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201208913 <br /> BORROWL+R COVLNANTS that Borrower is lnwfully seised of the esEate herel�y oanveyed�nd has fhe rigJ�t to <br /> grant and convey Yhe Pfroperty and Yhat Yhe Property is unencmnbered, except for encwmbraaioes of record. <br /> Borrower warrants and will defo�7d�;a��erally thc titlo tr�thc Property agaiitst all claims and dc�nands, stiibject to <br /> nny eneumbrauoes oP record. <br /> THIS SECLJI2TI'Y INSTRUML+NT con�binea miiform covennnCs for national u�e and non-uriiform covenants wifli <br /> liinited vaxialions by jurisdiction to constitute�nniPonn security inst�vment covering renl properry. <br /> UniforYn COvenaqts. Borrowcr and Leuder eovenanC and agree as followc; <br /> 1. Payment of Principal, Interest, Fscr�w Items, Prepayment Charges, and Late Charges. Borrowcr <br /> shall pny when due the prinoipal af, and infexest on, Che cleht evidenceci by Lhe Note and auy prepayu�ent <br /> cluta'ges aaid laCe chargas dtiie uuder the Nate. [3orrower sl�all also pay fiu�ds for Hscrow itonn pnrsu�nt to <br /> Scction 3. Paymcnte duc under Lha NoCe and Chis Seourity Inshument ahall be inade ni U.S�. etvrency. <br /> IIowever, if any oheck or othei insu•ument reoeived by Lendar as paymeut under the NoYe or tliie Security <br /> Instrutnent is returned to Lender unpaid, Lender may require that any or all suUseqnenG pagnnents due uuder <br /> the Note and fliie Seciu'ity]ostrtiunent be mado In onc or more of tl�e�Following forms, as selectedhy Lcnder. <br /> (a) casl�; (b)moi�ey ordci�; (c)oertiCeci cl�eck, btvilc oheok, treasurer's cheok or oashier's cheok, provided sary <br /> such chcck is drawn upon an institufion whose deposlts nre insured by a federel agency, insY�umentelitg, or <br /> entity; or(d) Elect�onio I+unds Transfer. <br /> Paymenl� a�e deemed received by Lender when received aY the location designaYed in the Note or at such <br /> other location as may be desig�uated by Lendee in accord�tuce witl� the notice provisions in Section l5. <br /> Lender inay t�etua�n a�ry payment or partial payment ifSl�e�aymenC or par6ial pnyulenCa nre insu£ffcient to <br /> bring tke Loa�� ourrenL Lender may acoept nny pRyment or p�u�tial p�yment insufficient Yo bring Che Loa�i <br /> enrrent, without waiver oP�iry rights hereunder or�rejudice to its rip,lrts to refuse sudt pag�ncnt or parNal <br /> yayineirts in the£uture, but 7,ender is not obligatcd to a�ly such pnytnenfs a[the time snch pflyinei�its are <br /> acocptcd. If oach Pcriodic Payinenl is applied as o£its scheduled due date, then Lender need uot pay interest <br /> on unapplied funds. LetTder ntay hold sttch unapplied ituids until Borrower makes paymenfs to bring flie <br /> Lonn current. If Borrower does uot do so witl�in a reasonaUlc period of tim�, Lcndcr shall cithor apply such <br /> funds or rehun thein to Borrowe�'. Tf not applicd cadier, snch fiu�ds will be applied to the outs�nding <br /> principal balanco undcr tihe NoCe invnediately prior to foxeclosure. No offset or claim which Borrower inight <br /> have now ox in tihe fuYuce against I,ender shall relieve Borrower From making payments due imder Che Note <br /> and t6is SecLvity instrumrnit or performing Ihe cove�ants �nd ngreements secured by this Seourity <br /> H2strumenC. <br /> 2. Applicatiorr of Payments or Proceeds. Except as otherwisa deseriUed in this Section 2, all paym�nts <br /> aocepted end applied by Lander shall be applied in t1ie following ordcr of priority: (a) intere.sC due imdc;r Che <br /> Nota; (b)principal due ui�de�'tl�e Notc; (c) aniounts due unc{er Section 3. Such payments shall be applied to <br /> each Yc�ioclic Payment in the order in which it beceme due, Any rem�ining z�nounis shall be applied first to <br /> l2tc charges, second to any other unounts due under tlus Security Ilisfruinent, and�1ian to reduce the <br /> prineipnl Unlnnce of the Note. <br /> IP I,ender receives �paymenti fiom Borrower ior a delinquent Periodic Pc�yment which includee a snfficienf <br /> ainomiC to pa�y any late cl�az�ge due, t1�e pa}n�rent may bo applieci to the delinquent payn�ent�nd the lnte <br /> ch�rge. Jf moro than one Periodic Payu�enl is outst¢ndiug, Lender may apply any paytnent received fiom <br /> Borrower to the xepaymeut aP tlie Periodic Payiriants if, avd ko tl�e exEent t1�aY, each paymcnt can be paid in <br /> full. To the extiant tihati any excess exists after the paynietit ie applied Co thc full papvienl nP ot�e or more <br /> Paiiodic Payn�cnts, euch exceaF inay be nppliec{Co atry late chu•ges due. Voluntnry prepayments shall be <br /> applied Pirst to nny prep�yment charges and Hien as descriUed in Uie Note. <br /> — --- — 7.4Q02587 <br /> NERRASKA�Slnplo Famlly-FemlleMaAlFretlalle Maa 11NIFORM INSTRUMENT Form 3020 1l01 <br /> vn�P� vn��s�Ne��iios� <br /> Wollare I<luwer Flnenclal Servlaee PnOn 6 nF 1 <br />