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<br /> ��i= of Bonawer's covetunu Mnd ��reenxnt�under thi� Secudry Insawnent and the Note. For this pucpose,Borrower _
<br />�-"`'T '"` irravocnbly�ra�ua and canveyw tu ttw TntNteo� In tnixt,wlth power of sxle, the following described propeny la:aud
<br /> ��, jp�L Coua�y,Nebraska:
<br /> T�i 1fi8TS1t7+Y 1Y�TY /OUA ('J�) f�iT 0! LOT fZ11i (S) 1tN eLOC1C TifO (Z) IN fiL71DSTON=
<br /> . __��•.�• pyl►C� 71DDITIO�T TO TtI� CITff 0� OA11ND x8I,111iD� R7U�.L CODNTY. N�8RlI8N1. --
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<br />-=,;,r:�;;� �xzs ss a PIIRCW18s 11011i7t A=CQ�ZTY I11dT�D10�1'1'. _
<br />';;,"��-� TJ17C 8TJIT�MTB 81i(1IILD s� 8� TOt �TOAiif6T 1iaATfi�1C� ZD1C., p.0. 801C 5137, DES �-
<br /> "�.:�� 1i0I1i=8, I]► SQ3065137
<br /> _:�ri.:�'�
<br /> F�'
<br />��=�'�'- which has the addr�ess af 1714 NsBT JOIpT B�sT, O�J11tD =6L1WD l�'«',cj�'I�
<br />' ' Nebrasl�a 68903 Ixlp eoa•1 ('Property Address')i _
<br />;;'�' TOaBTHBR WITH aU the impmvemente now ar bere�fter erccted on the p;operty, rmd Wl easaaents,
<br /> -=�� �ppurtenwcea wd flxtures now or lure�fter �put af tho property. All rcplacemerus wul addidons s1u11 dso be
<br /> _- -- -- coveral by this Srcurity Ix�tnimeut.All of the fore�ota�b rekrred w in thia Security Instrument as dise "Property.•
<br /> - � BORROWBR COVBNANTS ttu�t Bormwer i�IRwiWly�elud of the aute lxreby camrcyed And has the rlght W
<br /> --- giant a�nd com+aY the ProlxrtY�ud th�t tGe PmponY l�uaeacwaberod�eacropt for encumbrances of ncosd.Bocrower
<br /> -�--, w�rrwta uyd w1U defend �ener�Uy tLe dtle to t1�e Pmpecty ��inc �ii cLims wd Jcuw��n;n, �u�,�+.¢ t� auy
<br /> - eacumbru�ces ot:+ocord.
<br /> 'Y'EIIS SBCURiTY INSTRUMBNT comblaa ualtona covca� far nui�wl uee iwd aoa-uniform covenAnta
<br /> arith limited v�chdoas by Juriadicdoa to coasdtute�unlform�ecurity fntrutneat covedn�real property.
<br /> � Borrower md Lenckr coven�ut�nd�ceo u foilovr�:
<br /> }
<br /> .� 1. P��nnait oi Princtpd, 1da�ert Rnd Late Ch�rp. Borrawer dWl p�y wheu ctue the prin�cip�l of, and
<br /> � intenst on,tho debt evidenced by dse Nota ud lste cl�ur�a due w�der t!N Note.
<br /> � 2. Mont�lf Paymait ot T�uw. Tawc�nee sad OtMr Cl�r�. Barrower dWl includc in arh montbly
<br /> Pa►Yme��toQether wlth the principal iwd lnterat as ret torth ia�he Nooe��ay late ctu�r�es,a wm for(�)taes�nd
<br /> � spoci�l �ts levled or to be lavied ytia�t tbe Propetty. (b) lo�rdwld p�yment� or �round tents on the
<br /> ' Propecty,and(e) Premium�for Innuance[�equirod uad��P+tr��ic�p�4. ia�ay yar in which the Lendar muct pxy n
<br /> mort�e iucunoce pcemium W tLe SecrnuY of Hou�a�+�uud Urb�a Develo�aent("Secretary').or in my yauc ia
<br /> which such pnmivat would Lave been requited Ii Lender�tIU beld the Secvdty ia�tnmaeat. ach nwsublY pnYment
<br /> • stull Nao inciude eithcr: (i)a sum for the umu�l moct��e isuau�nce ptemlum W 6e paid by L,ender a the Socretary�
<br /> or(iI)a montbly cbuQe ipstexd of a mott�e Insuriu�ce preraivat U tbl�Secudty lattcumeat�l�eld by ibe Secretary,
<br /> ia a ie�son�ble Rmount W ba detecwiad by the SecrNa:Y. Bxoept tor the awatWy chu�e by tLe Socntary. thae
<br /> � itcros are called'Secmw Itans'Rnd the euro�p�id to Leader�ra c�11eQ'&crow Fuadi.'
<br /> � L.ender m�y.�t u►y time�collect wd hold�mounu tar&cmw[teau tn�a�repta w�ount�wt to axcxed the
<br /> — m�uc[mum�naount tha�t may be requtral for Bortuwer'�eurow�ecouat uader the Re�l Batata Seulement Pinceduns
<br /> --- Act of 1974, 12 U.S.C. Secdon 2601 et seq. and laiplemendn� ro�ul�tivar� 24 CFR Put 3500, � they msy be
<br /> — amended from�me to time("RBSPA")�exoept th�t t}u cu�loa or merve penattted by RBSPA for uoRadcipued
<br /> -- W ' �isbnrsements or disbursmnents before tLe borrower's p�ymenb �re avidl�blo la tbe uccount mty aot be b�sod on
<br /> __=---== wmounts due for thc moxt��e lasucwa premium.
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