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<br />--�-�y: l7.7'runsfcr ut thc Nroperty o�ncticlul lntcr��+t In B��rrowcr. If uU ar un�rt uf thc rc � t u un ntcrcyt in t
<br /> is sold ar trT nrf writ ci�cinisc�tn�l.c��dcr�muY� ut BsTUpt�n�yrcquirc in�medintc puyn�trc'wefull �oftall�isuni' pccurcd by'tl is �
<br />,;":c� l.cnd
<br />��r�� Security Intitr►unent. Huwever,this uptian tiliull not be exercised hy Lender if exerci�c is prohihited by fcaerul luw us i�f thr date
<br /> .�� nf ihis Sc�urity (ustrumei►t. —'
<br /> — If l.ender exercitics thiti uptiun. Lender+hiiU giv�Aurrua�er noticc nf urcelerati�m. The nutice shull provide ii periud of not �
<br /> ----� l�ss�ht°I ititrdui,yentr�f�Ra�rrowcr fuils�a�ipayi these su►m prinr to he eixpirut n uFShisrpwi��d��Len�cr may�u voke any rcniedies
<br /> Sc�u y
<br />._r.;r permitted by this Sec:.��y Instrument without farther nntice or demund on orrawer.
<br />' k`� enfor eme��f�twi.ti 5e ar�'�'tyt In tru�nc it discontiAnucd at uny timecprior to the�leurtiera f:r OCS duys(or yucheother�tperiod as
<br /> _�R+ � y y � Y wcr of sulc contuinal in thls
<br /> »s� applir.iblc luw mu ��ecif for reinstutement) before u►la uf' the Pro rt punuunt to uny pn
<br /> " ` Security Instrument;cr(D)entry of u judgment enfurcing this Security lnstrument. Those condidons are that Borrower: (a)pays
<br /> l.endcr ull sums which then would bc due under this Sccurity InytA�ex� nsesthncuaedin�enfor�ng�th's�Secunty Ins n►ment�
<br />:;�:;y��, cures any default of uny ather covenunts or ugreements; (c) puy� P�
<br />�°:`� including, but not limited to,reusonuble uttarney.s' fees; und(d)tukes such action as I.ender may reasonably require to a�esure
<br /> thut thc lien of this Security instrument,Lcnder's��ights in p rci„°Pa ememd by Barrowc b'th s Sccu pty Instrument und he
<br /> -- this Security Instrument shall continue unchanged. Upo
<br /> obligutions secured hereby shall mmain fully effective as if no uccelerntion had occurrcd. However,this right to reinstate shall
<br /> ---� not apply in the cnse of ijcceler�tion under parc�gruph 17. _
<br /> 19. SAIe of Nate; Change of l.oan Serv[cer. 'l'he Nate or a puitial intemst in the Nute (t�gether with this Securtty
<br /> - ns themLoan Serv cer�athat col ectsemonthly�p1yment sdue ander ht Note and thi.s Security Instrumentn There ulso m y(be une
<br /> .� �iven w itten noticesof t h e hnnge in accorda n ce�with puragraph l4 nbcwe and�upplicuble IawlhThe noa e i l l sa ert h e n n m e a n d
<br /> ._�:� s
<br /> address of the new Lo:ui Servicer a n d t h e u d d r e s s t o w h i c h p u y m e n t s s h o uld be made.The notice will also contain any other
<br /> information required by applicable law.
<br /> -- 20. Hazardous Substances. Bonowcr shall not cause or permit thc presence, use, disposal, storngc, or release o any
<br /> � HazArdous Substances on or in the Property. Borrowcr xhull not dci, nor allow unyone else to do. an thing affecting the
<br /> Property that is in vialntion of 1an u�t ties of Hazu d us Sub panc�ithat are genera��Y ecognized toybe nppropnat cto norcnal
<br /> storage on the Praperty of smu l q
<br /> residential uses and to maintenance of the Property.
<br /> p,a�,;.�r�►,„,�� FTn�„rtiy eive Lsnder wntten notice of nny investigation,claim,demand, lawsuit or other action yany
<br /> governmental or mgulatory agency or private party invotving tae�ropeny u�►S«ny 1I��rn�e t I`or regulatory au hori A.thut
<br /> of wh[ch Borrower hus actual knowledge.If Bottower learns. or is notified by any g
<br /> . uny removal or other remedintion of any Hazardous Substance affecting the Property�s necessary.Borrower shull prompt y take
<br /> , aU necesslry remedtal actions in accordance with Environmental Law.
<br /> As used in this paragrnPh 20, "H�zardous Substances" are those substances defined as toxic or hozardous substances by
<br /> • En ticidc and h b cides,olst'le solvents,mat rials containingk Sbc tos�or foermaldehyde1eand radioactive�ma e alsa Assused in
<br /> hs parngraph 20. "Environmental Luw" means federal laws and laws of the jurisdiction where the Property is located that
<br /> "—' relate to health,sufety or environmental protection.
<br /> NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS.Borcower and I.ender further cavenant and agree as follows:
<br /> 21.Acceleratian;Remedies. Lender shall give notice to Borrower prtor to accelerat[on following Borrower's breaeh
<br /> of any covenant ar asreement in this Security Instrument (but not prior to aaelerat[on under paragraph 17 unless
<br /> applicable law provides otherwise).The notice shall specify: (a)the default; (b)the action required to cure the default;
<br /> ' (c) a date, not IGSS than 30 days from the daforehthe dateis�tV fted [n the noticey sy r�j�j�efa�l ration o4 the su s
<br /> (d) that failure to cure the default on or be P�
<br /> secured by this Security Instrument and sale of the Property. The not[ce shall further inform Burro�a'er ot the right to
<br /> reinstAte aftcr acceleratton inration andt saleb If the defauit is ot cured on ornbefore the date specifred in the nott er
<br /> defense of Borrower to acce e
<br /> Lender, st its option,may requim immediate payment in full of all sums secured by this ��uble Iaw.tI.ender hall be
<br /> fuMher demand and may invoke the power of sale and any other remedies perm�tted bY aPP
<br /> ent[tled to collect all expenses tncurred in pursuing the remedies provtded in this puragreph 21,including,but not limtted
<br /> to,reasonable attorneys'fees and costs of title ev[dence. rt of the
<br /> If the power of sale is tnvoked, Trustee shall record a notice of default in each c�in�ty�e�w�Bo��r and to
<br /> pruperty is lacuted and shall mail coptes of such notice in the manner prescribed by app b
<br /> the other persons prescribed by applteable law.Atter the timtcs�ble Inw. Trustee,�wiN�out dem nd on�Bo�rrowerb shall sell
<br /> of sale to the per�sons und in the manner prescribed by app
<br /> - �be praperty at publtc uuction to the highest bidder at the time and place and undestthne sale of all�or»y parcel tof the
<br /> sale in one or mom parcels end in any order Tr�.stee determines. Trustee may po iw
<br /> _==- Property by public announcement at the time und place of nny previously scheduled�sale.Lender or its designee may
<br /> — purchase the Propertv at uny sale.
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