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201208913 <br /> F1ny application of payments, iiisurauce}�rocccds, or Misccllancoi�.s Proceeds Yo prii�oipal due under Lhe Note <br /> �1�a11 noY extend m�poht��one the due date, or cli2nge the nmoimt, of the Periodic Payments. <br /> 3. Itimds foe Tscruw Items. Borrowcr ahall pay to Lender on the day Pexiodic Pnyinents nre dne nnder the <br /> Noto, until tl�e NoLa ia paid in ft�ll, a suln(tise"Funds")to pmvide for payi�anY oL aanonute dtta for: (a) taxcs <br /> and aesesements and other items wlrich can attain prior�fy over this Security fnshument as a]icn or <br /> encuinUruice on Y1ie Property; (b) 1easchold p�yments or geound renCe on Che ProperLy, iP�ny; (o)preiniums <br /> for aaiy and all iasura�ioe rcc�uired by Le�ider under Secrion 5; �nd(d)Mortgnge Insurnnce premiums, if any, <br /> or any swns�ayable Uy Borrower to Lender ui lieu oF the payment of Mortgage Inswauoe premiwns in <br /> accordaucc with the proviaions o£Section 10. These items aae called"Escrow Items." At origination or at <br /> any tit�ne dtiring the term of Y�he T,oan, T.ender inay require tl�at Community Assnciation Dues, Fces, and <br /> Assesements, if�iry, bc cscrowed b�Borrower, and such dues, Pees and assesstnents shall be an Escrow <br /> Itcv�, Borrower ahall promptly furnish to Lender all notices of amomits to be paid timdcr this Sc:ction. <br /> Borrower shall pay Lender the Ftmds for Rscrow Itoms uuless Lcnider waives Borrower's obligetion to pay <br /> the Ftmds Por any or all Rscrow itcnae. Lender mfly waive Barrower's obligation to pay to Lender Funds for <br /> any or all f;sorow Itiems at any liine. Auy such waiver ixury only be in writing. In tlie event of sucl� waiver, <br /> Borrowzr sliall pay directly, wLien and where payable, the amo�u�ts duc for any I�orow ICeins for wlvch <br /> payment of runds lxas been waived Uy 1.e��dcr and, if Lender requires, shall furnieh to Lender receipYs <br /> evidencuig such payment within such tinie pexiod ea Lender may require. IIorrower's oUligation to makc <br /> such p�yments and to provide receipts shttll foi[tll pur�oses be deeined ko be a covenant anci agrcem�tiit <br /> coniainecl in Yhis Security Insh•ament, ns the pl�rase "coveaant and agrecmcrrt" is uscd in SecCioi�i 9. If <br /> Borrower is obligated to pay�scrow Ite�na dfireotly, pm�suzint w 1 w�iver, and Barrower fails to pay flie <br /> tunount due for an Escrow Itern, Lcndcr inay exaroise its rights under Section 9 and pay suclx amotuit aa�d <br /> Sorrowcr sl�al,l thcn be obligatied under Section 9 to repay tio Lender any stiicll amounf. Lcndcr may revolce � <br /> ihe�wiiver as Co any ar nll Escrow Iteins at any time by a noticc givnn in accordtmce with Section 15 and, <br /> upon such revocakion, Borrower shall pay cn Lender all IIunde, and in such atnounte, that are thau required <br /> under this Section 3. <br /> Lender inay, at any time, collc,�ct and holcl Punds in an amomit(a) sufl'ieient Co peruvt Lender to �pp1y tlio <br /> Piuids at t7�c fiiroc spe ciCied under RESPA, and (b)not to exceed the maximuui aznount a lcnder can rec(uire <br /> undsr RLSPA. Lender shnll estimaCe the amount of Punds due on fl�e Uasis oC c�n�renC d�tl�and reasonable <br /> estiimates of expenditures of futiure L�scrow Itiems or oflierwise in accordance with A�plicaUle Law. <br /> The Fuuds shall Ue held in an iustitution whose degosits are insured by t�Federnl agency, instirmnentality, oi <br /> entity(including Lcncler, iP Lender is nn instihrtion whose deposits are so insured)�or iii any Federal Home <br /> Loan BAiilc. Lender shall npply the Ftmds to pay th� I�scrow Itioms no laier 11ian Lhe Cime specifled under <br /> RESPA. Lender shall not cl�argc k3nrrower fen�holding nnd€ipplying the Funde, umuall}�anAlyzing Cl�a <br /> escrow account, c�r vcrifying[he Escrow Itiems, tuiloss Lender pays Borrower interest.on tUe Fuuds and <br /> Applicable Law pennits Lender to malce ettch a charge. Unlcss an agrcancnt iF inade in writiug or <br /> A�pliceble Law requires InCerest Co Ue pE�id on tlia N uncls, Lender shall not be required to p�p Borrower any <br /> intareat or earnings on the Funds, Borrower and Lender enn ngree in writiug, however, that interest shall Ue <br /> paid on the,�w�ds. Lcnder shall give to Borrower, without oh�•ge, an aonual accounting of_the N unds as <br /> rcquired 6y RLSPA. <br /> If there is a surphis of P'unds held in escrow, as defined under Rt?SPA, I.cudcr shall accounf fo Borrower for <br /> the excess funds in accorda�ice with R'HSPA. If Yhere is a shortage oP l�unds held iu escrow, ae definecl under <br /> R�SPA, ]_znder shall nntify Borrower 2s requirul Up RESPA, and Borrower shall pay to Lender the aanouiit <br /> r�c;ccseary ho mnke np the shortage in lccordaaice t�ith RF,SPA, but in no morc than 12 monH�ly paymcnfs. If <br /> there is a defi¢iency of Fuuds held in escrow, an dcfincd under I2L?SPA, Len�ier shall notify Borrower as <br /> eaooess� <br /> N[6MSKA�SIo91e Pamily-Pannle MselFretldla Mec UNIFORM LVBTRUMENT Porm 9p28 1707 <br /> VNl P OO VMP6(NE)(11051 <br /> Wollers Kluw er Rnanclal Servlces f'a9e 5 of 11 <br />