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<br />�,.::.� 97-108013
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<br /> _^o� Ci.ASSI(iNMENT OF LEASES. Upon Ler�du'e reques�,Barowa shaU essign to Lender�ll fea�es of Ibe
<br /> - property cu�d all securiry deposits made in connecdon with lea9es of tho Property.Upon the esstgnment,I.endes
<br /> s1uU h�ve t6e dght w modify,extend or taminue tha exisdng k.ases and w execute new lea�es.in Lendu's eole
<br /> di�cretbn.Aa usod in this p�ragnph(i.the wad"k�se"shall me�n"sublease" if the Sxurlty Inswmer�t is on s
<br /> � lea�chold.
<br />-��. Hamower abeolu�ely and ur�condidonaUy a�signs and tra�ufus to L.enckr dl the rents and rovenues("Raus")otihe
<br /> �F°� Pm{x�ty, ngardksa af to wbom ihe Rents of the Propacy are pay�bb.Horrowcr euthocius Lendu or Laida's
<br />---•o� agd11S W CO1kCl�b0 RGIL4. and agroes that each tenant of the Propaty shaU pay the Rents w Letidu or Lenda'S
<br /> _ - agents.Howava,Borro�r�r stwll receive tha Rents untll(i)Lenda t�at glven Bamnwu aotice of default pursuant to
<br />----- pangr�pb 21 of the Savrity Insaument and(ii)Lcnder ha4 given�wtice to the tenuit(s)ttut the Ra►t�are W ba
<br /> ___�� Pald w L,ender or Lender•s Agen� 1t�is assignment of Renta canstIwtes an absolute assignmait and not an
<br /> __�� �t for�dditional securlty only.
<br />-- = If Lendu give�nWtce of brach to Barowa:(I)aU Reuts roceivod by Aarower stWl bo held by Barowa�a
<br /> __�;;,� trustoe for thr benefit of Lender a�ly.to be appllod to the sums ex�rod by tha Security Instrumu�t;(�Lendcr sluU
<br /> ba er►dtbd to colbct and reaiva all of the Reats of the Propacy:(iii)Borrower a�oes Wt each uu�nt of the
<br />.._�.� Pmp�ty shall PaY aIl Rwts due and unpeid to Lendu or L.ender's agenta upon I.enda's wrltten demand t,o Ihe
<br />---— taunt;(iv)unkss appliabb!Aw provides otbawise,all Rent�coUoct�d by Lenda or L�ender's ageata ehall be
<br /> applied first to the costc of taldag control of pnd man�gin8 the PropatY and coUocting the Rents.iacluding.but not
<br />- limiwd to.�ttorneys'fas,seca�va's foes�premiums on roceiva's bonds��epair a�d rruiir►Wunce coatt.insiu�nco
<br /> — p[dninms.tues.acs�sanent�aad odiv charges on the Pmpaty, ond tt� to tho sun�s sacured by the Security
<br /> - In�rumau;(�)I.�da�Lenda�s�gents or anY judicLllY appointed roceiver shall be liabb to acoount fa oNy dnse
<br /> —_- Rents�ewelly rocoivod;and(vi)I�a�der ahall be endt3ed to luve a receiver appointed w W�e pasxsaion of nd
<br /> --- mnago the Pmnarty and collect tAe Rents and p[�ofits Aaived inom me Fnopaty wimoui aay snowiug a i,u ina
<br /> -- it�u�cy of the PropeRy as eocurlty.
<br /> - � If the Raits of the Pmpe�ty ara not a�'xiait w covu the costs of talc+ng conaol of�nd maneging tho
<br /> " Pmpaty and of collocting the Reats ulY funds o�Penc�od bY I.ender fa such p�up�ses ahall becomc indebtedne�of
<br /> —�� Bomower w I�nder sxw�ed by tbe Sa�urity Instrument purauant w Unlfam Coveaant 7.
<br /> = Barowa mpre.xna and warrar►u dwt Sacowa hes not executod anY Pria'auignmant of the Renb�nd i�as
<br /> nat and�►ill not perfam my�ct tt�t aonld p�vent I.ender from wcacising its rights w�da this Qaragcaph.
<br /> I.rnder.a Lender's ngaus a a judiciallY appointed ncelva,abAll not bcs raquirod to enta upon,take c.cmn�l
<br /> - ot or m�iat�in the Propaty befae a�fta giving nodce of defwilt to Borrowel. Howevet�i�aider,or Lar�tla's
<br /> sigaits ar a judkt�llY appointed nceiver,may do so at any time whdi a d�fault oocurs.My application of Itmts
<br /> stull not curo a waive any defaiilt a invalidate aay odus dBht or remedY of La�der.Thls auignmr,nt of Ra�n of
<br /> t�e Property a6�ll anain�te wbea ill tbe sums sxiued by the Sacurity Ins�umant>rca p�id in full.
<br /> & I.CROSS�DEFAl1LT PItOVI3ION. Barower's defwlt a b�each uadei nuuy note a �eanent in
<br /> � whicri I�der h�s �n inrrpt stull be�braich�u�ler�he Socuricy lnstrument md Lenda miy invoke aay of�he
<br /> _ remedics petmiped by the Securiry Insuumai�
<br /> � BY SIONING BEi.OW,Borrowu eccepts and agrees to tha teims and p��lsians oontaL�ai ia thls 1�Family
<br /> �
<br /> Rida.
<br /> � r �. ��� � ��(/� _�(ss�+►)
<br /> � �p �►�� 1/I�P � ��
<br /> � �RMO VALDfi2 •Borrower � M V�+��Z .ga��=
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