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<br /> ��;,�, G.ASSIGNMENT OF LEA3ES. Upon Lcndcr's rcqucst,Borrawer shall assign to L.cndcr all lcascs of thc �_v
<br /> �,�,,,,,,,� Property and aU socudry dcposits medc in connection with Icases of thc Property. Upon thc assignmcnt,Lcndcr :.n_-
<br /> shall 6avc tha right to modify,cxtend or terminatc the existing lcas��and to executc ncw lcases,in Lcndcr's solc ;��`�=-
<br /> discrcdon. As used in this psuagraph C3.thc word"Ic�ssc"shall mcar► "sublcasc" if thc Securlry Instrument is on a ;t y_
<br /> ' Icasehold. `.- -—
<br /> � Borrowu absoluuly and uncondidonally asstgns and rraensfers to I.endcr all the rents and revenues("Rents")of the __
<br /> �: Property, regardless of to whom the Rents of the Property arc payable.Bomowcr suthorizcs I.ender or Lcnder's :_._
<br /> agents to coAoct tha Rents.and agreac that each tenent of the Property shall pay thc Rents to Lender or I.ender's _
<br /> agents.However,Borrower shall recelve the R�nts un�l(1)Lender has given Borrower nodce of default pursuant w ___
<br /> ,. •� paragraph 21 of the Securlty Instrument and(ii)Lender has given notice to the tenent(s)thet the Rents are eo be ,,:;-�:
<br /> . paid to Lutder or Lender's agen�. 'I7�is assignment of Rcnts consHwtes an absolute assignment and not an �' -
<br /> �:•.:._.
<br /> . assignment for additional se�uriry only. '..
<br /> �. If Lender gives nodce of breach to Borrower.(7 all Rents received by Borrower shall be held by Sorrower as .
<br /> � irustec for the benefit of Lender only,w be applicd to ihe sums secured by the Securlty Instrument;(li)L.ender shaU •.
<br /> �� be entitlW to colkct and receive uU af ihe ltents of tho Praperty+: (iii) Borrower agrees thac each tenant of the _
<br /> Property shaU pay all Rents due auid unpaid to Lender or Lender's agents upon I.ender's writt.en demand to the -_
<br /> tenant;(iv) unless npplicable law �xovides otherwise,a1l Rents collected by LendGr ar Lender's agents aball be =-.
<br /> ; ' appUed fust to ihe cr,sis of taldng control of and maneging the Prope.rty and collecting the Rents,including,but not rs;
<br /> •,,;��.�� limited to,auomeys' fus,receiver's fees,premiums on receiver's bonds,repair and maintenance casts. Insurance
<br /> ,;%. premiums. texes,a�sessments and other charges on�he Prope�ty.and thcn u�the aums sxured by the SecurIty
<br /> ' Instrumant;(v)I.ender,Leader's agents�r any judic�llY appotnted receiver shall be Itable w account for only those
<br /> ______ _ g��� �a ly s�x�ived;and (vi) Lender shail be cn8tled to have a receivcr appoinud to take possession af and
<br />_� ��, manage the Property and collect the Rentc and profits duived from the Property without eny showing as to the
<br /> inadequacy of the Property as sec�uity.
<br /> � If the Rente of the Propercy ere not suffictent to cover the wsts of taking control of and managing the
<br /> � t� Propetty and of collecpng tl�e Rents any funds expended by I.ender for such purposes shall become indebtedness of
<br />- . Borrower to Lender secured by the Secuclry Instnuneait pursuant to Uniform Covenant 7.
<br />� ' Bomowu represents and wenents that Aorrowa has not exocutcd ony prior assignmenc of the Rcnts end tiaa
<br /> '••,a` not and will not p�xform any act that would prevent I.endu from eaacising its rights andex this pacagraph.
<br />'� � P Lender.or Lender's agents or a judkialty eppo�ted receiver.shaU not be requicrd to enter upon.take control
<br />-�'•-�•�,� of or maintain the Property before or afcu giving ratise of defau�t w Bomower. Howeva.Lenda,or Lender's
<br />��.�t�t:. �� egents or a judkialty appoinud roceivu,may do 90 u any timme wher►a dcfault occurs.Any application of Re,�ts
<br /> u=�=`� shall not cure a waive any defeult or invalidata any other righs or remcdy of I.rndu.'It�Lg a4signmtnt of Rcnts of
<br /> ""°'� ihe proputy sMall tetmjc�te when all tha sums securod by tt►e Sxurity Instr�ment ere patd in full.
<br />--_��..-�
<br /> -^�:�: I.CROSS-DEFAULT PItOVISION. Borrower's defanit a breach nndu any note a agr�eemeat la
<br />"''�'". �' which Lendu hav en intenst shall be a bn;ach under the Security Inswment and Lender may invoke any of the
<br />-= �'L - remodies pamittod by the Security Instrument
<br />�•r,. •� F�:.. BY SICiMN(3 BHLAW,Bormwu accepts aed egc+ees to the teirns and provisions contained in this 1-4 Family
<br /> _�,''�i. Rider.
<br />_"���"-- /
<br />�-Y:+�+�='� ' (Seal) Sesl)
<br />-'�6"� � " SUSAN K CZAPLEW T •Borsorer
<br />= �.,.-- .. DFil1DLEX LAP 8 3KI -Borrorer
<br /> .. � (Seal) (Seal) �
<br /> -Borroxer •BorroNer
<br /> �' N.� -
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