<br /> 20_ Sale of Note; Changa of toan Servicer; t�totice of Crievance. The Note or a partial inierest in the Note
<br /> (together with this Securiiy InstrL�ent) can be sold one or more times withoue grior notice to Sorrower.A sale
<br /> might result in a change in the entity (lmown as the "Loarz Servicer') that eoliects Periadic Paymenis dve under
<br /> the Note and this Sec�uity Instnmment and performs other mortgage loan servicing obligations under the Note,
<br /> this Security Ins�ument, and Applicabie Law_ 'There also might be one or more changes of the Loan Servicer
<br /> �mrelaied to a saFe of the Note. If there is a change of the Loan Servicer,Borrower will be given tivritten notice of
<br /> the change which wilI state the name and address of the new Loan Servicer,the address to which payments
<br /> should be made and any other unformation RESPA requires in wnnection with x notice of transfer of servicing. If
<br /> the Noie is sold and thereafter the Loau is serviced by a Loan Servicer other thar�the purchaser of tbe Note,Yhe
<br /> mortgage loan servicing obligatians to Borrower will remain with tlae Loan Servicer or be trausferred to a
<br /> successor Loan Servicer and aze not assimmed by the Note purchaser w�less otherwise provided by the Note
<br /> purchaser.
<br /> Neithet Sozrower nor Lender may co�mnence,join, or be joined fa any judiciai action (as either an inc3ividual
<br /> Iitigant or the member of a class} that arises from the other parly's actions puisuant Yo Yhis Security Ia,strument or
<br /> that aIleges that the other p�Ly bas breached any pro�7sion of,or any duty owed by neason of,this 3eccsity
<br /> Instruinent, �ril such Borrower or Lender has notified the other party (��vith such notice given in compl9ance
<br /> with the requirements of Section 15) of such alleged breach and afforded the other paziy hereto a reasonable
<br /> period after the giving oE such notice Yo take corrective action. If AppHcable Law provides a time period which
<br /> must elapse before certain action can be taken, ti�at timeperiod wili be deemed to be reasonabie forpurposes of
<br /> this paragraph The notice of acceleration and opportunity to ctu�e given to Borrower pursuant to Section 22 and
<br /> the notice of acceleration given to Borrower pursuant io Section 18 stiall be deemed to satisfy the notice and
<br /> opportunity to take comective action pmro-isions of this Section 20.
<br /> 29. Hazardous Subs4anees. As used in this Section 21: (a) Hazardous Svbsr�ces" are those substances
<br /> defined as ta�cic or hazardous substances, poIIutanEs, or wastes by Environmentai Law and tlie following
<br /> substances: gasoline, kerosene, other flammable ar toa€ic petroleum groducts, toxic pesticides and herbicides,
<br /> volatile solvents, materials containing asbestos or formaldehyde, an@ radioactive materials;(b) "E'm�ironmental
<br /> Law" means fedezal laws and laws of the jtuisdiction where the Property is located that relaie to heaith, safety or
<br /> envirormtentat proYection; (c) `Envirorunental Cleam�p" includes any respoase acEion, remedial action, or
<br /> reznoval action, as de£ined in Bnvironmentat Law,and(d)azi "Errviromnental Condition" means x wndition tt�at
<br /> cxa cause, contribute to,or otharc��se trigger an Em�ironmental Cleanup.
<br /> Borrower shall not cause or permit the presence, use, disposal, siorage, or reIease of any Hazardous Substances,
<br /> or threaten to reIease any Hazardous Substances, on or in the Progerry. Bozrower s3�aIl not do,nor allaw auyone
<br /> eise to do, azeything affecting the ProperEy (a)tha#is in violation of atn• Em=ironmental Law,(b)which creates an
<br /> Enviroumental Condition, 4r(c)which, due to the presence, use, or release of a E3azardous Substance, creates a
<br /> condition that adverselp affects the value of the Property. The preceding two sentences shall not apply to the
<br /> presence, use, or storage on the Property of smali quantities of Ilazardous Substances that are generalty
<br /> recognized to be appropriate to normal resideniiai uses and to maiatenance of ffie Properly (inctuding, but not
<br /> limited to,hazardous substances in consuzner products}.
<br /> Borrower shall promptly give Lender written notice of(a) any investigation, claim,demaad, laK�suit or other
<br /> action by any governmental or regulatory agency or private party invoIving the Property and any Hazardous
<br /> Substance or Enviroumental Law of which Borrower has actual laiowledge, (b)any Envisonmental Condition,
<br /> inciuding but not limited to, any spiliing, Ieaking, discharge, release or tlueat of release o€auy Hazardous
<br /> Substance, and (c) xny condition caused by the presence, use or release of a Hazardous Sul�stance which
<br /> adversely affects the value of the Properey_ If Borro��er learns, or is notified by auy go�ernmental ar regulatory
<br /> authority, or any private party, that azry removal or other remediation of a�•Hazardous Substance affecting the
<br /> Property is necessary, Borrower s]�a11 promptly take all necessary remedial actions in accordance with
<br /> Environmenfal Law.Nothing herein shall create any obtigation on Lender for an Environmental Cleanup_
<br /> NEBRASKA-Sirgie Fartct�Fannie MaeJPreddie Mac llNIFORM INSfFtUMENT Fortn 3028 il0t
<br /> � vr.�e vraaSM� (»os}.00
<br /> WoRers Kiwrcr Finanval^ueiviws Page'12 oi 7S
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