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201209152 <br /> RORROWLR COVL�NAN IS tlzat Borrower is lnwfiilly selscd of tha esfate hexeby convcyed and has the right to <br /> grant aud convey the Pxo�aerty and that tlie ProperYy is tmencmnbcrcd, excapt for encnmbranccs�o£record. <br /> Borrower warraarta uid will defend gencrally the title to the ProperCyagainst all claims And dem�nde, nuUject to <br /> auy encumbrances of record. <br /> TIIIS SL'�GU12I'f'Y INSTRUMENT combirios �u�iform covenants for nation�l usc aud non-uniform eove�iants with <br /> 1nniCad varintions by jurisdiction to constitute n.imiform security instrument covering scal property. <br /> UnifoYm Covenants. Borrower and Lender covenant aud a�,nee as follows: <br /> 1. Payment of Principal, Interest, Escrow Ilems, Prepayment Charges, and Late Charges. Borrower <br /> shall pay when ciL[e the principal of, and interest on, lhe dcUt evidenced by the Note and any prepaymeut <br /> charbes and late chnrges dne iuider the Note. Borrower shall also pay funds for Esoiow Items purAuant to <br /> Sectirni 3. Yaymeiits due under the NoCe and tl�is Seciniry Il�strument shall be made in U.S. currency. <br /> However, i�f any chec1c or otlier inatrument received by Lcnder as payinent under the Notc or this Secttriry <br /> HisCrntnent is re[urned Co Lcnder unpaid, Lender may require that airy or all subseqt�ent payments due under <br /> the Note aaYd tlus Security Ii�s6rumcnt Ue made in one or more of the followiflg fonns, as selected by Lencicr: <br /> (a) cash; (b)money ordec; (c) certified check, bauk cl�eck, treflsurer's check or cashicr's check, provided nny <br /> such check is drawn upon an institution whose deposits�re innured by a f'ederal agen�ry, nisiruii�cntalit��, or <br /> cntity; or (d) Electrosric runcis Transfcr. <br /> f'ayinents tue deemeci reoeived by Le��der when recaived ai the IooaCion designated in the Note or at aucl� <br /> other location as inay be designlled by Lcnder in ascordauce with the notice Urovisions in Section 15. <br /> Z,ender in�y return any paymeiit or par[ial payment if tl�e payment or parHal payments are ii�sti�f'£iciant to <br /> bring the Loan currcnt. l,ender inay acoept any payn�ienC or par6al payment ineuffioienC Co bring tl�e f oazi <br /> current, without waiver oP any rigUts hereundar or prejudice lo ifs righte to refuse such payment or parNal <br /> payments in tlie f'uture, but Lender is no't ob1igated to apply such pn3m�onts at the time suoh pe}nnenta nre <br /> accepfcd. If cach Periodic Payment ia npplied as of its scheduled due daYe, then Lender nced not pny interest <br /> on una�plied fimds. Lcndcr may hold suoh uiiapplied fuuda Lmtil Borrower inakes payments fo Urin�tl�e <br /> Loau our�ent. If Borrowex does not do ao wiUtin a reaeonable period oP time, Lender shall either npply suoh <br /> fimds or rcturn tham to Rorrower. I£not applied earlicr, buch fimds will be applied l'o the outstanding <br /> principal h�Iznce unde� thc NoCe iimnediately prior fo foreclosure. No offset or claian wLioh Borrowm�might <br /> havo now or in the fiiture against Lender �l��ll rdieve Ron�owar f'rom malung paymonts due under Uie Note <br /> and t��is Sccudty Instrumenti or pei�forming the covenauts ttnd a�rcemenYs seoured by this SecLirity <br /> Inskim7ent. <br /> 2. Applleation of Payi7lents or ProCeeds. Exoept aa ofherwiso descriUecl in this Seotion Z, all paymnnts <br /> aocepted and applied by Lencicr s1�a11 be applied in Phe Pollawing orcler of}�riority; (a) intarast due uncier Che <br /> Noec; (b)principal due uuder lhe Nohe; (c) ainounts ciue i�uder SecPiari 3. Suoh payn�c��ts slie�li be applied to <br /> each Periodic Payinciit iu tl�e ordex in wl�ich it beca�me due, Any re�naining Ainounts ahafl be applicd first to <br /> late chu�ges, aecond to any oCher ainotiints due nuder Yhis Secucity In.9G�umcrit, and then to raduce the <br /> principal balance of the Note. <br /> IP Lcnclor receives a payinent Prom Borrower Por a dclinquent Periodic PaymeuC which inchides a su'ffloient <br /> amonnt tio pay any late charge due, the pnyment may bc appliecl to tha dalinqiient payiuuent and fl�e late <br /> � charge. If more Chv�one Pc�iodic Payment is outeYanding, Lendcr i��ay apply any paymeut received 1e�m� <br /> Rorrower Yo the repaynuene of the Periodic Pa}nnents if, and to the extent tih<�f, each payment can Ue paid in <br /> full. 'fo the exCent tliak any excass exiets aftcr the payment is applied to the fqll payfl�ent of one or more <br /> Pexiodio Pay�nonts, etitch excess may be applied Co nny lato charges due. Voluutniypre�ayment�s1iall be <br /> applied first to �ny prepaymcnt cUarges a�id then Ts clescriUed in Cl�c Note. <br /> 24002833 <br /> NEBRABKA-6inglePamily-Fannle MaelPredtlle Mac UNIFORM INSTRUPAEN'f Form 3020 1/01 <br /> VM P� VM P6(NE)(1106) <br /> W olf ers ICluw er Financlal 9ervlces Page 4 of 7 T <br />