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<br /> � �.; 13.NoUas. Any nodce to Borrower provided far in this Sec�uity Insavment shaU be given by delivedng it or =
<br /> K,,� by mailiug It by fust class mail unless applicable law requices use of anothu method.The nodce shall be directal to _
<br />_. �• the Property Address or any other xddrrss Borrowor deslgaatea by uodce to Lender. Any aodce to L.ender shall be _
<br /> given by first class mail to Lender's address stated hec�cin or any address Lender deslgnaus by nodce W Borrower.
<br />; . �, Aay aorice provided for in this Securtty Iasuument st�all be deemed to have bcen given to Borrower or Lender when
<br />_ given as provdded in this P�S�Ph•
<br />-,,;� -' 14. Gove�rnin�I.aw3 ���b�t7.T1�a Stcurlry Insuument shall be governed by Federai lnw and the law of -
<br /> the jurIsdicdon in which the Property is located. In the event tLat any provlslon or clause of this Securlty Insuument
<br /> ., or the Note conflicte wIth applicable lAw,such confllct ahall nat affect other provisions of this Securlty Insuument or
<br />_ ''' `•� r.,;��., the Note which can be glven effxt wlthout the conflicting pmvision. To this end tbe provlsions of this Securlty
<br />~� ' `?t;�: Instrument and the Nou are decland to be severable.
<br /> �•-. . ���` �'� IS. Borrower's Copy. Bonower shall be given one conformal copy of the Note and of tb3R Sxurlty
<br />�t';:.: . ��,'`(�:
<br />- � i IUSti111riCAt.
<br /> `;:'..,,��� �': 16. Aazardous SubstAnees. Horrower shaU not cause or pemiit the presence,use,dLs�wsal.stornge�or release
<br /> ':' f�i4�1..i:•..
<br />�'. . ;: of any Hazardous Substances on or in the Pmperty. Borrower shAll�oot do, nor allow anyone else to do, anytldng
<br />?�`'""�� ' affecdng ttu Properry that is ia vloladon of any Bmrjmnmental Lstw. The preceding two sente�es slu�ll mt apply to
<br />��•�'f� .-^'. " the presence, usa, or ston►ge on the Pmperty of smaU quantides of H�rdous SubstAnces thxt Are generaUY
<br /> .i .
<br />�',.'r:..
<br /> - q-,�r.�' '
<br /> . .,,, , rccognized w be approprlate to mm�al nsidential uses aad to maintcnance of We Property.
<br />',��`:��c.,� �anower shaU promptly glve L.ender wrltten nodce of any invrstIgAdon,claim,den�anci,lawsuit or other Acdon
<br /> _,.,:._�.,�_.__�
<br />�„���►;���' • bY�Y 8overnmentat or ngutatory agency or private paciy invulviug ihc Fi�y�Yy�n3�t►� Il�rdots�h►�or
<br />_Yr-::::'�•� -'� Bnvironmental Law of which Borrower has actual bwwledge. If Borrower leuns,or is md6ed by any�overament�l
<br /> �=?'{,',;�4�� or ngulewry Authorlty,that any nmoval or other remediadon of any Hazarclous Sub�affecdng the Propexty ls
<br />-'°�,:��!�'^'�� nxessary,Borrower sUall promptly take all neassary remedial actioav in accordance wdth Bavirunmenta�Law.
<br /> �,.:-� x As uscd in this parngraph 16, 'Hau�rdons Swbstances' xre those substances defrral as toxic or ha�ardous
<br />=��;'°"� subsbuoces by Bm�romnental Law and the foUowing svbshnces: gasoline, keroseae, other flam�mable or Wxic
<br />� �� � petroleum producta�toxic pesticides and herbicides.volatile solveats,m�teds�lle conta�aiu,g a4bestoa or fomialdehyde,
<br />�°;r�='; and rulloudve mxtexjals. As used in this paragraph 16. "Bmdto�ental Lw"meat�s federal]aws and lsas of the
<br />--`°�'��' i jurisdicdoa wriec�e the Pmperty is locstted tbat relate W 1uAlth,safety or env�romneatal pmtecdon.
<br /> =��:sa �
<br /> �"R''--'�''� � NON-UIJIFORM COVENANTS.Bormwer And L.e�ler further covetwnt�wd Agrec ae follows:
<br /> 17.Asstpunait of Reats. Borrower wico�ildoniUy nssigns md tiansfers to Lender�ll the rcnts u�d nvenua
<br /> -=�=`.:S of the Property. Bomower autho�I.ender or Le�xler's agents W collxt the nnts and nvenues and hereby ditects
<br /> eACh tenant of the Fmperiy to�Y the nnts to L.eader or I.ender's �ents. Howcvcr, pdor to I.ender's nodce w
<br /> — --
<br />