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201208675 <br /> 46. Governing Law; Severabi[ity; Rules of Construetion. This 9ecurity Instiz�ment shall be governed by <br /> federal law and the law of the jurisdicflon in which the Property is Iocated All rights and obligations contained in <br /> this Security Tnstrument are subject to auy rec�remerns and limitations of Applicable Law. Applicable Law <br /> miglit expliciUy or implicifly allow the parties to agree by contract or it might be silent,but such silence shall not <br /> be construed as a prohibilion against agreement by contract in tbe event that any provision or clause of ihis <br /> 5ecurity Insuument or the Note conflicts tit�i#h Applicable Law,sach conflict shall not affect ofher provisions of <br /> this Seeurit3� instr�ent or the Note which can be given effect without the conflicting provision. <br /> As used in this Security Tnsuzzment: (a)words af the masculiue gender shall mean and include correspoading <br /> neuter words or words of the fe*+��n+ne gender, (b?words in the singular shall mean and include the pitsal and <br /> vice versa; and(c)the word"may" gives sole discretion without any obligation to take any action. <br /> i7. Borrower's Copy. Borrower shall be given one copy of the Note and of this 5ecurity Izzstniment. <br /> 78. Transfer of the Proparty or a Bene�icial Interest in Borrower. As used intlus Section 18;"Inierest in <br /> t}ze ProperLy" means any iegal or beneficia2 interest in the Property, including, but not limited to,those beneficial <br /> iuterests �-ansferred in a bond for deed, coirtract for deed, insiallment sales contract or escrow agreement, the <br /> intent o€which is the transfer o£titte by k3orrower at a future daze to a purchaser. <br /> If all or any part of the Properfy or any Interest in th� Property is sold or transFerred (or if Bornower is not a <br /> nariaal person and a beneficial interest in Bonower is soId or transfened) withou[Lender's prior writteu consent, <br /> Lender may require immediate payment in full of all sums secured try this Security Tnsfrument. However, ihis <br /> option shaII not be exercised i��Lender if such exercise is prohibited by Agplicable Law. <br /> If Lendar exercises this option, Lender shall give Borrower notice of acceleration_ The noace shall pro��ide a <br /> period of not less than 30 days &om the date the notice is gi�en in accordance with Section IS within which <br /> Borrower must pay all sums secured by this Securify Tnsiniment_ If Bonrowez£ails to pay these sums prior to The <br /> e�iration of ihis period, Leader mag im�oka any remedies pezxnitted by tlus Securiiy Tnstrument without further <br /> notice or demand on Borrower_ <br /> 19. Borrower's Right to Reinstate After Aceeleration. If Borrower meeLs certain conditions, Borrower shai7 <br /> 1�ave the righi to have enforcement af this Security Ins�ument discontinued at any time prior to the eartiest of. <br /> (a) .�ive days befoie sale of the Property pursuant to any gower of sale contained in this Securixy Instrument; (b) <br /> such other period as Applicable Law might specify for the termination pf Horrower's right to reinstate; or(c) <br /> eatry of a judgment enforcing tizis Security Instnsnent. Those condittions are that Bozrower:(a)pays Lender all <br /> s�mms whzch tb.en would be dne under this Security Instrument and the Note xs if no acceleration had occurred; <br /> (b) cures any default of any other covenants or agreements; (o} pays all expenses incurred ia enforcing this <br /> Sectsity Instrument, including, but not limited to,reasonable attorneys' fees, property inspection and valuauon <br /> fees, and ofher fees incurred for the purpose of pmtecting Lender's interest in the Property and rigtrts vnder this <br /> Security Insuumen� and (d)takes such acrion as Lender may reasonably rern,;re to assure that Lender's interest <br /> in the Property and rights under this Security Instrumern, and Barrotuer's obligation to pay the suais secured by <br /> this Security Tnstniment, shall contirrue unchanged Lender may recgiire that Borrower pay such reinstatement <br /> sums and expenses in one or more of the fol[owing forms,as sekected by Lender: (a)cash; (b)money anier, (c) <br /> certified check, bank check, treasurer's check oz cashier's check, provided a� such check is drawn upon an <br /> institution whose deposiGs are ins�ecl by a federal agency, in�,,,mentality or entity; or(d)Electronic Funds <br /> Transfer. Upon reinstatement by $asower,f.his Security Insixument and obligations seciued hezeby shatl remain <br /> fully effecYive as if no acceleration had occurred. Hov�ever, this right to reinstate shall not apply in the case of <br /> acceleration under Section 18. <br /> NEBRASI(A�3ingle Fam�ly�Fannie Mee/fred�lle Mac UNIFORM INS�RUMENT Fertn 3Q2B 17(Fi <br /> VMP 0 VMP6(�SEJ (t10�.00 <br /> Wollers HIuwer financial^r,eivices Page 11 of15 <br /> I I�II II�I�III I�I���I�I�II��lllll I�II Dii IIIII II�I�I� <br />
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