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<br /> if mo c insurancc covcrugc(i�ihc�m�ri[d�Cor thc pcdod
<br /> paymcnts may no longer be required,at thc opdon of Lendcr. rtBeB
<br /> that I.cndc�requires)provided by an insurer approved by Lcnder o�ai�►bocomcs availablc and is obtaincd.Borrower ahell pay Ihc
<br /> . ' pm�iums rcquired to ii�aintain mottgagc Inswance in cffcct, or ro provido a loss rescrve,untU U►c rcquirement for mortgaga
<br /> '�� L►sivance ends in accordance with any wrltten agrecment betwan Borrawu end Lendcr or appUcabb Iaw.
<br /> 9.Inspection. Lenda or its agent maY make reasanable enMes upon and i��spocdons of thc �'roperty. Lcndcr shall give r,
<br /> Borrower nodce at tho time of or prlor to an inspxdon speclfying reasonable cause for tha inspe�don.
<br />_ 10.CondemnAtion. Tha proceeds °of tha aProperty,or�for wnvdnyance in lieu of condemn don,�are henby�assigncd and
<br /> condemnarion or othec taking of any part
<br /> ` shall be paid to Lender. '
<br /> In the event of a total taking of the Property,the procoeds shall lxi appUed to the sums secured by this Security Instrumant, �._:
<br /> ahether or not ihen due,wlth eny excess psdd to Borrower.In the event of a partlal talcing of the Property in which the fair merket :'
<br /> value of the Pcoperty immecUately before the taklnS L�ecl�al to or greater than the amount of�he sums secumd by this Securlty =_-
<br /> Instrume,�►t immediately beface the taking, unless Borrower and Lender otherwise agcoe ir► wdd�g,t he sums soc u r e d by t h i s �
<br /> . g��ri�y, Ins�unent shell be reduced by the amount of the proceeds m�ltiplied by the foAowing fracdon:(a)the total amount of ��-
<br /> ' � tha sums secured in►mediately before the taking. divided by (b) thc faic marka value of the Froperty immediatcly befor�the �_
<br /> :
<br /> � . � , taking,pny balance shall bc paid to Borrower.In the event of a parUal teking of thc Pmpecty 1n�vluch the feir market value of the �.�
<br /> proputy inimediately before the taking is Iess thaz►the amo�nt of the sums secured immodiately before the taking, anless
<br /> ' ' Rorrower and LeAder otherwise agrec in wddng or unless applicable law otherwlse prov[des,the proceeds shall be applied w the _-
<br /> sums sec�red by tt►Ls Securlty Iastrurntat whether or not the sums are then due. -
<br />� � " . If the propertyr is abandoned by Borrowu.or �f.afnu nodce by Lendu to Borrower that the candemnor offers to make an
<br /> , awetd or seule a claim for diunt►B the �roceeds f at its op�neither tondrrstoradon3or repair of the Proputy or to thesums secured
<br /> „ �r.:.' is author�ud to Collect aAd aPP Y D -
<br /> , by this Sxurlty Inatrument,whether or not then due.
<br />_ � Unless I.ender and Borrower othecwjse a�ee in wdtir►B��Y ePP�ication of proaeds to principal shall not extend or postpone
<br /> ihe due date of the monthly payments refeaed to ln paraBraPhs 1 end 2 or change the amoant of such payments.
<br />� � il.Borrower Not ltekased;ForUwrpwa By Lender Not a Waiver. Extension of the time for payment or modificadon
<br />_ � ' of amortizBCion of the sums sxarod by this Sectuiir Ir,�-u��-'�•it gr.sstied by Lr�sdrs sa any s�rrr__cmr in inteoest of Borrnwer s68ll
<br />;:�s�{;...�� ,' . not operute to release the Ilability of the original Barrowa or Borrowu's stx�.ccssors in i�►teres�Lendu shall not ba roquirod W
<br />- `' '•' '.: � commence proceodings against eny successor in interest or refuse to extend time for payment or othecwLsa modify amortization of
<br />;�;,���;�_, the sums seaured by this Security Instrument by nason of ht or remedy�all o�be a w�atver o or proclude the�'crcise o�f a�i�y
<br />-°�r::y�: in InteresG Any forbearance by Lettdet in exerclsing anY�S
<br />=�-;=;�:,��' , right or nmedy.
<br /> -'='Y-' 22.Saxw.M.�r�a�P.�sl;as 9oe!e�t Jnint and Several LiabWty;Casi�ners.Tt�e covenants and egce�wnu►cs of this
<br /> .�...=�r�m,.� .
<br />�.,� , Socurity Iasttument shall bind ead benefit the successors and asslgas of Lender and Borrowa. subjocc to tho provisians u► _
<br /> _u,�.s�y�� , P�agraph 1?. Bocrowu'a covenants and egramei►ts shall. be joint and severeIl. Any Borrowtr svho oo-signs this Secu�ity
<br /> —�..,,,� Instnune+it but dots not eaecute�he Note: (a)is casigning this Securlty Instrument only w mortgaga,grat►t end convey thu
<br />�'�T� ' Borrowa's iutarest in the propacy under the tums of dds Sxurity Instrumenr q�)is not Pe�s�a11Y obligeted to pay the suma
<br />�~-,'��'" seciued by tt►iis Seciuicy Insauma�x and(c)sg�ees thac Lendu nnd any othu Borrawa may agnx to wctend.modif'Y.forbar a
<br />�=,a:,a�• " ��y�m�g with regard to the tem�s of this Securlty Ins�t a the Nate wlthout that Barower's ccx�sait
<br /> < <:�.��
<br /> -- - - 13.La�A CLar`ea. If Ihe ben sec�red by thi9 Security Instrument is subject w a law whkh sets maximum loan Ses�
<br /> ��—.� ond that isw is finally inus�mted so that ihe jnterest a other loan charges r,olloctod or to be collecwd in'connocdon wlth the loen
<br /> _...� oxcoed the permittod limits.then:(a)anY such loan c6arge shall be nduced by the amount nocessarY to reduad the ch�rge to the
<br /> ---�--_ = permiwed limi�u�d @)any sums alnady colkcced from Borrowu which excoodod Permltted limils wlll be nfunded to Borrowu.
<br />------ I.ender a�uy chaose to make this nfund by reducing the pxincipal owed under tho Nou or by makjng a direct paymrnt to
<br /> �`.�,}� Sormwa. If a nfund red�ces principai.the reduction wIll ba treatod as a panial PnpaYment anthout enY P�Y�t�B�
<br /> - .--- unda the Nota.
<br />_�;� 14.NMktia. My eotice to Borrowu providcd tor in this Socurity Instnuncnt shall bo given by del3vuing it or by mailing it
<br /> -=- by Fust cWss mail unkss appliwble 1aw requins usc of enoth�x method.The notia shall be dincted eo the Pcopaty Addras or
<br /> `,.' any other addr�ss Borrower designates by nodce to Lender.My nwke to Lendu st�li be given by firat clau m�il to L.ender's
<br /> ��"� addross staud huein or any other addiess I.ender designaus by nodce w Bamwu.Any nodce provided fa in this Secu�rlty
<br />-���"�°`�'a lnsmunent at�all be deemod to have been given to�ocrowa ar I.ender when given av provlded in this paragraph.
<br />.:�::z�zu�s°�� �
<br /> �J�:,t„��� : 15.Governin�LAw;Severability. 'lt�is Securiry Instrument ahall be governed by fedwral law end tha law of 1he
<br /> yG`:•,;:;:;:,. � jurisdlcdon in which the Properey is loceted.In the avent that any provlsion or clausC of ihis Security Inst►vment ar tt►,e NoOe
<br />-_ . ';r,� . contlicis with appllcable taw,such conflicc ahail not af�'txA other pmvLsions of ihis Securiry Inswment or tha Nota whtch can he
<br />�=.�° given offeci without the conflicting provision.To th3s end the provisions of this Sxuriry Instrument ac►d the Nnte ara declend to
<br /> ��� � be severabio.
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