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201209036 <br /> dceigiiatcd a suUstitute notice address by notice to Lander. Borrower sha11 promptly notify Leuder of <br /> Borrower's clxange of addeens. If Leuder ,specifies a procedure for reporfn�g Borrowor's change of address, <br /> then Borrower shall ouly report a change of addresa througli that speoi�ulprooedure. <br /> There mny ba only one designaCed notics address tim,dex tl�is Sectuity Instrnment at frny onc Hmc. Any notice <br /> to Lender shall be given Uy deliver•ing it or by mailing it Uy first class mail to Lender's address sta[ed herein <br /> tmlese Lcndor has desigiutitied another addrese by notice to Borrower. Any notice in connection with this <br /> Security H�struui�,roti shall i�ot be deemed to haue been given ro Leuder Lui�il actually received by Lender. If' <br /> any notice required I�y thie 5ccurity f»strument is also required uncler Applicn6le Law, thc Applical�le Law <br /> requirement will satisfy the wrresponding rcquirement wider tl�is Secw•ity Instrument. <br /> 16. Governing Law; SeveraBility; Rules of Construction. Tl�is Security Instrument shnll be governed Uy <br /> fcdcral law and t7ie law of the jwisdiction in which the Praperty ie located Al7 rights and obligations <br /> oontained in thie Scourity Instrument�are snbject Co any requirements and limiC�lions oPApplicablc Law. <br /> Ap�licable L�w might expliclely or impliciLly alluw thc parties to agree by contract or it might be silenl, buf <br /> such silence shall not be construed as a prohil�ition againsl agree�i�cnt Uy coittract. ]n the event fhat viy <br /> provision or clause of this Securitiy InsUwnenC or the Nots conflicts with Applicable Law, nuol� conflict sl�all <br /> not nffect othex provisione of tl�is Socurity infib�iment or the NoEe whioh can be given effeot without the <br /> contlicting prov�sion. <br /> As used in Chie Security Instremici�t: (a) words of the m�tsculine gendar shall mean and include correspontling <br /> neuter words or words oP the Peininine gerider; (b)worcis in the arng�ilar sha11 mean aud Include tihe plural <br /> aiid vice versa; aud(o) the word"n�ay" gives eale disaretion without any obligation ho takc any acHon. <br /> 17. Borrower's Copy. Borrower shall be given one copy af the Note and of Lliis Seciirity Instr�unont. <br /> 18. Transfier of the Property or a Cieneficial Inlerest in Borrower. Aa used in this Section ]A, "Intcrest i„ <br /> thc Yroperty" meane any legal or be�ieficial interest in tha Property, including, but not limited to, those <br /> beneficial interests Lrans'ferred in a bond for dc�d, contract for daed, installment sales coutract�or escirow <br /> agi�eement, the intent of whioh is the transfer of title hy Borrower nU a futurc datc to a pw chaser, <br /> If all or any parti of lhe Properly or any Inferesh n�Che Property is sold or transferred(or i3'Borrowar is noti a <br /> na�tw•al person and t�beneficial interest in Boxrower ia sold or lrnneferred)wiLhout Lencicr's pr'ror vn�iften <br /> oonsent, Lendcr may requiro i�nmcdiatc paymc�it in fii11 of all smns 9ecured by Yhis Seew�ity InstrtunenE. <br /> However, this option shall not be exercised by Lender if sueh exerciso is prohiUif.ed Uy Applicable Law. <br /> SP Lender exercises this opHon, Lendet slinll give Borrower noticc<af acceleratixm. The notice sl�all provide a <br /> period of not less than 30 days fiox�i the date Yhe notice is given in nccordenoe with Seclion 15 wiEhin whicl� <br /> Borrower must pay all sumN sccured Uy thie Sooarity Instrument. Pf Borrowar f'aile to pay these sums prior to <br /> the ex,pira�ion of this period, Lender mny invoke any reu�edies permittod by tl�iy Secnrity Instrumeiit withouti <br /> further notice or deinand on Borrower. <br /> 19. BORYOW eP's ftight to Reinstate AfYeY Aceeleratiorl. If Borrower meefs ecrtain conditions, 13orrower <br /> sliall ha�e the right to have euforceinent oP this Seourity Instrwnent discontimied at any timo prior to thc <br /> narlie,xt of: (a) five days Ueforo s�le of the Property pw�auant to auy power of sale containecl in this Securily <br /> Tnstrument; (b) such ofher period aa Applicable Law migl�t epecify for tl�e termine�t�iou of Borrowoi's right to <br /> reinstaEe; or (c) entr•y of a judgment enPorcing this Seciu�ity InstrnmanG Those conditione are that Rorrower: <br /> (a)pays Lender a11 stiuns which then would be due wider this Sectu•ity Instrument and the Note as if no <br /> ncceleration had occurred; (b) cure.s tury def�tiSt of any��othor covanants or a��eement�s; (e)pz�ys all expenses <br /> inourred 'ui enforcing this Sacurity Insh•ument, including, but not limifed Co, reasc3nal�ic attor�aeys' fees, <br /> property inspsctim� and valua4iou fees, and other fees iucw•red fbr the pmpose oPproteoting Lender's inCerest <br /> ------- — znoazsoo <br /> NEBRN31<A-6ingle Fam Ily�Fannle M aelFredtlle M ac UNIFORM INffI'F2UM ENT Ponn 3020 i l01 <br /> w.q�� vroiPs�Ne�ryroa� <br /> WOItoYs I(luwoe Finenelel SaPvlaas PaOe 2 of 19 <br />