> Borrower shall pay dirccHy, when eud where payable, the amounts due for any Lscrow Itetns for whieh
<br /> �ayanenf of Fwids has been wxivcd bp I.ender and, if Leuder rcquires, shall fiunieh to Lendcr receipCs
<br /> evidenoing sucl�payinant within such tinie period as Lendee may reqLure. 13orrower's obligation to make
<br /> such pa}nneuCs 2nd to provide reeeipta shaR Por�11 purposes be deemed to be a cc�ve�7�u�t and agreenient
<br /> conYainad in this Seourity Instrument, as Y1�e pl�rase"covenant and a�'eement" is tiseci in Scction 9. If
<br /> 13orrower is oUligated to�ay L+ecrow [tems direcCly, pursuant to a waiver, and Borrowex fails t'o pay tl�e
<br /> amount due for an Escrow Stem, Lendcn'���ay exercise its rights under Sct;tion 9 and pay auch amoLmt and
<br /> Borcower s]�all then be obligated tmder SecHon 9 to repay to Lender any such an�om�t. Lender�may revolce
<br /> the w�iver as to any or all Escirow Iteme at any time Uy a uotice given in�000rdance with Section 15 mid,
<br /> upon such revoonCion, Borrower ahall pay to Leneler�ll Funds, and iu such nmoimts, tliat arc[hen required
<br /> under this Section 3. �
<br /> Londer may, af any time, collecC nnd hold I+unds In zn amount(a) aufficient to pennit Lesuler to 2pply tl�e
<br /> Funds aC lhs time specifaed u�der RESPA, and(6)not to cxceed Che m�xiixmm funount a lender can require
<br /> wider RESPA. Lender shnll cstimate the unotmt of I+unds duo ou fhe Uasis of cnrrent data and reasonable
<br /> eatim�Cea of oxpe��ditures of'fixtw•e Escrow ICe�»s or otherwise in accordnnce wiCh Applicable Law.
<br /> Tlic Funds sha11 be held in an institu6ion whoae depoeits are insured by n fedcral agency, iustrumentnlitp, or
<br /> enti[y(including.Lender, if'Lender is an inslitutioji whose de�osits n��e so insurec� or in any Federal Hoine
<br /> Loan Bank. Leudcr al�al] apply the Fuuda to�ny Che L�scrow Items no later thau Ehe time spe;cified under
<br /> I2ESPA. L�ndex sh�ll noi cl�arge 13orrower for holdiug pnd applying the$uuds, annually nnnlyzing thc
<br /> cserow account, or aexifyittg hhe�scrow ltoms, wfless Lender pays Borrowcr interest on the Fuuds nnd
<br /> Applioablo Law permits Lender to make such a ol�argc. Unlese au agreement is made in�.v�itiug or
<br /> Applicflble Law requu�os interest t�o be paid on the Punds, Lrn�dcr shall not be reqtured to pay Borrowmr auy
<br /> infe�•eet or earnings on the Iunds. Borrower and Lender can flgree in wriCing, however, Uiat interest slit�ll be
<br /> pnid on�thc Funds. Lender shall give�to Borrowcr, without charga, an annual a0002mCing of the H�uids es
<br /> required Uy 12PsSPA.
<br /> If Ehere is a surpl�ts of Funds lield in escrow, as defined ui�der KLSPA, Lender shall awonnt to 13orrower Por
<br /> the excess funds iri accordance with I2�SPA. If there is a shorEage of Fmids held in escrow, �s dofined under
<br /> RLSPA, Lender shall noliFy Borrower as required by RESPA, anci�3cn�rower sha11 pTy to Lencler Che aino�mt
<br /> nccessary to malce up the ahorfage in aoctn danoe with RESPA, buf in no more than 12 monthly payrrtentis, IP
<br /> there is a dcficiency of Fmids lield in escrow, as d�fincd under RESPA, Leuder sli�ll notify Rorrower as
<br /> NEBRASKA-5in IeFamll -fannlcf+taclFfeddieldacUNIFORId INSTRUMENT 24002633
<br /> VM P� 9 Y Form 3028 1/07
<br /> VM PB(NE)(1106)
<br /> Wolters Kluwar Flnanalal Services Page 6 of��
<br />