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<br /> . (i)All ar part of the PropertY�or A beneficial fnterest in A tiust owning all or part of the Pmperty�is sold _:::i-
<br /> �•;"` or othoivv�se aansfernd(other tl�n by devise or descent),aad �
<br /> is not occupied by the punhaser or grantx as 1�is or her principal resideACx, or the ��`
<br /> (ii)The Property but his or her credit Bas uot bees►approved in � •
<br /> ., purchASer or grjwue doees so occupy the pm(�enY
<br /> . accordance wlth the requ[rcmente of the Sare� ent in fr"',but
<br /> (c)No Waiver.If circun►stances occur that would m�it Lender W nxNire ia�medtate pnym �;
<br /> - • L.e�►der does not require such pay�nents,Lender das not walve its rights with respect to subuquent events. �
<br /> .�::�t:', , (c� Rc�ulations of HUD Secrdari'. In many ciicumstances nguladong issned by the 5xretary wlll limit —
<br /> -:�.;f: L.ender's righta,in the case of payment def�ults�to requi�e immediate paymeni in full Aad foreclose if not
<br /> . .. . puid.This Securlty Insm�ment does not authorize acceleradon or foreclosure If not pezmttted by seguladons `
<br /> _ :...,,.� _� �
<br />•;:�,;►.a;,�;��,�, of the Sxntary.
<br /> .'.•`::a' ; (e)Mort�a�e Not Lns�red.Borrower ugKes that if tbis Sceurlty IaSUUment and the Note are not determined
<br /> to be eligible for insurance wider the National Housln�Act wlthia 60 days from th�dau hereof, L.ender
<br />."'''"•��'''�' mi►y, at its opdon, re4uire itnmedisu paYment ia full of all suma secural by this Sa�rity Iasuument. A
<br /> mi
<br /> '`:��W.:' � wrltten statement of aay suthorizai agent of the Sxntary dated subsequent w 60 days from the date hereof�
<br /> _;.c.x,�-,'�fa � dxlinin6 to insure thie Secudty Insmmaent and ti�ee Note� shsU be damed co�luslve proof of such �;;-,
<br />—.r�_.,�. igeliglbility. NotwitUstanding the fongolag, t h i s option mxy no t b e c x e r c i s e d b y I.e�er when the
<br /> �--�;��;±'" unavailabiUry of insur�nce is solely due to I.ender's failure W remit a mortgage insuru�ce PremiWn to the
<br /> �:�r;;.`... � Secretary.
<br />_��;._..;::�,:.
<br /> -..c;�.l_:: 10. Rdnstataawt. Borroaer has a rlght to be relnstatal if Lender has required immed3�u pnyment in
<br /> ' {??�+`�� ; „ •o an amount due undtt tLe Note or thte Savdty Ia�cume�. 'Th3s r�8�APP
<br /> Has
<br /> -- ix�xusc�f aarra�tez..fsilurt io�+!Y -
<br />''"..`�;�.:.f evea after foreclosure P�nSs are insdtuted. To rei�wu the Savcity Insuument, Bormwer siuii under in«
<br /> � .;r�,� � w b Bortower's�ccaut►t carrent includIng,to the oxtent tLey are obligadons of
<br /> �'-3=a ar',<�•. � IllLl�6�i11 YII iA1011N8 LOQU�i� � B' �Cl.4�G7CpqLSC9
<br /> _�,�"�`�� ' Borrower uuder tWe Securlty Iastrument�fot+eclosure coste nnd reasonable aatl customuy�W�eY
<br /> -----__- P�IIy assoclatal wlth the foceclasure Pmcad�o8•vlwn ninstatement by Boicower, thLc Securitp Instrument sad
<br /> --_���,i the obliguloa9 that it secucrs s1uU remain In effect u if Lender hul not nqnired ImmadGite P�Yment in foll.
<br /> — �* How�wer, Lenrkr is aot required W permit reinsqttement if (i) I�ndec lus accepced rdaqwtanent tfter the
<br /> _--.-`��': �1 cv�mme�ement of foreclosure pmceallnBa wlthia two Yars 3mmedistely preoc�Euu�tlie c�mnnence�ent of a aumnt
<br /> _-.°.�..- foreclosure procealin8� (ii) nianatement wi11 preclude focxlosure oa dlffeeent St'oua�s in tb�e future, or (iii)
<br /> --� � ce�e�nt wlll Adversely�ffxt the pdortty of the liencte�ted by tLis Security In.�•
<br /> i 11. Borcowee Not Rdwsdi Forbauxnoe By Leakr Not a Wd�ee. Bxteasion of the time of psymem or
<br /> ` mod�ficstion of amordziflon of the sums secured by tLia 5ecurity Instrumeut��tod bY T�ender to�ny successor in
<br /> � intereat of Borcower ahill not opente w rela�e tLe li�biliq of the odglnwl Borrower or Bon+�wer's snoxaaor in
<br /> interest. Lender sl�ll not M rcquicrd to crnnme�e p�+ooxcllcBB�g�insc a�Y��in lnte�cat or cefuse w extead
<br /> ' time for p�yment or othe:wise modifY�nordr�don of th sums eaxrred by thiis Secudty Iasavment by re�won of�ny
<br /> danand made by the ori�iuil Borrower or Bonower's suaessot�s in interest.Any focbear�rce 6y Lender in exercisjnY
<br /> any rlght or ra�edY sh�l�b���ver of or preclu�e tba e:�iee of my rlSht or remedy.
<br /> 12.Suc�+sore�nd Mei�n Bowtdt Jolat and Se►er�l Y.iobilih; CoSl�t.TLe covea�nta u�d igieements
<br /> of tbis Socurtty Insuument s1W1 bind and benefit tLe successors�ad usigas of Londer�nd Borrow�er,sub)ect w tlx
<br /> , pmvlsions of pangr�ph 9(b). Bormwer's covenants srod agre�ents shall be joint�nd eevenl. Any Bonow�er wbo
<br /> co.sigaq this SecuritY Instnunent but does not esecute tLe Note:(s)is casigaiag thia Secudty in9atiunent ody W
<br /> mortgage,Br�nt u►d comey tt�at Bomower's�aterest in�he Property wicler the tem�s of this Savrlty Instrumenti �)
<br /> �S not pezsoniilp obllgatal to pay the sums secured by dns Securlty IaSUnmenc:aad(a)iSroa tt�t Lender aad any
<br /> �'� other Borrower miy ageee to extend�mod�fY�forbear ot m�ke any nccommodadons with regud W the tem�s of this
<br /> =_--__-= Saurlty lnstcument or tlie Note wtthout tl�at Borrowtr'e consent.
<br /> -- :�
<br /> w:wia�
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