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<br /> �1 • APPLq 001-70814Q10
<br /> . MLN 0000000060
<br /> 9��- �D �//.3 , .-
<br /> �� '� 1-4 FAMILY R.II'�ER _
<br /> ,,,,,,,,,.�,.� Aaslgnmsnt of Renta -
<br /> .«� '��—
<br /> THIS 1-4 FAMILY R1DER is mede this 26TH �y pf 9EPTSMSER , 1997 ,�d is .��•__
<br /> incorpcarat�:d Into and shall be deemcd W amend and supplement thc Mortgege,Deed of Trust or Securiry Docd(the ;`��
<br /> _m f.._..
<br /> "Sec�uity Instrument')of the same datc given by Ihe undersigned(the"Borrower")w secure Bormwer's Note to __ _ _.
<br /> ,.�,
<br /> c`
<br /> (thc"Lender") --
<br /> of the same date and covering the Property described in the Security Insprument and tocated a� __
<br /> 2006 N CUSTER -
<br /> ag)►UTD IgL,AND, NESRASI(A 68803
<br /> (Pcoperty AddmasJ °
<br /> ' �� 1-4 FAMILY COVENANTS. In addlHon to the covenants end ageements made in the Security Instrument, �•�,,
<br />� ' • Borrower and Lender further covenant and agree as follows: ,`�'��
<br /> property descrihed in the Security Insavment,the following items are added to tha Prnpeny descxipdon.and shall
<br /> �.`_
<br />-, . also consdtute the PropertY covered by ihe Security Instntmen�building materials.apPliances and gaods of every -
<br /> .� nature whatsoever now or hereafter located in.on,or used,or intended w be uscd in connecdon with the Property. �,- _-
<br /> `�� �' includinA.but not limited to,those for the purposes of supplying or distr�buting heaRing.coollng.electriciry,ga4. _
<br />:i:- � weux.air and llght, fire prevendon and e�ctit►gulshin8 aPP�s�security aad aca.ss conirot appzuutus.plwuvu�g, =.' :
<br /> �' �� f18v1 tllb9r WAU%C tICBU.K$�WAZCC CIOSCffi�SII1ICSr ISfI$CS�SIOVCS�TC�f�$CIIUO?S�dLSI1WS9IiG'T8�(�SPUS&18�WASIIClS��0[S� -
<br />{ � , �
<br />-_�,�:;:,. awnings�storm windows.stonn doors.scrcens.blinds.shades.cu�teins and curtain rods,auached miaors,cabinets.
<br />= panulling aad auached floor cnverings now or hereafur attached to the Propeaty, ell of which, including
<br />�, replacements end additions thereto,shall be deemed to be and remain a part of the Propecty covered by the Sxnrity
<br />�;. :., �� Inswment All af the fongoing Wgether with the Property desaibed in the Security Instrument(a the leaSetwW
<br />'�'� estate if the Securicy Instr�ment is on a leasehold) ace nferrod Lo in this 1-4 Family Rider and the Securlty
<br />_ ,�-ti,,,�
<br /> z��� �` , ;� Instntmet�t agthe"P[operty."
<br />-----'`�'''"�• B.USE OF PROPERTY;COMPLUNCE WITH LAR+. Socrower shall not soelc, a�x eo or make a
<br /> w`-'T�� . ;�P change in the use of the Property or its zoning classificadon, unless L.endu ha9 agcecd in wridng w tha change.
<br />.::�:r.1'_-_ ° Boc�owa sMall comply with ali Iaws. ordinances, ngulations and roquiretne+its of any govemmentnl body
<br />":.-.'��: ;+n,_ • applicabk to the Ptopetty.
<br />�'=t�,` "� C.SUBOItDINATE LIENS. fixcept as permitted by federal law,Bocrowe�st�all not allow any Hen inferlor
<br /> _`��':.<•�n, without Lendet's wrltten pamisslon.
<br />=.�r,;�•, , � W the Security Insstrument to be pe.cfocted against the Property P�
<br />-'�*',:":,.�"•..�. D.ItENT LOSS INSURANCE. Borrowa shall maintain insurance against rent loss in edditlon W the othu
<br /> .�` i��..-� hazards for which insurance is:eq�ired by Unifom►Covenant S.
<br /> —.',r.�,a;,.,.
<br /> ° • � - E."BORROWER'S RIGHT TO ItEIIVSTATE"DELETED. Uniform�ovenant 18 ns deleted.
<br /> �`�,��"yY� F.BORROWER'SOCCUPANCY. Unless Lender eced Borrower otherwlse agroe in writing, the Cust
<br /> {�.—.���' senunce in Unifam Covenant 6 conceming Bomnwer's occupancy of the Propesty is deleted. AU rernaininE
<br /> °`�`} covenants and ageements set forth in Uniform Covenant 6 shall remain in effoc� _
<br />- .�� -
<br /> --:. .,,�<•,. --
<br /> --- �.•.......
<br />_ ��T'"`�' MULTIBTAYE 1-1 FAMILY RIDER-F�nnle M��lFnddU M�o UMform In�trum�nt Form 31T0 310�
<br /> Pap�1 012 �
<br /> - . ��S�(930��.0� VMP AIORTOA�E FORM9•(l001621•72�7 INtlals: . --•--- °
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