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<br /> , 1-4 �AMIL'� RIDER r
<br /> Assignment of Rents �d ie
<br /> THIS 1-4 FAMILY RIDBR ie m�de thia � dsy oi p�,•l� � 1997 �
<br /> incorporated inw and etull be deennod to�mend�nd eupplemcnt tGe I�ortga�e,Deed of Truet or Security
<br /> Deed (the"Securtty InatromonY)oi tho eame date�ivan by the undereigned (the"Borrow�r")to seaure
<br /> AnrroMer'e Nuu to
<br /> m1l.�'.I�L ?�1L� �TI�I
<br /> �LtIG�L.CAdOf��
<br /> ot the s�me date�uid ooverinQ the PropertY deecrlbed tn tho Socurity Instrument and located a�
<br /> a13-�35 BIAQIM FIf�11D. Ci�1tD ISLi�D• li 68801
<br /> (Prop�rt�Addru�l
<br /> 1-4 PAMILY COVEN,ANTS. Ia addttton to tho oovenaats arid sgroemeate msde in tho Socurity
<br /> Inetrument,Horrower and Lender turthercovenaatand agreeae followe:
<br /> the Property describod ia the Secucity Inetrument,the followtn�iuma�re s�ded to the Property deecdPtion,
<br /> aad stull deo conatitutothe Yropa'ty covarod by the Security Iastrumen�buIldin�materiele.appliaaas aad
<br /> �oode oi every nature whateoover noN or heraftet located in, on, or veed,or Iateaded to 1�e ueed ia
<br /> connection wtth the PropoRy. iacluding, but not limited to, thoeo for the purpoBed of supplyiag or
<br /> - disiribuii���ttag��lin;�s2�tris��;.�.•vater,air aad light.firo Omvention ead ertin�utshinQapp�ratue�
<br /> eecurity and secees wntrol appantus,Plumbit�.b�th tube,Nater heatere��vatat cloeete,eln�.ran�ee.erovoe,
<br /> reiri�erators.diehw�ahers.dispos�ls���shere.drYere�aNaia�s.etorm windoMe.etorm doore�ecreene.blinde,
<br /> sh�dee�curteins md curtain rods��ttached:nirrote�caainete,panellin�and ttta�ched tlaorcovartnp tww or
<br /> herd�iter ittached w tho Propercy.all of Nhich� includin�replicomeata md t�cWitioAe thereW� �lull be
<br /> deemed to be u�d remda i pert of the FropertY ooverad by the Socurity Iastcumeat.All of tbe fonQoit�
<br /> Itu rumant ie oaes lease�d�nferted to�thie 1 4 Fun�ily Rider andithe SacudtY Instrument�s th ,
<br /> "Propecty."
<br /> H.USE OF PROPERTY;COMPLIANCE WITH LAW.Borrowor shdl not eeek,ag�ee to or make
<br /> a chaage ia the uee of th�PropertY or ite zoning cleaeiticatton.unlese Lender h�e i�reed in writin�to tWo
<br /> chsa�e.Borrower shall comply Mitli all laws,ordinanoes,regulationa�nd requIrements ot wy�overnmeat�l
<br /> , body�pplicable to the Ptopecty.
<br /> C. SUBORDINATE LIENS.E:cept espermitted by fodenl law.BonroMer shsU not sllow any lien
<br /> ° infartor to tho Security Instrument to be perfectod against the Property wltYout Lander's prIor�citten
<br /> ' permiesion.
<br /> D.RENT LUSS INSUItANCE.Borrowa sheil mniateia lnsuranca igainst rent loes in addltioa�o the
<br /> otherhaurda tor ahich insurana ia required by Uniform Covenaat 5.
<br /> E."HOAROW ER'S RI(3HT TO REINSTATB"DELETED.Unitorm Covemnt 18 xe delated.
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