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� �012��73� <br />sums exp�ded for such protecaion� exclusiva of the advances of the priucipal indebtedness, st�a�l <br />be added to the priatcipal indebtedness, a�td secured by the Security Instrument a�d be due and <br />payable on demand with intexest as set out in. the Note. <br />C. Yf �orrower fails to perfoim any obligation under the 1oa»., including ihe coznmencement, <br />progress and completion provasio�ns of the Rehabil�tation Loan Agr�ent, and such failure <br />comcinues for a period of 30 days, the loan shail, at the opdon of Lender, be in de�ault. <br />D. The P�roperty covered by tbis Securiry InsMtment shall include aU of Bosower's i�tere,�t in <br />fimds held by Lender in ese�row under the Rehab�ili't[ation Loan Agree�ment. <br />BY SIGNING BELOW, Bonower accepts and agrees to the terms and covanants contained an. this <br />RehabilitaCion Loan Rid�r, <br />(Seal) <br />- Boaower <br />(Seal) <br />Bonroaer <br />(Sea1) <br />T�tAVIS S�LATTBR'OESSER -aorrow�r <br />) <br />ASBL�,'Y SPLATTSTOEB ER -BOrc�wcr <br />(Seal) <br />- Borrowor <br />(Seal) <br />- 9orrower <br />(Sea�) (Seal) <br />-BoC10Wer -BomlwO! <br />�p�5ssu rs�o5� P� 2 of a <br />