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201208227 <br /> in the Propecty and rights undex Yhis Seourity Instrument; aud (d)takcs such action as Lender may <br /> reasonably require to assure thaT Lender's interest in tho ProperYy and righYs under this Seeurity Instrument, <br /> and Borrowu's obligation to pay flie surns seoured by this Security Instrument, shall continuc unchanged. <br /> l,endor may require that Borrower pay suoli reinstatement suins and expenses in ona or mare of the following <br /> forms, as seleated by Lender. (a) eash; (b) money order; (c) corCifled check, bank check, treasurer's check or <br /> cashier's check, provided any sucli checl< is drawu upon an institution whose deposits are insured by a <br /> federal agency, insh•umentality or entity; or (d) �lectronic Funds Transfer. Upon reinstatement Uy k3orrower; <br /> tliis Security Instr•umeiit' and obligations secured hereby shall remain fully effective as if no acceleration had <br /> occurred. However, this right to reinstate shall not apply in tlie oase of acccleration under SeeYion 18. <br /> 20. Sale of Note; Change of Loan Servicer; Notice of Grievance. The Notc or a partial interest in the <br /> Note(together witli this Security Iastrument) cat� bc sold one or more times without prior notiee to <br /> Borrower. A sale might result in a change in the entity(known as tha "Loan Servicer'� that collects Periodio <br /> Paymcnis due under the Note and this Sacurity Instrument aud perforii�s oUier inoxtgage loan servicing <br /> obligations under the NoCe, this Security Instrument, and Applicable Law. There also might be one or more <br /> elianges of the Loa�i Se�vicer umelated to a sale of the NoYe. If Yhere is a cha�ige of tlie Loan Service�, <br /> Borrower will �e givei�writCen notica of the change which will state the name and address oC the new Loan <br /> Scrvicer; fhc address to which payments should be made and Emy othex infonnation RESPA requires in <br /> conneetion with a notioe of transfer of servicing. If the Note is sold and thereafter the Loan is secvieed by a <br /> Lonn Servicer other than the purcl�aser of tlie Note, tho mortgage ]oan servicing obligations to Borrowe� will <br /> remain with the Loau Servicer or be transl'errcd to a successor Lo�n Servicer and are not assumed by khe <br /> Note purchaser unless otherwisa provided by the Note purchaser. <br /> Neither Borrower nor l.ender may comiroence, join, or be joined to any judicial action(as aither an <br /> individual fitigant or the iners�ber of a el<�ss)thflt�u•isas from the otlier pazty's acCions ptivsuanY fo Yhis <br /> Seourity Instrument or that alleges tliat the oUier party l�as breached any provision of, or t�ny duty owed Uy <br /> reason ot; Lhis Seourity Instrument, until such Borrower or Lender has notified the other pa�ty(with such <br /> notica givan in complianoe wilh the requirements of 9ection 15) of suoh alleged breaoh and afforded the <br /> oChex parCy hercto a roasonable period after the giviug oP such notice to talce correclive action, If Applioable <br /> Law provides a time period wliieh must elftpsa befora certain actiou can be taken, that time pariod will ba <br /> deemed to be rensonable for purposes of tliis pazagraph. 'Che notice of aooeleration and opportuiuty to cure <br /> givcn to Borrower pursuant to Seotion 22 and the notice of acceleration given to Borrower pursuant to <br /> Section 18 shall be deemed to satisfy the notice and opportunity to take corrective acYlon provisions of this <br /> Section 20. <br /> 21. Hazardous Substances. As used in this Section 21: (a) '7iazai°dous Subsaances" a�•e those substances <br /> defined as toxic or hazudous substanccs; pollutante, or wastes by Environmental Law and Yl�e following <br /> substa�iees: gasoline, kerosene, other flammflble oc toxic petiroleum products, toxic pestieides and lierbicides, <br /> volatile solvents, maYerials contnining asbestos or formaldehydo, and radioactive materials; (b) <br /> "�nvironnzental Law"menns federal laws azid laws oP tha jnrisdiction where the Property is locafed that <br /> relate to healtU, safety or envieonmental pratection; (c) "EnvlronmeNta7 Cleanup" includes any response <br /> action, remedial action, or removal action, as defined in Enviromnental Law; and(d) an "Lnvfronmental <br /> Cnndttion"means a nondiYion that oan c�use, contriUute tq or otherwise trigger an Envixonmental Cleanup. <br /> Borrowcr shall not cause or permit the presence, use, disposal, sioragc, or release of 1ny II<�lydous <br /> Substances, er tlu•eaten to relense any Hazardous Subsfances, on or in the Property. Borrower shall not do, <br /> nor allow anyona alse to do, �nyUiing affcating fhe Property (a)that is in violation of any Environmental <br /> I,aw, (b)whicti crcates ai� Environmental Conditiou, or (o) which, due to the prosence, use, or releAse of a <br /> Ha�ardnus Substance, creates a condition thc�t advarsely afCncts Che value of the Property. Tl�e preceding fwo <br /> saoozaza <br /> NE9RASKA-9inglo Family-Fannie M ae7FreAdie Mac VNIFORM INSTRUMENT Form 9028 1/01 <br /> VMP(nJ VMPe(NEl(11051 <br /> Wollars Kluwer Finanolal Servlcas Papo 13 o(77 <br />