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. <br />�0�.2090�� <br />EXHIBIT "A" <br />Lot 32 and part .of Lot 11, Sloek 10, Parkhill Third Subdivision, as <br />additiort ta the City o� Grand Ieland, Hail CounCy, Nebraska, arsd more <br />particularly describsd as lollows: commenciaq at Lhe Northwest corner <br />ot' Lot 11, Slock 10, Parkhill Third Subdivisioaj Runniaq t�Qnce <br />southerly aloag and upon tha westerly boundary line o! said Lot 11, a <br />distancs o£ 90.fi5 feet ta the eouthweet corner og eaid Lot 11� runninq <br />theace eaatErly along aad upon the aouth boundary l�ine ot eaid Lot 11, <br />33.4 teet= zunning thence aorth�zly to a poiat on the nor�h boundasy <br />liae oP said Let 11 ta a poiat vhich is 26 teet £rom the i�ortheast <br />cotner o! aaid Lot 11� running thence westerly aloaq assd upon the <br />aorth boundary line o! eaid Lot il to the northWest coraer o£ said Lot <br />11 to the point o! beginning. <br />