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201208989 <br /> Auy application of paymenl�s, n�stut�nce proceecls, or Miecellaneous Proceeds Co principal dtize under thc Note <br /> shall not exfend or poetpone the dtta date, or change H�e amom�t, nf thc Pcriodic Pz�yu�onts. <br /> 3. IYmds fm��scrow Itema. T3orrowei shn11 pay to I.ender on the ciay Yciiodie Yayrnente are due tiuider Lhe <br /> Note, until Uie Note is pa�id in full, a sum(tl�o "Fiu2ds") lo provide fox payment of AmounYs due for: (a�)taYes <br /> �nd assessmonts and other itentis�vhieh cen attain priarity over Yhis Security Instruinent as a lie�i or <br /> cncmn6rance on the Pro7�erty; (b) lenseliold paymenfs or growld re��ts on thc Proporty, if any; (c) premituns <br /> for nny and a11 insurance raquired by Lende��undcr Scctron 5; ancl(d�Mortgage Inaurance premiums, if any, <br /> or any sums pnyable by Borrower to T cr�der in lieu of tlie�ayment of Mortg�ge Insuranae premiums in <br /> accordazice with the provisfions of Seofion 10. These items are csaled°Escrow Items." AC origivation or ae <br /> any fime ciiiring t1�c termof Cl�e Loan, Lender may require khat�Commnnity Association Duos, Rees, ancl <br /> Assessments, if auy, be escrowed by Rnrrowcr, and euch dues, fees and assesments shall be ui Eacrqw <br /> Item. Borrower'shall proixrptly fun7ieU 4o Lender all nol9ces of aniouutis To be paid under this Section. <br /> I�onower bl�all pay Lender fhe Punds for Eserow Itams lmless T_,ender waives Borrnwcr's obligation to pay <br /> tl�e Funds for Auy or ell Eserow Iteins. Lencier may waivc Borrower's ohlig�tion to pay to Lender Ftuids for <br /> any or all Escrow Items at any time. Any such waiver m�y ouly be in writing. Li the event of such waiver, <br /> Borrower sha11 pay dircc$y, wheil and where payt�bl4, the�notuits due for any Fscrow Itcros fnr which <br /> payn�eut of Futids has been wnived by Lender and, if I,ender requires, shall fiunisli to Lander receipts <br /> cvidenciug auoh pa}+mant within such tiiine period as l,onder may rec�uire, Borrower's obligaYion to make <br /> suoh�aymeuts and to provida receipts shall for all purposea be deemed to be¢coveuant avd agreeme�lt <br /> contained in thie Security iuytrumc��Y, as the phease "coven�nt eud agreemant" is used in Section 9. Tf <br /> Rorrower is obligated t�pay Lecrow Iteins clirectly, pursuanti to a.waiver, and Borrower faIls to pay the <br /> simount duo for an Pscrow Itetn, Lenfter may exercise ite rights uudcr SecCion 9 and pay suoh amount and <br /> Borrower ehell then be obligatiecl twder Scc;kio�i 9 to repay to Lender any such�inouuti. Lender may revolce <br /> Yhe waivar as fo eny or all L+serow ICeins at any 6me by a notice given in accordanoe wiih Scction 15 and, <br /> upon such rcvocaCion, Boxrower eha11 pay Yo Lender all f+unds, and in sucl�amounts, thnt are Chen required <br /> under this Section 3. <br /> Lender may, a�t any tiine, collect and hold Fmids in nn atnount(a) snfPieient tio permit Lender to apply t$c <br /> Punds at the tima spwified widcr RESPA, ancl(b) not to exceed flie maYimnm amount a lei�der can reqnire <br /> untler RHS'PA. l.endor shall eskim2te the amount o't'Fmids due an tha basis of cun'enk c�aCa and renaonftbla <br /> estimates of expenc6tLues of tiaCure F;scrow items or otherwise in ncoordance wifh ApplicaUle La�v. <br /> 'IYie Fuuds ehall be held in vi instiitution whosa dopoeiL� are ineured by a federai ngancy, inetrwnantality, or <br /> eutity(including Lender, if l.endcr is �n inFfilutioix whase deposits aae so instu'ed)or i�r xny Fcderal Home <br /> Loan Rank. Lender shall applg Che Punds to pay tihe Escrow Iteins no 7atior than the Cime speoifed nndar <br /> 12LSPA. Lender eh�ll not charge Borrower for holding�nd applying the Punds, annually an�lyzing� the <br /> escrow mccouuC, or verifying the Escrow Ite�iv9, nnless LencJer pays Borrower interest on the I�m�ds and <br /> ApplicaUle Law permits Lendex to mnke auch a chuge. Unless an tty'eemcmt is m�de in writing or <br /> Applicablc Leiw reqnires i�iterest to be paid on T1ie Fundn, Lendcr shall not be reqnired to pay Bonrower any <br /> inCerest or earnings on the Fuuds. Borrower and Lender enn n�-ee in wriCrng, however, thati interest sUall Ue <br /> paid on the Funds. Lender sl�all givc Co Borro�er, without charge, an amival accounting of t1�e Punds �s <br /> reqLdred Uy RESPA. <br /> Tf Yhere is a surpltts ofPunds l�old iti eecrow, es defined under RESPA, Lender s1ia11 acco�u�t to Bor�nwer for <br /> the exoess fimds in accorclance with I2ESPA. If til�ere is a shortage of Nunds holci in eacrow, as defined uuder <br /> RL:SPA, Lender ahall notify Borrower as required Uy RL;SPA, flncl Borrower sh�ll pay to Lendar tfie amount <br /> necessary to�nake up f11e shortagc iii accordance with RESPA, but in no more U�an 12 mnnthly pay�nenls. If <br /> fliere is� deficicncy of Funds held in escrota, as defiued under,RESNA, Lencier sh�ll notify Borrower as <br /> zaaozsaz <br /> N EBRABKA-Single Fam Ily-Fennle M aelFreAtlle M ec 11Nlf-ORM IN9TRVM EN'f Fafm 9020 1701 <br /> VM P� VM PB(N E)(71051 <br /> Wolters Kl�wer Flnanalal5ervlaes PeOP E nf 17 <br />