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� 201208913 <br /> conYinue to�pay to Lender the aznount o£the separfltely des9gn�tecl pnyineni�s ChaC were duo whon thc <br /> insnrance coverage ceased to be in aflect, Lender will accapti, use and retftin these payments �s � <br /> non-refundable lose rescrve in]icu ofMortgagc lnsuranca Such loss reeerve shall l�e non-refundable, <br /> not�vithstanding tihe fact thet the Loan is u16m�Cely paid in full, and Lender shall not bo rcyuircd tn pay <br /> I3orrower any interest or eari�ings on suc'�loss reserve. Lender can no longer require loes reserve paymenCs <br /> iP Mortgagc Insin�anec covcrttge(in tl�o amount and for thc period that I,ei�der requlree)provided by an <br /> ixiaurex seleeted by Lender flg�iu becomes available, is oUtained, �nd Lendor requires sepazatcly dctiignatcd <br /> pa}nnents towud tlie premiums£or Mortgage Insw-ence. If'Iender required Mortgage Insurauce�s � <br /> conditioii of makiug the Loan and Borrower was required to malce separately designnted p�yments townrd the <br /> premiums for MorEgage lnsixrance, Rorrower shall pay t1�e premivans required to ixiaintaln Mortgage <br /> Insur<nnce iu zfPect, or to provide a non-refimclnble loss reserve, until Lender's requiremenl Por Mortgage <br /> Insurance ends in 2ccordance with any written agx•eement Uetween Borrower and Lender providing for such <br /> termination or mitil terniination is recpaired by Applicable Law, Notlii�rg hi this Section 10 atEects <br /> Borr��wcr's �bligation to pay iiit�,rest at tho raCc;provided in the NoCe. <br /> Mortgage Ins'uranec rcimbm�eos Lcnidcr (or any e�7itity Chal purchases the Notc) f�r certain loescs it may ineur <br /> i£Borrower does not xepay ehe Loan as agreed. Borrower is not a p�rry to the Mortgage InsurAnce. <br /> lbiortgage in�i'u-ers evah�Ce Lheir lot�1 risk on all such insm•nnce in force from time to time, nnd tuny eater <br /> into agreemente with other pnrties that share or modify�lieir risk, or reduce losses. These agreements are ori <br /> terms and condifions tliat are s¢tisfactory to the mort�age insurer and Che othar parCy(or parCies) to thase <br /> agreements. These agreements may reqLure the mortgage insuret to mako payments using any source of funds <br /> that the mortgage insurer may havo availzd�1c(which may i�nclndc fw�ds obtaincd fron�Murtgage Insurance <br /> premimivg). <br /> As ti result of il�ese agreeinents, Leuder, �ay piu•chnser of the Note, nnother insurer, any xeinsurer, any other <br /> entity, or �ny affiliate of eny of the ibregoiug, mzy receive(directly or indireotly)amouuts th&ti deriva fi'oin <br /> (or nligl�t be chTracte��ized as) a portiorl of Sorrower'e paymcnts for Mortgage Li�suranee, in exehange Cor <br /> eharing oc mociifying hhe mortgage insurer'e rislc, or reducing loeses. If sueh ageeement pxovides that An <br /> 2ffiliate of Lender t�lces a sh�u•e of the insui�er's risk in exchange ior a share oF the premimns paid to the <br /> inaurer, 11ie�arraaigement is oft�evi terined"captive reinsurance." Furthor; <br /> (a) Any such a�reements will not affecC the amomits that Borrower Las ag�•�pay for Mortgage <br /> Ineuraa�ce, or �ny ol7�er terms of tlie Loan. Sncli agreements will not incrense the amomit <br /> Borrower will o�ve for Ma�tgnge Bism�ancc, and tl�cy will nat cntiClc Borrowcr to sm,y ref'nnd. <br /> (b) Any snch aga•eemenls will not nfPect tl�c rights Borrowcr hne-if an,y-wi�li respcct to tlic <br /> Mortgnge Tiism•ance tmder tlie I-Iomeowners 1'rofection Act of 19)R or aqy ol'her ixw. 'Phese rights <br /> may inclade CY�e iiglik Io receive cerC�iia discloam�es, fo reqnest and oUtain caucellation of U�e <br /> Mortgage Hisnrance, to ]iavc tlie Mortgagc Lisnrnuce tcrininnted antomnticsdl,y, and/m�to receive <br /> n reFmtd of any Mm•tgage Insnrxnce preu�inmS th;it Were uue.n•ned at the time of anch <br /> c:mcellxtion or termin�tion. <br /> 71. Assignment of Miscellaneous Proceeds; Forfeiture. All Miscellaneous Proccule arc hercby as�igncd to <br /> and shall be paid to I,ender. <br /> If dia Pro�erty is damaged, such Misce1lannotiis Vroeceds Pl�all bo applicd to rcetoraifion m re�air oP fhe <br /> Yroperty, if,Hic reFtora6ion or repair is economically feasible and Lender'a sernuity is noE lesaened. During <br /> suoh repAir and restor�tion period, Lender ehall hava the right to hold suoh Miscellaneous Proceeds witil <br /> Lender lias had an opportwiity to inspeet such Proporty to cnsuro tho work has becn completcd to Lcvdor's <br /> - — -- -- zaaozsa� <br /> NEeRASKA-SinglePamily�Pannle MaelFredtlle MaC UNIFOWvi INS'fRUA4EN'f Form 3028 170T <br /> VM P�y VM P6(NE)(7105) <br /> Wollers Kluwer Flnandal Servlces Page 9 af 1 Y <br />
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