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tiQ�2Q�73� <br />RE�ABILITAT�ON LOAN RIDER <br />FFIA Case No. <br />321-3182649 702 <br />THIS �HABILITATION LOAN RIDEZL is made ttus 16x� day of ocxoB�. , <br />2012 , and is incox�orated into and shall be deem�al to amend and supplemen� ihe Mortg3ge, <br />Deed o� xrus[ or Security Deed ("Secutity Insuument") of the same date given by the undersigned <br />� to s�ure �4or�co�ver's Note ( ��NOtC ° � SO WELLS FA&GO BANR� �T�A. <br />("Lender") of the same date 2uad covering the Property descxibed in the Security Instrument amd located aC: <br />4233 KA.Y AVE, GRp,ND ISI�,qbID, NE 68803 <br />[Pimperty Add[ess] <br />ADDITYON,�. COVENANTS. Ta addition to the covenanis a�d agreements in the Securi�y <br />Ins�u�nent, Borrower and �,endex fiuther covenant aad agree as follows: <br />A, Loan proceeds are to be advanced for the pre�ses in accordance with tl�e Rehabilitation Loazi <br />Agreemen� dated ���,�},_,,, (�� � �� , beCween Borrower aad �.ender. This <br />agreemant is incorporated�y re�'erence and �aade a part of this Secuz�ry Inshument. No advances <br />shall be made unless approved b� the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development or a Direct <br />Endorsement Underwriter. <br />B. 1� the rehabilitatioa is not properly completed, performed with reasonable dilig�,nce, or ic <br />disconcinued at any time exc�pt for strikes or lockouts, the Lender is vested with fu11 aurhoriry <br />to take ct1�e necessary steps to protect the reb�abilitation improve�uents and propetty fiom harm, <br />eontinue existing eontracts or enter i�oico necessazy contraets to compleee Che rahabilitation, A,11 <br />�HA Mu�Rissfate ReLab➢L't�aon Low► Rider -10/95 <br />��588U (9705) <br />Page 7 of 2 Initials: � <br />VMP MOqTGAGE FORMS - (9001821-7291 <br />