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<br /> TpAN VJ1N ti3tlYaN LAI 8 LB 101�01 09/11/1997 �°.
<br /> . � ' , Uh'IFOAM COVBNANTS. Borrower�ad Lender covenant and t�ree As follows: �_=
<br /> � 1. P�ymak of Pelndp�l and IMaat, Borrower s1W1 promptlY I�Y when due the princlpal wd ituerest ----
<br /> iadebtcd�ss evldeacad by the Note And late charges�.s pinvided in the Note.
<br /> 1, fi�n�for Tiuca�nd Lrunnce. SubJect to applicable l�w or�wrltten wdver by L.ender.Borcower stull ptY ro
<br /> Lead�r on the diy monthlY MYments of princtpoi nad iaterest ue p�yable uader the Note�uodl tbe Note is ptid ia li�U.�
<br /> ' sum llxnia "Fuads')Wwl to one-twelt4h uf the yquly tues�ad asseasments(Including wndominium u�d planned unft
<br /> developmeat a�essmentc,if any)whteb mry utain prlodty over thla Dced of T,cust.and 8round nata oa the Property.tf
<br /> tny.plua one-twelflh of yeatly premium ianallments for h�rd lnsuranca.Plas one-twelfth of yarly premium inst�llttrents .
<br /> for mort�e iasuraoce. if Any, all � rcaso�ly tsdwatcd inidnlly and from dms ro dme by L.ender on the tusis of
<br /> :,fi1 �saesamena�nd bUl�u�d reaaoa�ble cadmues therrof. 9orrower shaU not 6e obU�ated ta m�ke such ptyments of Funds
<br /> to Leader to tt�e eateat t6�t Horrower m�lces such puymenta to the holder of a prlar mortY�e or dad of m�st if such holder � ��_-
<br /> �' is an inadtudontl lender. �r._.
<br /> ro++�
<br /> If BO!'lOWC[ �iy6 FIIAdB t9 I.CAdCI. ehe Funds si�11 be held in�n insdtudon the deposics or sccounts of which ue � �``
<br /> insund or�r�ntad by a Federal or sttu agency(includin�Lender if Lender ls such aa iasdtudon). I.�nder s1W1 apply �.ii �`.
<br /> the Funds to p�y said taxes,assessments�lasurmce Premiums Aud ground rents. Lcnder may noi chuge for so holdin�md � _-
<br /> �PP1Y�8 the Punds,amly�.a�siid�ctount or vetifyla�nnd compi11n8 stid asxsgments and biUs� unless Lend�r ptys � _
<br /> Borrower interesct oa tt,e Funds and tppHcible ltw perm[ts L.ender to m�ke such a elurge.Bocrower ud Lender mty a8cx G
<br /> ter t
<br /> . in wrldn��t the time of eaccudon of this Dad of Tnist th�.t initerest oa the Fwids sh�ll be paid to Bom�wer,wd un1e� �
<br /> svch t�roement Is m�de or appllcable law requires such Interest to be pt�id.Le�er stnU not be roquired to p�y Bomnwer
<br /> ; Any intenst or easnia�s on the Funds. I.ender stWl�ive w Homower,wlthout cturge�an�nnu�l accouadn�of the Fuads =
<br /> . ' showing credits aad det�Its to the Funds�nd t6e putpose for wLich ach debit to the Funds w�s m�de. 'ILe Funds ue
<br /> � �" pled�ed�s�ddidomi sectulty for the s�ms sectued by tWs Deed of Tcust. `-
<br /> � If the amount of tLe Funds held by Lc�er, wgether wlth the fumre monthly in�llmen�of Funds psy�ble prtor w
<br /> the due dius of auces. •«�nts�insur�e pnmiums and ground rents.sbsll eaccad the amount nq��P�Y siid
<br /> " tues, assessmea+ts,insvcu�ce pnmiums uid�round rents as they fill due� such excess sbaU be. u Bormw�s's optian.
<br /> � � elther prnmptlY iepdd w Bonower or cralitod w Borrowu on monthly iamilments of Funds. If tLe amount of tbe Punds
<br /> y .` held by LCndec StWI �bC SuffideL�Io psY Iaxes� iSSeBSmCntB� �vtllnCe PrCm3utu9 ud g[�ouud�eNB tls they ftll due,
<br /> . h
<br />_ Bonrower shali psy w Lender my�mount�cessuY w m�ke up the deficiency in one or mon p�yments �s I.ender m�y
<br /> _ �Upon pzyment ia fiill of�Il sums soaued by this Dad of Tznst, I.ender siull promptly nfund W Bocrower any Funds
<br /> held by Lender.If under pu�tgt�tph 17 hcreof tlu Property is sold or the Fropetry is otherwlse Accluired bY under�I�nder
<br />_ , _ �11�gl;. •�19t�r�n imme�iately prlor w the sale of the Prnperty or its acquisidon by Lender.�ny P�ds h�l.d by
<br />- � Lender�t the dme of appllcuion as a crodit ag�inst the sums secured by this Dad of Tmst.
<br /> ."'- . 3. Apptiaitioa ot Paymmt:. Ualess Applicable Lw pmvtdes otherwlse.all payments r�ceived by Lcnder nad�r che
<br /> ' •. Note and paragisl�s 1 �nd 2 heceof shall be applied by Lender fust in psymnt of amounts paY�tble io Lender by Horrower
<br /> 8�
<br />_�;:�'���.•: � undec��raph 2lkreof,thea to interest pay�ble on the Note,�nd then w the princip�l of the Note.
<br />-jn•:::
<br />=��:�:`.. _ 4. Prioe Matp�s and Deed� of Trud3 Char�CS; Lau�.Borrovver slull perform all of Borrow�r's obligattons
<br />��':c.-. ;i,
<br />-�.��,�;.;....: unda aay mortgage, dad of uust or other sxurIty �grxment wlth�li�n which h�a pdorlty over thia Deed of Tn�st,
<br /> y�`-'�E�`�� Includi�a�Bornower's covemnts w m�ke p�yments when due.Borrower stwll psy or c�use to be paid all Wus,�sse�o�ts
<br />�_�=,:��__.- atnd otber charges.fi�s and imposidong imIbut�ble w the Propert3►ahich mty attain a prlorlty over this Deed af T�ust.
<br /> �-���'i��'. and kas�hold payments or�round nnts.if nny.
<br />-�,�-
<br /> S. Haard �aanoe. Bomower ebW 1caP the imProvements now existin�or herafter erectod on the Property
<br /> ""=� ins�ued�ai�t loss by fire.h�arda ineludod wlthtn tLe term'extended coverage",�nd such odrer b�wctis a�I.eader mzy
<br /> _��.,.,��-� require�nd in sach unounts�ad for such periods�s Leader mty roquin.
<br /> =�;,^�.�sc�� Tl�e insucance cauier provldin8 the lasur�oce sbW be chosen by Botrower sub,�oct to�pQmv�l by Lender:Pmvidal•
<br /> _---`=��� thu auch appmval abalt not be nnreasom�bly wlthheld. All insurance policies and ranevv�la theireof ahsll be in s focm
<br /> ---- axepqible to Lender aad stWl iaclude a atandu+d mort�ge ciwse ia fivor of aad in a famu acoepdible to I.ender. I.eader
<br />'�='���� stall hf�ve tLe rlgtt to hold tt�e pollcles�nd nnew�is theroof�subjcct w the tern�s of any mort�ge.deed ot trost or oth�r _
<br /> socur{ty�reement wlth a lien which h�s pdodty over thia Deod of Tiust.
<br />�Y:�``� Ia the eveut of loss�Horrower sLall�Ive prompt nodce to tLe iacur��e eu�ier�nd I.ender.Lender rny m�ke pmof
<br /> �,'_�n�r
<br />— ��:y A„�; of loss ff not m�de prnmptly by Hoirower.
<br />- _:�� If the PropertY is ibsodoned by Barrower.or if Borrower fiils m respond to Lender wltbia 30 daye�c�om the due
<br />---=�y';�� �tfce is m�ilad by Lender to Bormwer thst the incucince c�rcier offecs to seule a c1�im for iagueana bene8ts.Leflder is
<br /> =-=:y=�';-�;�' authorined w collat and apply the iasucmce p r o c e a l s u L e u d e r's a p do n e i t h e r w r e s t o r a d o n o r r e p�r of the F m p e r t y or
<br /> '-�^-' to the s�socured by this Deod of T�ust.
<br />�'�=<_:: .a
<br />�'?.��%' .' i. Pe�a�allon �nd M�intau�n�ce ot Propactyi �det Cowiomiotums� Pl�aned Udt De►dopm�+�.
<br />�',':. . :`- B oaower s 1 W 1 kcep t h e P r o p e c ty i n g o o d r e p�i r�n d s t W l m t c o m m i t w a s t e or p e t m it i m�i C m e n t or detedorndon of tLe
<br /> _ . '� . Pmperty and shsll comply with fhe pmvisions of my lase i f t h i s D a d o f T z u s t l s on A l e�s e h o l d.I f t h i s D o o d o f T s n a t i s
<br /> s
<br />� on�untt in a condominium or s planned unit dcwelopmoiu.B ormwer shW p c r f omn all of Botrower's oblig�t[ons nader the
<br />_t � .�.1 decl�rsdon or covenants creadn8 or govanina tbc comomiatum or plum�d unit development,the by-Lws�nd n�ul�dona
<br /> _. r� of tt�ee oondominium or planned unit development.and consdtuent dociuneats.
<br /> _ 4' 7. Protecttan ot I.eader'� Security. If Botrower fails to perform the cuvensnts wd agraments comained in tLis
<br /> - . Deed of Tnut,or if any acdon or pmcadin8 ts commenced which m�terially aHects Lenider's interest ia tLe Pmperty,then
<br />_ ' ,� I.eader. u Lender's opdon. upon nodce w Bomower, auy make such �ppa�� disbutse svch �awns. includiag
<br /> . , re�son�ble atwrneys' fas. and take such acdon�s is aecexsuy to protect Lender's intenst. If I.eader requtred mort�e
<br />— �----- --.....�t.s.,....e..�.ys....��itin ewrnrrtl hv lhic Dr�nf TttL4t. BOIIOWGI S11�I111�Y thC An•'�11mg�N�t0
<br /> . -.-.__._.'__ ��111�i�i�O�W�YaMVY v��r0�w.������� _I �"__ .' ' .
<br /> �ri SUCh �WllA�CC �D Gf�OCt Ufltll SIlCh t�NC �S fhC I'OQ11�IiIIYDt f0?SUCh �ILSIIIAOCC tCl�Oit�S�Il kODI�iOCC With
<br /> Bomower's�ad Lender's wrlttea agrament or xpplicable Iaw. _
<br /> � Any aawunts disbursed by I�ender purawmt to tbis par�raph 7,with intetess thereon,u tLe Note rate�stWl becomo
<br /> addidoaRt indebtodaess of Dorrower secuc+ed by this Dad of Trust.Unless Bon+ower aad Lwdcr a�ra w other tere»of
<br />� piyment. such aaaounts sLaA be p�yable upon notice from Lender to Bomower ro4uesdu� PiYment tharof. Nothin�
<br /> conuined ia tbis p�ragr�ph 7 ahsU requin I.ender to ineur any exp�nse or ake any acdon hemmder.
<br /> : a. IorpxNon Lender may m�ke or ctnse to be m�de raisontble entrIes upon �nd ic�epecdons of the Prn�petty,
<br />— pmvtde�tlut Le�er sh�ll�ive Bomnwet nodce prior to any evch ias�ocdon speclfying rasontble cause tLerefor reLted to
<br /> I.eakt's intcrest 1n the Property.
<br /> . �
<br /> - � i
<br /> �'. � Neen.t.2ea76-� �ro� OriQiaai(R�card�d) Copy(graaah) Copy(CU�toa�r) P+se2oi3
<br /> i
<br /> - . . _ . � ....�:,..wr a. ,:t.. _ia..�•- .,cv.k.rr,--_=-�.:,;e-_------ �-- .— .-"rs—__ -- -- ------ �
<br />