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201208227 <br /> for the repftirs and resto�ation in a singlc payment or in a series of progress payments as the work is <br /> completed. If tlie insurancc or condemnation proceeds aze uot suftioient fo ropair or restore the Property, <br /> I3orrower is not relieved of Borrower's obligation for tha aomplation of such repair or restoration. <br /> I,ender or its agent may�nal<e reasonable entries upon azid inspccCions of the Property, If it has reasonabla <br /> cause, Lender may inspect the interior of tlie improvements on fhe Propexty. Lender shall give Borrower <br /> notice at the time of'or prior to such an interior inspection specifying such reasonable <br /> 8. Borrawer`s Loan Application. Borrower shall be in defatilt if, during the Loan application process, <br /> Boxrowet or any persons or entitias acting at tha direction of Borxowar or with Sorrower's knowledge ox <br /> wns�nt gave materially falsc, misleading, or inaccurate information or statoments Yo I.ender (or failed to <br /> provide Lender with material information) in connection with the Lo1n. Material represzntations include, but <br /> �e not limited to, representations concerning Borrower's oocup�uicy of Yhe Property as Borrowar's principel <br /> residence. <br /> 9. Protection of Lender's Interest in the Property and Rights Under this Security Instrument. If(a) <br /> Borrower fails Eo porfor-m the covenants flnd agreements contanled in this Security InstrumenY, (b)there is a <br /> lcga( proceeding that might signi&cantly affect L,ender's interest in the Property flnd/or rigkts under this <br /> Seei�rity Insteument(such as a proceeding in banlcruptcy, pro6ate, for condanmation or forfeitm�q for <br /> enforcamant of a lian whioh may atcain priority over this Saouriry Instrument or tio ettforce laws or <br /> regulations), or{o) Borrower has abandoned the Property, then l.,ender may do and pay for whatever is <br /> rcasonable oe appropriate Yo pxotect Lender's interest in fhe Property and rights under this Security <br /> InstrumenY, including pxotecting and/or ass�sing Che value of Yhe Property, aud securing aud/or repairing <br /> tlie Property. Lender's actions cau include, but 1re not limited to: (a) paying any swi�s sacured by a lien <br /> which has priority over hhis Security InsYrument; (b) appearing in courC; and (c) �aying reasonable lttorneys' <br /> Coes Yo protect its interest in Yhe Pxopexty and/oi rights under 4his Security Instrument, including its secured <br /> position in a bankruptey proceeding. Securing t6o Property inaludes, but is nat limited to, enteriiig the <br /> Property to make repairs, ohauge locks, replace or board up doors and windows, drain waCor from pipes, <br /> eliininate buitding oc oYher code violaYions or dnngerous coitditions, and have utilities tivned on or off. <br /> Although Lender may take aation under this SacEion 9, Londor does not haue to do so and is not under any <br /> duty or obligation to do so. It is agaeed that Lendcr ineurs no ]iability for not taking any or all aetions <br /> authori�ad uuder tUis Section 9. <br /> Any a���oLmte disbursed by Lender under this Section 9 shall bocome additional debt of Borrower secured by <br /> this Security Instrument. These amounts shall bear intarast at the Note xflte from tlie date of disbw same,nt <br /> and shall be payable, with sucli interest, upon notice from Lender to Borrower requesking payment. <br /> If this Security Inshument is on a leasehold, Borrower shall oomply witl�all tlie pravisions o�f the lcase. If <br /> Borrower aoquiras fee title to the Property, the leasehold and tl�e fee title shall not merge unless Lender <br /> agrees to Yhe�nc�gor in writing. <br /> 10. Mortgage Insurance. If Lender required Mortgage Cnsurance as a condition o£making the l,oan, Borrower <br /> shall pay the premiums required to muii7tain Ehe Mortgage Insurance in et�'ect. If, for auy reason, tha <br /> Mortgage Insurance coverage required by Lender ceases to ba available from thc mortgage insnrer that <br /> previously providod suoh insurance and Borrower was required to make separately designated payiuents <br /> toward the peemiums for Mortgage Insurance, Borrowor shall pay the premiuma raquired to obtain covorage <br /> substantially equivalent to the Mortgagc:tnstirane,�pxeviously in eff'eot, at a cosC substantially equivalent to <br /> tl�e eost to�Borrower of the Mortgage Insurance previously in effeot, from an alterna4e mortgage insi�rer <br /> selected by Lender. If substanttally equiv¢lent Mortgage lusurance coverage is not avtilable, Borrowar shall <br /> zaooza2a <br /> NEeftASKA-single Famlly-fennie MeelFretldla Mac UNIFORM INSTRUMENT Form 3028 1l07 <br /> VMP VMP6(NE)(11a51 <br /> Wolte�p Kluwer Flnancial 8ervioes Pege 8 of 17 <br />