�+ '
<br /> ''C�� .. . .• . . .. .:Tainn�"
<br /> . " � � �......n.. ' . . . .ls+ll...� . ....�.r _._'y_""WJii�.
<br /> �nwril�r . .. . ' �. . . . . . .. � .. . .. . �. �. " �:-__—.
<br /> ° � TOI4N �►At�T N(iUYEN (LAZ B LE 10140Z 09/91/1997
<br /> � !.Condemndioa.'Ihe proceeQ�af�ny tward or cl�im for danu�es�dlrect or constquend�l.ia wnnadon wIth auy _
<br /> � coademiution or other ttrin� of the Property, or put thtreof, or for coaveyuicc ia lleu af condemnatlon. ue hereby °
<br /> �i�a�d sad etull be paid to I.ender.etebj�ct to tke terws of tny awrtBt�e.deeC of uuat a other security ayreemeat wlth x '
<br /> lien whlch!ns pdorIty over this Deecl of Tivst. '
<br /> I 10. Boer+ower Not RekiuMi Forba�r�nce By La�d�er Nat a Walva�. Hateaslon of thr time for payment or �
<br /> � modiflcatton of unordsadoa of the sums secured by t6le Deed of Trust�a�nted by Lesad�r to my successar ln Inurert of E
<br /> ! Borrower ah�ll not openue to nlaue.ln my m�nixr� the I1�bUity ot the od�iwl Borrowtr sad Hon+ower'i sncaason ln =
<br /> i iuterest. Leader atull not be required W wmme�e procadinas a�dnst such succ�ssor or ntuse to extend dme for payment E
<br /> ., 4� or�xhetwlse modlfy amotdmtlon of tl�e sums sx�ued by this Deed of Ttust by msoa of u�y demaad aude by tho o�i�ln�tl `;_
<br /> Bornnwer wd Bo�rower's successors ln interest. Any forbeuruxe by Lender in exerclsin4�ay d�ht or remedy bereunder, �
<br /> � or wLetwlse aE�'orded by�pplIc�ble law.siWl not b:��w�iver of or precls�de the execcise otmy such dQht or remedy. r.
<br /> .��''""' �1.Snoce�we�aud Aeeip�e Hound�Jolnt�nd Se�ual UaMlityi Co-d�as. T�e covenmta�ad�cxmenta herein r
<br /> _.,_...,�• connined sLsU bind.aud tl�e rI�hts hereuader shall inure to.the r�specdve successons�ad�ssi�ns of L.ender�nd Boirower. y �
<br /> sut�ect to the provlsIoas of pxragnph 16 henof. Ail covemats and aareementa of Boaower shW be joiat aad seveiai. �
<br /> Any Borrower who co-stgns this Aeed of'hvst,but dcxs aot execute du Note.(i}i�oo-�diia Deed afTruat cmly ta _
<br /> �` grant a�convey Wu Bairower's lnterest ia the Pm�xtty to TYvstee under the teims ot tWs Deed of Tn�at. (b) is not ;'�'
<br /> . person�Uy liable on the Nate or under this Dad of Tnut.�nd(c)agras tLat Le�er aad sny other Bormwer hereu�er �
<br /> � may agree to extend,modify,forbeu.or malce any other xccommodtdons wlth ngaxd to the tetms of thie Dad of T:ust or Q
<br /> .� the Note.wlthout tlu�t Borrower's consent and wltlwut nle�sia�ttwi Borrower or modtfylo�this Dxd of Tn�st�s to th�t N
<br /> �:;� Borrowar's interest in tLe Pmperty. �
<br /> . IZ. Nadce. Bacept for�ny notice raluired uuder tpgllcable law w be �Iven in another maaner� (a)tny mtIce W
<br /> - Borrower pmvlded for in thia Deed of Ttust shaU be given by delivet�ng lt or by mailia� such notice by certified mail
<br /> . i' �ddressed W Borrower st the Property Addcess or u such other�ddress�s Boirower mfay desi�nte by naia to Lender�s
<br /> � proviaed henin,aad(b)any nottce to I.e�der ahall be gIven by ardSed m�il to Lender'e iddns,s atated hereia or to such
<br /> , wher addnss�s I.ender may dcsignste by aodcc to Borrower as pmvlded heraIn.Any mdce pmvtded for ln tbls Deed of
<br /> � � Tnist sbW t►e deemed W hsve been given to Bonrower or Leader wLea given in the nnnna dest�ted Lenin.
<br /> � ,, 13.Govarnin=Lw;Se�erabllity.The state wd local laws applic�ble to this Deed of Tn�st ahW be tLe Lwe of tLe
<br /> jurlsdiction in which the Property is located. The foregoiug sentence s1W1 aot limit the applic�bility of Foderal l�w w this
<br /> Deed of 1Yust. In the eveni that Any provision or clause of this�eed of Tcust or the Note wnflicts wlth�pplicable 4w.
<br /> }� such conflict stnll no� �ffxt other provistoa9 of this Dad of 1Yust or the Note whicb caa be�iven effat wlthout the
<br /> � conflicting pmvision, and to this end the pmvisioa�of this Dad of'hust�ad the Note ue decland w be ecvenble. As
<br /> usod henIa, 'costs'. "expeases' nnd '�ttorneys' fas" include a.:�to the extent aot pm6lbitod by appltcable law or
<br /> �---- --- - iimited L�rein.
<br /> 14. Horrowa'e Copy. Borrower sLall be feua[s�cd a confora�ed copy of the Note md of thie Deed of Ttvat u the
<br /> . time of eaoeudon or�Rer ncordadoa henof.
<br /> 13. Rd�bqlhdon Loan Ap�eemeaR. Borrower atWl fulHll iil of Bormwrr'a obli�aoto� under any lwme
<br />.. ; - r�ehsb�iadan,�mpmvemau.repair or wher loan agcoement wLich Borrower entecs into wlth Lender. Lender, at b.ender's
<br />_;�; '' opdon. may i+equire Bomuwer W oxecute and deHver W Le�er. in a form aoce�ble W Le�er,an�asi{nnvent of my
<br /> • xi�hts�cLiu�or defenses whtch Bormwer may have a�ainst pudes wlw supply labor. aiuerLis or�ervlcea ia connocdon
<br /> erv
<br />�.}���:_ . wlth impmvements made to the Property.
<br /> : 16.'i�randa ot the Prnpecty or�Banelldal Inta+cst W Borrowa. If all or any put of the pc�nperty or any intetest
<br />�'�� � � ln it is sold or dc�nsfezred (or if a benoficLl intenat ia Bornowar is sold or taasfeaxd and Bom�wa ii aot a mturd
<br />:i z � •'";., P�n)wlthout Leader's prlor wriaen coasent, L,ender may,u its opdon.requirt imaacdiate PaYm'nt in full of all aum
<br /> a-..,�� . sxural try this Deed of Teust.However.tttis opdaa st�U not be exerciaed by Lender if exerct�e i�ps�hibited by fedet�l
<br /> oh fedec 1
<br />.-=�3 i�'r..... liw ac of the dste of this Dad of Tiust.
<br />�r-+ �1�,r'
<br />��.:��'y.`�. If I.ender wcarcises this opdon, Leuder ahall give Borrower nodce af uceleradon. 'The notice sh�ll pmvtde a pedod
<br />_ - _,�F.
<br />—� -�"' ; � of not less ti�an 30 days from the d�te the notice ia delivered or m�iled wlthin which Bouoaer must psy aU a�au ea�u+ed
<br />�•"'"`�`� by dils Deed of Tn�st. If Horrow�er f:ils w pay thae sums prtor to the eapiradon of th�pe:iod, Leadac�y imrdre Rny
<br />�`f,.+i:�:r'.a
<br /> yi�ti:�,. remedtes permival by this Deai of Tc�st wIthout fuither nodce or dem�nd on Bomower.
<br /> - - NON-UMPORM COVBNANT9. Bornower aad Le�er fuc�her coven�at aad�ra�.s follvws:
<br />;j�;;;��':�`� 17. Aeodaatloni Aeme�ila. Bkoept �u prortded fn p�rap�ph li bci�eot� upou Borrower'� bre�ch ot aq�
<br />'--;�,;._� oo�emnt or sp�e�e�t o[Hoe�rower in tbie Deed o[Teurt,indudinj Bore�ower'� i�liuire to pq.b�tLe end ot lY
<br /> : - ." cdead�r daya�tt�e the�n+e due�an�sum�secural by th4 Da�d o[11n�t,I.eader piar W�ocda�ation tlMll;l�e
<br /> �
<br />?�e��•� notke to Hoes+oNer�s pradded In para�pb IZ hereof spedtylnss (1)tLe braehi(3) the actlon requlred to wi+e
<br />==�;=c��::=� auch brachi (3)a dRte,not leas th�n?A da�a f�raia tbe date the notla i�m�ikd to Bocz+oxer.b�wlddi a�ch 6reach
<br />- :.'� ;.; , mwt be c�a+ai:and(A)that taflure to cun auc6 bn�ch on or Mla+o the drte�pedAeu in the ncdoa ms�ran�t tn
<br /> � � •• ic+oelaadon of the s�nu seci�red b�t64 Deal at Tru�t and aak ot the Propat�. '!be nodoe a6aU Nt1ke infam
<br /> Boerow�er o[t6e rt�ht to rd�tat�attar�ocdastlon and tbe ryR6t to M�tn��oou�t actbn to arert the qona6tmoe et
<br />� ' s dehuit or aq�other delmse ot Borrowar to aoodaraUon and aile.V t6e bre�ch is not cured on or betore tbe date
<br />� erecitled in the�wtke,I.ender,at Lmdx's opUoa� may decisre all ot tLe ams�ec�aed b�th4 Deed ot Tnrt W be
<br /> immedlately due and paraWa without tlathx d�n�and and aoq Inroke tbe poxer at�ale and any atLee e+�dtea
<br /> pamittecl by �pplk�abte 4w. Lasder ehW be eotJtled to oollat �Il rawn�We cats �nd expara i�rebd in
<br />� p�nsutn�the remedies pro�ided In tWs piura�r�pb 17,Includtr��but aot ILmited to��+eiroo�We�ttoe�uc,�'[ee�.
<br /> U tbe power ot sAle ia inroked�Tnntee ehaU reeord a uotice of ddauk ia ach caont�In whk6 t6e A+op�rt�or
<br /> aane p�ut tbcreo[b loa�ted and shaU null copks ot suc6 nodoe in t6e numer pnscdbed b�appUeable 4w to
<br /> Borrow�a��ad to the otlkr paso�pre�tbed b��ppllc�ble I�w.Atter tbe I�p�e ot sud�tlme ar nu�be e+equlred by
<br /> - _ -• -- -� ---- -�_.. . - ---- ,._..- ---••--�•-
<br /> -- - appncabie�arr� a nscee e�eui p�e puuuc noiiao a e�ie io ine paaws and in ine mi�oEr pivc.�wa v� ap�w�wae
<br /> � 4w.Tntitee,�►It6out demand on Borrowar,ahall sdl the Propat�at publtc�uction ta t2�e hlshest blddx at ZLe tlme
<br /> aqd plsoe�nd under tbe t�nna deatp�ataf in tLe nottoe o[ule In ooe or more p�nod�aad ln wc6 order ar Tn�ta
<br />- myr determine.Trt�eta m�y postpooe sale oE all or an,1 p���p►'m1�7 67 i��aqno�modnak at t6e Wae
<br /> and plaoe oi�predou�ly echedWed e�la Leada or La�dar'e dalp�ma7 piarh�the Pmpea t7 a�41�• _
<br /> Upon reoeipt ot paymcot ot the prla btd.Tntitee sball ddlva to tha p�u�ch�a Te�rdee'� deed oon�ta�tbe --
<br /> : • P►bpaRy aold.The raftals in the Trwtee's dad ahwll be prlm�fide e�tdenc�ol tbe tavth at t6c Matemmts made
<br /> _ tba�ein.Tnrtee ahW apply tbe prnoeedr ot the�le in the folbvrio�order:(a)to dl rason�ble oa�ts aod r:pen�ot _
<br /> t6e�le,lncludln�,but not llmtted to,Tn�etee'e[ea actuW�Incuered ot not mo� t�n S 9i of the�rors ak peta,
<br /> . raieon�bk sttorne7s' fas and ooete ot title eddenai (b) to all nme secured b� t61� Deed ot'Tt�tt and (c)tbe
<br />_ � a�aye•lf aqy,to t6c pereon or Pereone IepllY entitled t6atito.
<br /> i
<br /> � _
<br /> � Neb[uka 26876-3 7197 OriQiaal(R�eord�d) Copy(Hraaah) Copy(Cu�ta�s� Paye�ofs -
<br />