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<br /> ' 16.Borrowcr's Copy. aorrowcr shaU bo given anc canformcd copy of the Notc and of is Security Ins t
<br /> 17.Transter ot the Property or a Benelic�al Interest In Borrower. lf all or any part of thc Prapeny or any interest in it is _
<br /> � sotd or transfe�rcd (or if a benciicial u�tcrest in Qunower is sold oe uan�ferred end Borrowcr is nut a nawralperson) �tirithout -
<br /> ry Lendet's prior wdttcn consent,Lcn�cr may,at lts option,requlre unmallata paymcm in fuU of ap sums securcd by this Secudty
<br /> � Inshvment Howaver,thls opdon shall not be aacrciscd by Lcndu if exercise is proldbited by fcderal law as of the date of ttus
<br /> ��.� Socurity Instcumcr��
<br /> If l.endu exerciscs Wi4o�Nion,L.ender shqll,g�ao ortowu nadce of acccleradon.'I7io nodca shall provide apedod of not less
<br /> �-��•�'`; thar► 30 days from the dtlb tbsnobt ' t,;eQ ot�ailed withln which Borrower must pay all.sums socured by this Security -
<br /> y Inswmen�If Bon�ower feils to��p� �kla,w the expiradon of this period,Lcnder may�nvokc any remedies permitted
<br /> . , • by this Secarity Insuument witllalltt � 'ra at demand on Bomowu.
<br /> ia.Borrower'e Rig11Ro�"�"ns�fata If Borrowu moets cettain candidons, Borrower shall have tha right to hava
<br /> enforcanent of this Security Instrument dlscondnued at any tlme prlor to tha earlier of: (a) 5 days (or such other perlod a�
<br /> � applicabk law may spocity for reinstatement)befora salc of the Properry pursuant w any power of sale conteiued in this Secun'ty
<br /> Insa�ument;or(b)entry of a judgment enfarcing this Securlty InstrumenG'Itiose condItions ara that Borrower:(a)pays Ler�der all
<br /> ; ' sums which then would ba due undec Ihis Securlty Instrument and tho Note as if no atxeleration hed occurred: (b)cures any
<br /> ' default of eny othu covenants or agra,ments;(c)pays aU eapenses incumed in enforcing thfs Sec�rlty Instrument,lncluding,but
<br /> ' • �, not limitod to.reasonable auomoys'fees;and(d)tekes such acdon as I.endu may nasonably roqnire to assuro that the llen of this
<br /> Security Instrurnent, Lender's rlghts in the Ptoperty and Borrower's abHgatlan to pay the surt►s secured by this Socuriry
<br /> Instrument shall coadnuc unchanged.Upon reinstatemeat by Horrower, this Socurity Instrument and the obUgadons secured
<br /> �. hueby shall remain fully effecdve as if no accelcration had occurred.Howevcr.this r�ght to reinstate shall not apply in the case ot
<br /> � acceleration undcr para�graph 17.
<br /> 19.Sitle ot Note{C6an�e of Loan Servloer. The Note or a pertlal Interesc jn the Nota (together wlth this Securiry
<br /> Instrument)may be sold one or mon dmes without prlor nodce w Barrovsrcr.A salt may result in a change in the cndry (1�nown
<br />_ ,�;� ac the"Loan Suvlcer")that collocts monthly payments due under the Note and this Securlty Insnumr,nt There also maY Ue one ur
<br /> more changes of the L.oan Suvlcu unrelated tn a selo of the Nou.If there is a chenge of the Loan Servicer,Boirower wUl be
<br />_, given wrltten nodce of tha chauge in accordanco with paregraph 14 above andappllceble law.'Itie nodce will state the aame and
<br /> _ addres,s of the now Loan Ser�rlcer and the addres,s to which payments ahould be made.'Ihe nodce wiU also contain any otha
<br /> informatifln required by applicable law.
<br /> . 20.H�rxrdous Subat�nce�. Bormwer shall not caase or permit the prasa►ce, uses. dlsposel� swrage, a release of any
<br /> Hazardoos Substenas on or!n tt�e Property.Borrower shall not do,na allow anyone else to do.anything affecting the Propeaty
<br /> y:-;:��:-- ittat io iss:�}olsdca of:.ti{E.�:�^.utesstsl I.s�x.'Ihe gr�4i�g t::�Q�.�rsSen��shel!Qot a�g�y[n thP nrecettce,use,or stordge on tfie
<br />=. .,.;;: Pro�ty of smell quanndes of Ha�ardous Substenccs that aze genually socognized w be approprl8te to norcnal nsidcntial usa
<br />_ aad to mainunance of the Proputy.
<br />�' Horrowu shaU prompfly give Lender writun notice of any invesdgndon, claim.demand. lawsuit or other acdon by any
<br /> '^'': ,:� � governmental or regulawry agency or prlvate party involving the Propaty and any Ha7ardaas Subs�na or BnvIronmeatal Law
<br />:;,., ,.:,:�:_',;.., of whlch Borrower h�s acwal knowlodge. If Borrowu kams,or is nodfiod by any govemmenml or ngulatary authority.that any
<br /> ' ' � removal or ottxr nmediadon of any He�ardous Substance affectiag the Propetty ls neoessary.Borrowu shall promptly talce aU
<br />�'•„,�.� .:.£: nocessary remodlal acdons in accordance wlth Bnvlronmentel Law. r
<br />-_',��:,;r.�'- ' Hs usrti u� u�is{�agru��i►Zif, "Hiv.urtiutt�Suusiwx:i.w"ma Gn�ac nuir,�euwCa t�imwl u� tuaic�� i�u�iuus buu�i�uxx� ur
<br /> ^�T;��.�., : �+ Environrmntal Law end the followLig substances: gasollne� ku�nsena. otha� flammable or toxic petroleumprod ucts,toxic
<br />�.<<- � � pesdcides end habickles�voladle solveats.matuials containing asbesWS or formaldehyde.end radio�cflve mater#�als.As used ln
<br /> -�, �: • - this par�h 20, "Hnvironmentxl L.aw"means fodaal laws end laws of the jarisdIcHon where thc Property Is located that relate
<br />_�;�,r.�`:���� tohealth,s�fetyor environmental proucdon.
<br />�.;. �
<br />�T 3�� NON•UN�'ORM COVBNANTS.Bormwer and Lender f�vthex covenant end agcee as follows:
<br /> �,;���w�� 21.Ac�xlaatbni Remedks.Lender aluU give notiee to Dorrower prior to occekr�ttba follo�ving Borrower'�bre�ch of
<br /> ..�..RYlr�11{�
<br />�.,,,�-�'..�� any covenant or agreement in this Securit� Ioatrument (but not prior to pcakratbn uoder parygraph 17 anias
<br /> -i�:�� applicabk law provides otLenvise).The notice a1�al1 apedty: (a)!he defAUlt;(b)t6e�ction requind to cure the defidt; (c)
<br /> —_,:�;-�.- : •date�not lese tLae 30 dp�a f'rom the d�te the nodce i��iven tu Borrower,by whkh the de�ault s�st be cYred; a�d (d)
<br /> ...r�__�, thst t�i(un to cure the detault on or betore We date epecUkd in the notice may reautt in AccelerpHon ot tYe sume aanrtd
<br /> . _:��,�. .--
<br /> ,_� �•� by tbi�3ecurit�Instrument and s�k ot the Property.The noNoe rhsU lurt6er intorm Bon�ower ot t6e rij6t to re(nst�te
<br /> �_-�=.�"'"-,�� aher accekratioa and tbe right to bring a court action to aaeert t6e tion�exBtenoe of a defaelt or Any ot6er defene ot
<br /> ����' 8orrower Ro aooeieratloo and sak.It t6e defiWt b not cured on or before the date specUied in t6e aodce,Lender,�t W
<br /> �`T°��--� opdon,mq require lmmediate payment tn fWl ot aU wms secured by thi�Security I�trummt wkhout fiurtYer deraad
<br /> �`��"::'� aod may involce tbe power oi sale aod any other remedies permitted by applkabk law.Lender s6aU Oe entitled to col�ect
<br /> -���-�,� QU iocu�red in pur�uie the remedks rovkled in thie
<br /> - ""�'r`:�: !�]�ptOSls g p pllrAgTAph 21�iacludio�,but not Itmited io,1'l490oabk
<br /> ""'"'�T"-�. attorneye'fea md cosb ot titk evidence.
<br /> ' � ��;;�', It the powrr ot eak is invoked,Trwtce shaU record a notice ot detault fu eac6 county in which any part of t6e
<br /> � :-, Property it bcated And shaY mstil wpks of such notioe ia the mamar prescrtbed by�ppUatbk!aw to Borrawer ond to tLe
<br /> - other pereoe�pr�cribed by sppllcnbk la�.Afrer the btme required by appUabk taw�Trustce a6ali give public nMice of
<br /> � atk to the peraoos and in the manner preacrfbed by appllcs�bk Ww.'t5ruatee,witLout demand on Borrower,gbdl�eU tbe
<br /> ' Property at public auction to the 6ighest bidder at the time and pl�ce and uAder the terms designAted in the notke ot sak
<br /> Form�04t Y/�0
<br /> �•OR(NE)1i2t21.ot Pap�aot s InnlaN:-----
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