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<br /> r 1 b. 8orrower'�Capy�. Borrower ehnll t+e given�no conformod copy of the Nato end oi this Securlty Inetrumont.
<br /> 17. Tnnetor at'he Propert or a Benefici�l Intorest in Anrrawer. It all or eny part of the Propecty or any
<br /> intarest in it in�Id c: treneferre>d�nr if a beneficiel interest in Borrower is eold or tcansterred end Barrower ie not e �
<br /> �� � � n�tural poreon)w�thout I.ander's p or writton consent,I.ender may,at ita option.require immediate payment In full nf
<br /> � M��,,,,,,;. ell sums eocurod by thie Secucity Inetrument. Howevar,thie optian shall not be exercised by I.ender if exercIse ie
<br /> pmhiblted by tedcrd law�s af the dete ot thie Socurlty Inetrurnent. �
<br />-;��""""'� I[I.ender exercisets this optton,Lender ehell glve Borrower notice of ecreleratios�.The nottce ehall provide e period _
<br /> of not lesa than 30 dtye !rom tha dete tho notice le deliverod or mailed wlthin whlch Borrower must pay ell sume secured -
<br /> by this Security Inatn�rnent.It Aoaowor teils to pay these eurne prior to the expiredon oi thie pertod,Lender msy invoke -
<br /> any romediaq permitted by thie Security Inatrument without further notice or demand on Aorroaer. _
<br /> 18. Borrower'e Ri=ht to Reia�t�te.I!Bonower moota certain condltione,I3orrower shell havo the rIght to ha��o
<br /> � eniorcement ot thia Security Instrumant dlscontlnued st eny time prtor ta the earlier ot:(a)S days(or such other perIod
<br /> es app1[cabl� I�w rn�y spoeify tor reinstatement)ba{ore ede ot the Praporty Pursuant to anypower of eale containod in
<br /> ` thie Securit Inauument;or (b) entry of n judgment entorcing thie 5ecunty Inetrument.Those condItions are that
<br /> aorrower. �s)pays I.ender all sume which then would bo due under thie Security Instrument and the Note as it no
<br /> � acceteratIon h�d occurred;(b)cures any default of eny other coven�nta or sgreementa;(c)peys all expenses incunbd in
<br /> eniorcing thie Secudty Inatrument,including,but not lirnitod to,reasonable ettorneys'tees�ind(d)takee such actlon�s
<br /> � Lcnder m�y raconably roquIro to aasute thet the lien of this Security Instrument,Lendor s rIghts in the Property und _
<br /> Borrower's obl�igation to piy the sums eecurod by this Security Instrumont ehall continue unch4nged.Upon reinetatemeat
<br /> by Borr+ower.this Security Instrumentuid the obligadonsexurod hereby shall remain fully efteotive as if no accoleradon
<br /> hnd occurred.However.tfiis right to ninstateshall not apply in the cese of ncceleretion under pnragraph 17,
<br /> 19.Sale oi Note; Chanje oi Loia Sorvicer.The Note or a partial interest in the Note(togAthcr with thia Security
<br /> Inetrurrient) mny ixeoldone or more times without prinrnotice to Bonower.A eale may result in a change tn theentity
<br /> (known ae the"Laan Servicer') that callecta monthly paymenta due under tho Note and thie Socurity Instrument.There
<br /> ,� also may be one or mon chenges of the Loan Servicer unrel�tod to a sale oi the Note.�f there is t chaage of the Loan
<br /> Servicer,Borrower will be given written notice of the change� in accordance with paregraph� 14 above ttnd eppl�esble tsw.
<br /> The notice will statothe n�me nnd address of the new Loan 5ervicer and the addrese to which payments ehould be msde.
<br /> The notice will also contain any other informat:on roquired by epplicnble law.
<br /> • 20.H�z�rdoo�S ubataaces.Bonower shall not caus�orpermit the presence�use.disposal,storage,or release of
<br />� � any Hazardova Substences on or ia the Property.$orrower shell not do.nor allow aslyone elso to Jo.anything affectiag
<br /> tha Pr��ciy LhsL ia in violatian af any Envtronsnentl T.�w, 'Thr_.�recedinq two sentencea ehall not apply to the presenco,
<br />_�' use, or swrago on the Property of small quantitles ot Hazardous Su�etances that ere generally recognized to be
<br /> � approp riate to nosmd residentiel uses end to maintenanceuf tho Property..
<br /> '�'�:' � Borrower shall promptly give Londer written notico of any investigat�on,claim,dcmand,lawsuit or other actioa by
<br />�'`"��'`�" •' any governrnental or regulatory agoncy or private pany involvIng the Property end eny Hazerdous SubeGince or
<br />- ' � Environmenul Law of which Borrowor hes aotual knowl�dge.If Borrowor learna,or is notifted by any governmental or
<br />�� regulatory authority, thit sny removal or other remedietion of any Haurdous Subetaace affecting the Ptoperty is
<br />�°,.�`;':..'..� �� neceseary,Borrow�rshall promptl�take all nec�ssary rernedial actiono in nccordanco wtth Environmental Law.
<br /> --`"`•`Y As used in thisparagraph 20, Hazardous Subetancea'are those subste:►ces defined as w�ic or hazerdous substancae
<br /> � " •� by Environrneatal Lnw end th�following aubstances:gasoline,kerosene,other ilammable or toxia petroleum producte,
<br />"='���� " � �` � to�ic �icides aad habicides. volatile solvents, materisls containing esbestos or formeldehyde, and radiorctive
<br />=�" ' '�� maunals.As used in thie psngraph 20,"Environmental I.sw"meana f e derel laws and laas oi the jurisdiction whete the
<br />=����`�'�,�..�� " ' Property is locntedthat telnteto health,safety or environmentel protection.
<br />-'"'°"""J' NON-UNIFORM COVBIJANTS.Borcowcr and Lendor further covenant and agiroo as follows:
<br /> ��..,
<br />��s:� 21. Acceleratioa;Itemodios. Lender ah�ll =�ve notice to Bonower prior to �cceleratioa followin=
<br />_..�r�,;;~� Borrower's breach of�ay covenaat or a�reement In thie Security Instrumeat(but not prjor to aeceleration
<br />— �: uader pua�r�ph 17 ualess�pplicable law providea otherwlso).Tbe aottce sh�ll epecity:(a)the deitult;(b)the
<br />�'��;,�::; actioa required to cure tbe default; (c) s date, not lesa thaa 30 dsye �rom the date tho aotiro is =iven to
<br />__•_:.;�,;,n.. Borrower. by which the detault,must be cured;aad(d)tlnat failure to cure the default oa or before the dato
<br /> ,;;,,;.� specdied ia the aotice may result ia acceleratioa oi the suma secured by tbis 5ecurlt�Instrumeat aad ealo oi
<br />�;:::�.x.'," , tha Property.Tho notic�ahall further iaform Bonower of the riYht to raiaatate after accoleratioa and the _.
<br />- -_���z:�� rI=ht to briaY a court actioa to assort the non-eYietence ot a default or aay other defenso oi Borrowor to
<br />-�J=-� acceleratioa�nd s�le.If the dofault is aot cured oa or before the d�ta specitied ia tho aotice, Lender� at ite
<br /> ��!'° optioa. may requir� imnnedi�te paymeat in full of all aums secured by thia Security Inatrumeat without
<br />-�'•`'�"`"'� further dern�ad�ad msy iavoke the power of salo aad �ay other remedies pormitted by�pplicable 1aa.
<br />':���'�� � Lend�r ehall be eatitled to collect dl eYpeases iacuned in pursvin=tha remedies provided in this para=rap}e
<br />=���?±;�.,�- 21.iacludint,but not limited to.reasonable attorneys' fees aad costs oi titla evtdeaco.
<br />~'.' F�� If the po�ver oi sale is invoked,Trustea ehall record�aotice oi default in uch county ia whic:fu any part ai _
<br /> , . tho property is located aad shall mail copiea of sach noiica I:�the maanor Qrescribed by applicablo law to
<br /> . ' Borrowor aad to the other persoas prescribed by �ppltcable law. After the tune require d by applicable law.
<br />: " ' Truateo shall�ive public notice of sale to th�personaaad iu the manner ptescribod by applicable la�v.Truatee, —
<br /> �v i t h o u t d o m�n d on Borrower,shall sell the Pro p art y at public auction to the hi Ehest bidder�t the time aad -_
<br /> place and uader the terma designated in the uotice oi s�le in one or more parcels and ia any order Trustee _
<br /> determinas.Truatee may postpoae sale of all or aay p�rcel of the Pxoperty by public aanouncoment�t the �
<br /> time aad pl�ce ot any previously scheduled sale. Leader or its deslgaee a►ay purchase the Proporty at any c
<br /> sal�.
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