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<br /> �� st the option oi Lender, if martgage ineurance covecage (in the emount and [or the perlod that Lender requiros)
<br /> ,�.�? _, provided by nn ineurer approvai by Lender again bacomes available and ie obt�inod.Aorrower ahall pay tho premiume =-
<br /> ' requlred to msintain martgage insurance in effect. or to provlde a lose reserve, unttl the�requiroment for mortgage
<br /> ineurenca enda in accordanco with any writtcn agreernent bets�een Dorror�er and Lender or npplicable lar�. _
<br /> -� 9.Iaspecttoa.I,ender or ite agent may make reasonsblo entriea upon end inspectlone of the Property.I.er►der ehall =
<br /> give Borrowa notico at the time of ar prior W an inapection spxfiying reasonable cause for the iaspection. �
<br /> � 1Q. Coademnation.The procoeds oi any award or cleim for dsmagee,direct or consequential,in cannxtion wlth
<br />_ .� any candemnation or other teking oi eny part o[the Property,or tor conveyance in lleu of condamaatIon,are hereby _
<br /> aseigned end shall be patd to L.ender.
<br /> In the event of a total teking of tho Property, the proceede shell be applied w the suma exurod by thie SecurIty
<br />.�;,�,' ' ' Inetrument,whether or not then due,with any excess peid w Borrower.In the event of a partial taking of the Properry in -
<br /> _:�x.;,�� . which tho tair market value of tho Property immodiately before the teking ia equal to or greater thau the amount of the
<br /> -` suma socured by this Security Inatrument immediately be[ore the teking, ualesa Bonower and Lender othetwise egree
<br />-�;..: .;?=' in wrIting,the sums exured by thie Security Inetrurnent ehall be reduced by the amount of the proceeds multiplied by
<br /> '�� `'�^��+ the following fractian:(a)the totel amount of the sums axured immediately before the tekiag.divided by(b)the fair
<br /> --�:;.�
<br /> -_ �� muket value of the Property immediately befon the taking.Aay balance shnll be paid to$ocmwer. In the eveat of a
<br />-- ��� perttel tekinq of the Propm�ty in which the iair market value of the Pmperty immedIstely befora the taklag is l�se thaa
<br /> °°""��''��� the amount oY the sums sxured immediately betore t�a takin ,unless Bortower and Lender otherwlee• in wdtin
<br /> L��J-� or unleae applicable law otherwIso provides, the pcocaeda ehaYl be applle3 to the sums securod by�tlu's Securlty
<br />.T��� Instrvment whether or not the sume ara then due.
<br /> ";�'��1 If the Property is abandoned by Borrower,or if,after notice by Lender to Borrower that the condemnor oitare to
<br />-.�ti�;-..� miice an awerd or settle a claim for damages. BorroWer faile to nspond to Lender within�0 days aftar tho date the
<br /> :°�� notice ie given,Lender is eutharized to collect sad apply the praceeds.nt ita option,eithor to restoration or npair of the
<br /> = Proporty or to the sume secured by thie Security Instrumoat,whether or not then due.
<br /> w=�a�• Unless L.�ndor and Bornower otherwise agree in writing,any spplication of proceods to principal sh�ll not extend or
<br />-,.s:�:��-;�
<br /> - � postpone the due dato oi the monthly puym�nta retcrred to in paragraphe 1 und 2 or changcs tho emount of euch
<br /> --_=� paymente.
<br /> -`'�' I1. Horrowar Not Rolaased; Forbctraace By Leader IJot a Waiver. Extension oi the tlmo for p�ymeat or
<br /> -"�� modiftcatIon oi amortization oi the suma secured by this Security Ir�strument granted bq Lendcr to any succeaeor in
<br /> = intac+est of Borrower ehall not operate to rolease tlie liability of tho original Borrower or Borrower's eucceaeore in
<br /> --=_� interest.Lender ehall aot be required to commeace proceedings againet aay succeseor in interest or rofuee to ertend
<br /> -� time for payment or otharwise modify amortizarion of the sums aecurod by thie Securlty Inatrumeat by raeoa of any
<br /> demead mede by the original Borrowor or Borrower's succeseors ia interest.Any forbearanco by Lender in e=etclsin�
<br /> -== any right or remedy shcll not ba s waiver of or proclude the exe[dae of uiy right or remedy.
<br /> ------ 12.Succeasore aad Aasi=ns Bound;Joint aad Several Liibility;Co-sI=nera.The covenents tnd egroemeata
<br /> --- of this SacurIty Ynatrumeat eha11 bind and benetit tho succeaeors end essigns oi Leader aad Borroaer,subject to the
<br /> . provisions of puagraph 17.Borrower's covenante and egreemeats shall be joint aad several.My Borrower who co-si�ae
<br /> ttus Security Instrument but does not exocute the Nota: (a) ie co-eigning thia Security Instrumant only to mortga�e,
<br />---�� � graat end convey that Burrower's interest in the Property undor tho t�rms of thie Security Instrument; (b) ie aot
<br /> •� poreonally obligated to pey tha aums secured by thie Security Instrument;and (c) agras thst Lender and any other
<br /> � Bonower may�groe to oxund,modity,forbcsr or rntke any aocommodations with regard W tho torms of this SecurIty
<br /> Iastrumeat or tho Note without that Bonrower's consent.
<br /> � 13. Y.oan Charjes, If the loan eocurod by ttus SecurIty Instrument ie subjxt to a lAw which sete ma�mum loaa
<br /> _ .� chuges, and thst law is finelly int�rpreted eo thet the interest or other loan charges collxted oe to be collocted in
<br /> . connection with the lan excood the permttted ltmite,then: (a)any such loen chsrge shall bo roduced by the amount
<br /> necessery to reduce the charge to the permitted limit; end (b) nay sums already collocted from Borrower which
<br /> �YCeeded permitted limita will be refunded to Borrower. I.endor mey chooae to make ttue refund by reducin�the
<br /> — � principel owed under the Note or by mnking g diroct psyment to Bonower.I�a refund reduces principel,the reduction
<br /> will be treated es a partial prepnyment without any prepayment charga under the Note.
<br /> - 14. Notices.Any notice to Bonower provided for in thie Security Instrument shall be given by deliveria�it or by
<br /> - — . meiling it by first cless mail unlea�applicable law requins use of another method.The notice ehall be diroctod to the
<br /> �- Pmperty Address or any other addtess Borrower d�signatea by notice to Loader.Any notice to Lender shall bo�iven by
<br /> -_--._�� fitst class mnil to Lender's addtess etated heran or any other tddress I.ender designates by notice to Bomower.Any
<br /> _;_.-�;�;� , notice providcd for in this Security Inetrument ehall be deemed to have been given to Borrower or Lendet when gtven
<br />___ - , ae provided in this paregraph.
<br />_ ='-t�- � 13. Goverain:I,aw;Severability.Th'ss Securiry Instrum�ntshnll be govetned by federal law and the law of the
<br />:_`.r� -,:�t
<br /> �.-.�:��., jurisdiotinn in which the Property is located.In the event that any provieion or clause oi thie Security Insttunieat or the
<br />_3:��"�� .. t Note conilicte with applicable lew,such conilict shall not affectother provieions of this Sxurity Instrument or the Note
<br /> - ' which can be givon eftxt withaut the conilicting provision.To thie end the provisions of this Security Insttument and
<br /> ' tho Note aro declared to be severable.
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