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<br /> F.BORROWER'S UCCUPANCY.Unle6s Lender�nd l3orrower othcrwiBe��roo in wrian�,tha first
<br />:-='=� sentence in Uniiorm Coven�nt 6 concern�n�Borroaer'e occup�ncy ot the Property is deleted.All remainin�
<br /> r� covennnte and a�reements eet forth in Unitarm Covon�nt 6 eh�U remain in otteot.
<br />- �� (i. ASSI(3NMENT OP L�ASES.Upon Len6er'e request�Borrower ehdl aeei�n to I.ender dl Ieaeoe
<br />.=�=':i' of the Property and a11 securIty deposits en�de in connection wlth lesees of the Proporty. Upon tho
<br /> -:Y,�, asei�c►ment,l.ender ehall have the ri�ht to modity.e�tend or tetminate the exIsttn le�see and to eYecute new
<br /> ;;�:��� leas�,in Lender's sole diecredon..4s ueod in thie p�n�raph�,the Nord"laoe"s�all me�n"subleaso"if the _
<br /> ,a Secudty Instrument ie on�lasehold.
<br /> �=^w{t�' POSSES5ION. BorroHa abaolutely�nd unooadiiionally asslgns tnd trann[ors to I..ender all the rents end
<br />°"'""'•"� revenues("Rents"�ot the Property.cegardlese of to whom the Rents oi the Property are�x yabte. Horroaer
<br /> ---= authorizee Lender or L,cnder's a�enss to oollect the Rente,ind�grees tlut each tenantof the Ptopecty ehall pay
<br /> --= the Rents to Lendar or Lender's t�etus.However,BorroNer e}ull receive the Rente until(i)Lender tus�iven
<br /> — Borrowcr notice af deisult purswnt to par� ph 21 of the Secudty Instru�nent aad(ii)Lender h�e pven
<br /> -� aotice to the tenant(s)thet the Rente aro to�paid to Lcader or Lender'8 4 ant.Tbis�ssignment of Rmte
<br /> '" _� cansdtuusaaabeoluteasei�ameatendnotu►�asIgnmentforaddidonal8ecu�tyonly.
<br /> — If Lender gives notice of breach w Borrower. (i) all Rcnte recaived by Borrower ehall be held by
<br />- --�= Borrowor ea truatoe for the benefit of L.ender only, to be t lied to the sums eecurod by the Secudty
<br /> Instrumeat;�ii)L.endor eh�ll be entltlod to collect and receive a�oi the Reats oi tho Pro �4iii)Borrower
<br /> v-� agrees that each unant of the Propsrty ehall pay ell Rents due and unpdd to I.ender or�e agente upoa
<br /> L,ender'a written domand to the tenent;(iv)unless applicable lsw�rovldes ntherwieo,d!Reate collocted by
<br /> - Leader or L.ender's egente she�ll be applied first to the coete of taking contcol ot sad maaaging the Pra
<br /> and collecting tho Reats,includiag,but not limited to,attomeye'fae.t�eoe�ver's feee,premiuma on ver's
<br /> �-- bonds, repeir ead maintenance coete, insurancepremiume,ta=ea, esBeasmente and otha chugee oa the
<br /> - Property,sad thon to the sums eecurod by the Security Instrumeat; �v) I,audar,Lender'e ��ente or anY
<br /> jodiclally appointed roceiver eh�ll be liablo to acconnt for oaly thoee Rente aotually recoived;sad(vi)Loader
<br /> ehall be entitlod to have a receiver appointed w teke po�ion oi and mane�e the Property aAd colleet the
<br /> � Rente aad proiita derived from the Properry wiihoui suy tlLo�iv�,�:�,ihs iiad�c3'af L1sa Pro�a°
<br /> ' security.
<br /> --_ . If the Rents oi the Property ara not aufficiaat to covor the costa of taking control of and muug�ag the
<br /> � Property and oi collectiag the Rxnts any funds expendr,d bq I,ender for such�pv ehall becomo
<br /> - tndebtednoes of Borrower to I,ender sncured by the Security Inem�ment pureuant to U ' orm Coventat 7.
<br /> ,; Borrower i�epeesenta end wameats that Bonower h�s not executed any prIor asel�nment of the Rente and
<br /> � hes aot and will not pertorm any act thit�vould prevent Leader fmm exeraislag its rI�l►te unda'thie
<br /> ` �caph
<br /> - �I,ender,or Londer'e•�geate oc a judioially eppointod s+eceiver,sball aot be required to enter upon,take
<br /> control o!or maintaia the Prop�ty before or after gtving notice of default to Borrower.Ho�ravor.I.eadet�or
<br /> � L,eader's ageats or a 3udlcially appointed receivor, msy do so st any timo Nhen a detault occure. Any
<br /> : a �lication of RenAa sfiell not curo or waive aay detault or invalldate aay oth�r ri�ht or retnedy oi Leader.
<br /> �lue �esignmoat of Rente o! th� Property shall terminate when dl tho sums exured by tho Securtty
<br /> t Inetrumont ue paid in tull.
<br /> .i I. CROSS-DEFAULT PROVISION.Borrower's dofmlt or breach under eny noto or��reemeat in
<br /> � Nhich Lender hea u►interest eh�ll be a breach under tha Seaudty Inatrument and Lender may iavoke�ay of
<br /> the remedtes permitted by the Socurity Instrument.
<br /> BY SIGNING BBLOW,Borrower accepts and agceea w the urms and provielons oontained ta thie 1 4
<br /> Family Rider.
<br /> . �� r� ��� =� (Seal)
<br /> �--
<br /> � �� T - rtow�er j� ]gq� -Borrow�r
<br /> ' (Seal) (Seal)
<br /> — • -Aor�ower •�orrow�r
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