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201208913 <br /> satiefaotion, provided th�t auch iuspection shall Ue undertalcc��promptly. Lcndcr may ptiy Por the repan�s <br /> znd restoration in a single disbua�seme�it or in a scrics of pxogxess payixients �a the work is completed. <br /> Unless an agreement is madc in t+niting or Appliceble Law requires interest to be paid on such <br /> Mixecllaneous Prooeeds, Lender shnll not be required to pay Borrowe� ai�y ititerest or cu�nings on auctr <br /> Miseell�neow Proceeds. If Y1ia reetoratiov or rcpair is noC economioatly Peasible or Leucier's security would <br /> be lessened, the Miscellaneous Procccds sl�al] be 2pplied to the sums secured by this Sectirity Instaunent, <br /> whether or not tl�en due, with tl�e cxcess, if auy, paid Yo Borrower. Stich Miscellaneous Proceeds shall Uo <br /> applied in tha ordor provided for in Secrion 2. <br /> Hi Yhe evant of a total talcittg, dcstruotion, or Ioss in value of tha Property, Che Misaellanaous Proceods �heill <br /> Ue applied to thc sume sccurec�b�this Securiry Instrument, whether or not tl'�cn duc, with Che excess, if nnp, <br /> paid to Borrower. <br /> In the event of a partial talcing, desfruction, or loss in v�lue of the Property in which tihe fair mar1<et vx1uc of <br /> the Propevt�y immediatcly bcfore Che pflrtial taking, desCruction, or loss in valuc is alual Eo or greater lhui the <br /> amount of the aums secured by this Seca'ity Instrwnent imi�iediaCaly l�efore the pnrYizl tplcing, destr�ttcYion, or <br /> loss in vatue, unlese Borrower and I,ende� oYl�piwise agree in�n�iEing, the stune seowed by this Seciuity <br /> Snstiument sh111 be reduced Uy tl�o amonnt oP Che Miscellaneous Proceeds multiplied by tho F�llowing <br /> fraction: (a)the total amount of the amns secured immetliately before the paa•tial talcing, deslniction, or lose <br /> in value divided Uy(h) tl�e fair market value of the Properfy immediaYely Ucforc Che parfinl ttilcing, <br /> dcstrucfion, or loss in value. Any baluice shall be paid to Borrower. <br /> In tho cvcrit oP a partial takin�, desh�uotion, or loss in va1uc oF Lhc�Property in whieh the fair market value of <br /> the Prop�rty ii�nedia�tely before Che partiul taking, desfruotion, oi• lose in valua is less tl�an fhe atronnt of 4ho <br /> sums secttred immediately bcfore lhe paxtiel taking, deatrucCion, or lose in value, unless Borrower and <br /> Lcndcr oH�erwise agree in writing, the Miscellaneous Proceais ehall l�e applied to the sutns seeured by tl�is <br /> Secixrity Insh�ument whether or not the sums are then due, <br /> If ihe Property is aUendoned by Borrower, or if, aftor nutice by Zender to Borrower BiAt Yhe Opposing Party <br /> (as defined in the naxt senicnce)offers to make an awarcl to setCle a cleim for dainages, Borrower fails to <br /> respond to Leuder with'rn 30 days affer hhe dnCe Yhe notice 'ts givea, Leuder is aut1iori�zd to col}ccY a�id apply <br /> tl�ie Miscellancous Proceeds either to restoretion or repair of fhe 1'roperty or to tl�o suins seoured by this <br /> Security Instrwnent, whether or not tl�cn duE. "Opposiiig Party" nieens tha third party lliat owes Borrower <br /> 1Wiiscellaneous Procc:cds or Hieparty ngninst whom Borrower has a right of acfion in regtu d to Misccll2neous <br /> Proeeecls. <br /> Borrower Rhall be in defaulY if eny aotiion oe proceeding whethcr civil or crimiunl, is bea m tl�at, iu Lencler's <br /> judgtnent, could result in forfeihuc of fl�o Yroperly or othex materinl impainnenC of Landar's iirtereet in the <br /> Property or rights Luidcr tliis Security Hish�mient. Borrowar can cw'e sttch a clefault and, if awolcration kas <br /> oecnrtul, r�instate as provided in Section 19, by causiag the action or procecding tio be ciisn�ussed with a <br /> ruling LhaC, ir�Lei�der's judgment, precludes forfeiture of tl�e Property or ocher mateiial impairmenY of <br /> Lencler's interest in the Property or rig1its undcr thi� Seci�rily uish•uni�nt. The proeeeds o4'any award or <br /> claim�or damages t1�at are attributable Co Che impairment of Lender's inCerest in Uie Property�rc horcby <br /> assigicd zmd shall be ptrid[o Lender. <br /> All Misccllz�neous Prooeeds that are not �pplied to restoration or repair of the Yropordy shall be applied in the <br /> order providect for in Section 2. <br /> 24002567 <br /> NFI3RASKA-SlnBle Famlly-Pannie MaelGretldle Mec 11NIPoNM INS'IRUMENT Form 3028'i1�1 <br /> VM P(y VM P8(NF.)(1106) <br /> Wollei�s Kluwer Ffn2nclel Servlcee Pege 70 af 1/ <br />