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201208227 <br /> contiime to pay to J.,endcr Thc amount of the separately designated payments fhaC were due when the <br /> insuraiico coverage eeased to be in effeet. Lender will accept, usc and retain these paymenYs as a <br /> ❑on-reftmdable loss reserve in 1iet� of Mortgaga Ilzsurance. Such loss reserve shall be uon-refundable, <br /> notwithsY�lnding the fact tliat tlie I,oan is ulfimately paid in full, and Lender sha11 not bc required to pay <br /> Borrower airv interest or earnings on sueh loss reserve. Lender can no lon�cr require loss resexve papments <br /> if Mortgage lnsuranee coverage(in the atnount aud for the period that Lender requires)provided by an <br /> insuror selected by Lender again becomes auailable, is obtained, and Lender requires separataly designatad <br /> payments towlyd the pramiums for Mortga�;e]nsurance. If Lender required Mortgage lnsurance as a <br /> eondition of malcing tlie Loan and Borrower was required to make separately desigitaled payments toward tlie <br /> pre�niums for Mortgage fnsurance, Borrower shall pay the premiums rcquircd lo maintain Mortgnge <br /> insi�rance in effect, or to provide a nonnef'undable losa reserve, until Lander's requirement for Moxtgage <br /> Insurance ends in aceordance witl� any written agreement between Borrower uid Londer providing for snch <br /> ternunation or unYil tcnninatinn is requixed by ApplieaUle Law. Nothrng in this Section 10 affeots <br /> Borrowar's obligation to pay interest nt the raYe provided in the Note. <br /> Moxtgage Insurance reimburses Leuder (or any entity th�t puroha�es the Note) for oext�lin losses it may incur <br /> if Borrower does not repay the Loan as a�reed. Borrower is not a p2rty to the Mortgage lnsurance. <br /> Mortgage insurers evaluate theIr total risk on all sucli insurance in force from time to time, azzd may entar <br /> into agreements witU other pa��ties Uiat share or m�dify their risk, or xaduce lossea These agreemcnfs are on <br /> terms flnd conditions that are satisPactory to the mortgage insurer and the other party (or parties)to these <br /> agreements. These agreements may require the moetgage insurer to mako paymonts uaing any source of funds <br /> Yhat the mortgaga insurer may haue available(which may include funds ohtainad from Mortgnge Insur¢nce <br /> premiums). <br /> As a resiilt pf these agreements, Lender, any purchasor of the Note, another insurer, any reinsurer, any other <br /> entity, or any affliate of auy of tlie foregoing, may receive(directly or indirectly) a�nouiits that derive from <br /> (or miglrt Ua characterized as) a portion of Borrowex`s payments for Mortgage Insurance, in exchange for <br /> sharing or modiTying the morYgage insurer's rislc, or reducin� Iossas. If'such agreement provides tliat au <br /> affiliaTe of Lender Yakes a sha�•e of'the iosurer's risk in exchange for a share of tha pratniums paid to the <br /> insurer, the arrangement is often termed "capfive reinsurnnce." Further: <br /> (a) Any snch agreemenhs will not aff'ecf She amounts tliat Borrower has agreed to pay for Mortgage <br /> Insw�nnce, or any oSher terms of the Loan. Sucli ugreements will not increasc Clio amount <br /> Borro�ver will owc for Mortgage Insarunce, and they will nok entiEle Borrower to eny reYund. <br /> (b) Any such agreemenfs will not nffect the riglits 13orcowar has- if any-with respect to the <br /> MorGgage Insurance under the Homeowners Protection AcC of 1995 or aqy other law. These rights <br /> may include the right to reoeive cerfain disclosures, to request and obtain cancellaCion of thc <br /> Mortgage Insurance, to have the Mortgage Insurance terminafed auttimatically, and/or to receive <br /> a refund oP any Mor6gage Insurance premiums thaf were unearned aE the time of such <br /> caneellation or termivation. <br /> 11. Assignment of M iscellaneous Proceeds; Forfeiture. All Miscellaneous Proceeds are hereby assigned to <br /> and shall be pvd to Lender. <br /> If the Property is dcunaged, suoh Miecellaneous Proeeeds shall be applied to restoration or repair of the <br /> Property, lfthe restoration or repair is economically fe�sible and Lender's security is not Iessened. During <br /> such repair ai�d restoration period, Lender shall ha�e tlie right to f�old auch Miscellaneous Pxoceetls until <br /> Lender has had an opportunity to inspect such Property Eo onsurs the work has been oompleted to Lcnder's <br /> 24002328 <br /> N[BRASKA-Single Famlly-Fennle MeelFreddie Mua UNIFORM INSTRUMENT Form 302.8 1701 <br /> VMP VMP6(NE)(1105) <br /> Wolmr�s Kluwor Financiol Sonlmc PageB af 1] <br />