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<br /> 97--i1�8054
<br /> � TO(36THAR W1TH aU tha improvcmcnts now or henafter erocted on tho property,and aU cascments,appurtcnanccs,nnd
<br /> fixwres now on c�reafter a pnrt of the property.AU repiaccments and additions st�all also be covered by this Securiry InstrumenG
<br /> All of the foregoing ls rcfurcd to in this Securlty Instrument s�s the"Property."
<br /> BORROWIiR COVEN/lIVT'S that T3orrowcr is lsnvfully seixd of the esWtc hcreby canvayccl and has thc right to grant and
<br /> .� convey the Property and ihat the Property is unencumbcrai.eaccept for encumbranccs of rccard. Borrower wanants and w1U
<br /> defend generally the dda to tha Property against all claims and demands,subjoct to any encumbrances of record.
<br /> � TFIIS SECURITY INSTRLJN�NT combines w�t'orm covenants for national use ar►d non-uniform covenants with Umited _
<br /> varlations by jurisdicti�on w consatute a u�efforae sr�curity instrument covering nal property.
<br /> � iTNIH�RM COV6NANTS.Bacower and Lex��r coveaant and agrca as follows:
<br /> '! D.Pay�mmt at Pri.zc6gal am!Hrz"-ee^�t;�'re�aysnPn3 and�,ake Charges. Bomowa shall pmmpdy pay when duc thc "_
<br /> ..;::_,.:,: ,�. principal of and iatr�cst an the debc cvi�'.�od bY t,he Note aad any prepayment and late charges duc under the Nate. r':
<br /> •,.� �;1';''- 2.F�nda for Tans aed Insuraxe. Subjact t�o appUcable law or to a wrItun waiva by Le,�der.Borrower shell pay to �'
<br /> ���'�`,`?'`'J`' Lender on the day monthly paymcnts are due under the Note.untll the Note ls paid in full,a sum("Fun d s")for.(a)year ly t e ues �r;
<br /> _ ,..
<br /> ' and assessments which may attain prlority over this Securlty Instrument as a lleri on tha Property;(b)Ycarly leasehold payments �.
<br /> an
<br /> „ �� or ground rents on the Pcoperty.if eaY:(c)Yearly ha�rd or proputy insurance premtuma�(d)Yearly tlood insurenca premlums�if
<br /> �►Y:(�)Year1Y mortgaga lnsurence premium�,if any;ad(f�eny sums payebla by Barowu to Lcnder.in accordance with thc
<br /> provialone of pwagnph 8. !n licu of thu peyment ot muri�+�e insur,�nce prmiums.Thcsa itcros urc cailed "Fscnow Itern�." __
<br /> i,ender m�y��t any t1nw,colloct�nd hoW Funda In an amount not to oxcocd tho muimum amount a knda for a foder�lly relatod
<br /> mort��a k�sn may roquiro [or Borrowcr'�escmw aacwnt undcr tho fodcrtl Rcal F.wle Sctilemcnt Procedurc� Act of 1974�s
<br /> , � �mcndod trom timo Io dmo, 12 U.S.C.Soction 2601 et stq. ("RBSPA"),unlcu�ww�hcr law thnt Applle+w ihe Funda scta r le,gser
<br /> �nount.It�o�I.eader rruiy. u�ny Wno,collect�und hald Fundi in m omount not W oacood 1ha leasa�noun� Lenda nuy
<br /> atlmalo�ho�wnount of Fund�duu on tha b�sf�af curnnt d�u md reawnxbb a�dmues of oxpcndiwrce of fuwre Escrow[icm�or
<br /> �iy�rqe in��caxd�nca with�pplic�bk law.
<br /> � - 'Iho Fundi Khnq bo held in�n inst�wdon whou depoai�e ua insurod by a fodeN agency,inswmeniality.or entiry(including
<br /> • t La�der.if Luider ia such an lnsdwNon)or 3n eny Fedual Home Loen Sank.Lender ehall apply the�unds to pay the Bxrow
<br />��. Iwm.L,rnder may not ch�rgo Borrower fa holding�nd applying the Funds�ennually malyztng the escrow accormt,or valfying
<br />; the Bscrow Itan�,unkss I,ender pnya Borrowu interest on the Funds and applicable l�w pamits Lenda to m�lca such a chugo.
<br /> � �� Howeva,iu�u may ioqu;ns B�x�vwu tu�y a�-i'ssn�,cl�asga For:� isscltF-�s ses!e�sste ta.��gerila"sr�vk�� ��!!+y
<br />���' ; Lenda in connection with this Iwn,unkss epplicabk law pmvides otheiwise. Unless an egrament is mado or applicabb lxw
<br />�'�`-':�.�X. requires lnterest to be paid.Lender shaU not be eequired to pay Borrowu aay intaest or eamings on tho Funds.Borrorva snd
<br />,si=��;;�_;;�. L�der may agree in writing,howevu.thet interest shall be paid on the Ftinds.Leader ahall give to Borrowu,without charga.an
<br />�F-���;;;:.... : annuai accoundng of the FS�nds.showL�g ccedits a�d debits to the Funds and the pnrpose for which each debit to the Funds was
<br /> K�u'c;,��,:�' mede.'Ibe Funds are pledged a4 additional security for all sums secured by thts Securlty Inswmen�
<br /> --f��;�'�s� If the Funds held by I.endu eaccoed the amounts permitud to be held bY ePPlicable law,Lendu shall aa:ount to Borrowu for
<br />_=.,"-:" the excess Fwids in accardance with the requiremeats of applicabk law.If tbo emount of tha Funds held by Luider at any time is
<br />�.-�?�* not sufficknt to pay the Bscrow Items when due.Lendec may so nodfy Borrower in wrldng,and.in such casa Borrowu shall P�Y
<br /> +r_\yL'^ _
<br />����- � � J„��the srtwu�� neoessary W make up the de6ciency. Bamwu shatl make up tha deficieuey in no mora than twelve
<br /> monthlY pnynx,nts.at I.endu's sok discretion.
<br /> -- Upon payment in full of all sums securod by th3s Security Instrument,Lender shaU promptly refund to Borrowu any Funds
<br /> ��:� hetd by Lencki,If�unclu paragr�►h 21,Lender shaU acqu3re or seU the Property,Lender,prior to the acqui�idon a s�le of the
<br />--�'+����` propprty,stwll apply any Fwsds held by Lendet at the tune of acqu�si�on or sale as a cndit egainst the sums sa:ured by this
<br /> _@. - Sxutlry InsWmen� � 3�,q � ''
<br /> __--_ 3.Appifaitbn of Pa�mente. Unkss appliceUle law prov�des othuwise,all paymenLg recttved by Le��ar�r�apha
<br />�:�==;��. 1 end 2 shall ba applkd:fus4 w er►Y P�Yment charges dua under the Note: second,tn acnounts payable undu paragr�ph 2;
<br />_ ,5;�, third,to intexest due;fowRh.w principal due;and last,w any lau charges due under the Nou.
<br /> �'.'''��� 4.Crartea:Lteoa. Bormwa shall pay all fa�ca, assessments.ct�rges,fines and imposItions aqn'bucable to the Property
<br /> �:��� � which mty attain pdoclty ovu this Security Insuument,and leasehold payments a ground renta,if any.Boemwsr shall pay these
<br />_-�,�7� ,. obligations in the manner provided in paragraph 2.a if not paid in thsu manner.Borrower shall pay them on dma djrecdy to the
<br /> -:�:.� � person owed payme+i� Borrowu shall promptly fumish to Lender all nodces of anwuntc cn be paid under tt�s paragraph.If
<br /> p�:`ys�:Y ` Borrowa makes the.se paymenu directly,Borrowu sh�ll prompdy fumish to I.enda reaiptv evidencing the paymea►ts.
<br /> � �`��'�`?+�t-. Borrowu shall promptly clischazgt any llen which hag priority ovu th3s Security Insuument unkss Boerowa: (a)a�ees in
<br />���;"'``''"':~:r . � wricing to tho payment of the obligation secured by the liea in a manner acceptabk to Lendor;(b)contests in good faith the lkn
<br /> ��''� by, or defends against enforcement of the lien in,legal proceedings which in the I.ender's opinlon operata to preveat the
<br />-�• enforcement of the llen;or(c)secnres from the holder of the lieo an agroement satisfxtory to Lendu subordinating tha lien w
<br /> � th�s Security InstrumenG If Lender determines thet any part of the Prope�ty is subjoct W a llen which may atiain prioriry ovu this _
<br />-= Security Instrument,Lendu maY Bt�e Bocrower a nodce identifying the lien.Boirowa shaU satisfy the lien or take one or mora
<br />- of the actlons set focth above within 10 days of tho giving of noHce.
<br />} ,,,, Form�02i 91G0
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