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<br />� � � APBL# 001-7090�012 �"
<br /> a c�u.# o000000000 �
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<br /> 1-4 FAMILY RIDEI� 97�1�8t1i� �
<br /> •��'�"'� Aest�ament o�Rents
<br /> �
<br />--- THIS 1-4 FAMI[.Y RIDBR is mada this 25TIi day of SEPTSMBfiR , 1997 �� jg
<br />-- l' incorporatod innn and shaU be doemed to atnend and supplement the Mortgago,Doed of Trust or Securlty Dad(the
<br />_ � "Secwdty Instrument")of tho same dato 8iven by the unduslgned(tho"Bo�rowa")to socure Borrower's Nose w
<br />_ '. (the°I-'e"der��)
<br />�� L>�:� of the same date and caveiL�g the Property dcscrlbod�n the Securlty lnstrument aad locatod aC
<br />- •.•..�.
<br />_�•'±�'` ; �' 1813 NORTH KRU$E AVENUE
<br />� ' ' OR�1ND ISLJIND, N5F3RASIC)► 68803
<br />�� ='z'.i� l�m�Ada,e.tl
<br /> I i"-;i-�, ~� 1-4 FAMII.Y COVENANT3. In additloa to�he covenants and ag[oements made in the Security tnsuwien4
<br /> Bomower a+nd Lender funher cove�ant and agrea as follows:
<br /> .-s,tt-'.. prop�y described in the Securlty Instrumcn�the foUowing items sre added w the Property descripdoo,and ehail
<br />-,�f1,,�a`�, als�o ooustt[ute the P[oputy Cove[ed by the SeCUiIty Insftumenx bu3lding m8i�x381s.aPPlisnces and$oOds of every
<br /> �-�� ° aeture what9oevu now ar t�ereafta located in.an,a osed,a intcr�ded w be usod in coanectbn wid�d�c Piropesty�
<br />'��t� of su 1 or disaibutL� headng,cooling,cJocaiclty�Bas�
<br />��, includjng,but not limited w. those for tbe Pucposes PP Y�8 8
<br /> •-�:�"'P;`�`-`� watrs,air aad light,firo O�vendon and exdn8��8 ePP�• sacurity and access cao�ol apparaws.Plwnbing,
<br />-��'�.• b�th wbs.waux beatas.waur clwets.sinke.tmgq�s0oves.re&igaanoce�dfshwashas.disposal�,wast�as.dry'e10.
<br />-�'�+� awttings,storm windows�sto�m doora.screa�a.bljnda.stwdas.c�Ins and carmin nods.atmct�cd minacs.pbhw,
<br /> -=���— P�pB and attachod tloor uovaings now or haeafter attac6od to the P[opaty. all of which, iuncluding
<br /> ---— rq�oernents�ad addidona tt�er�ew�stull be doemed w be aad�unain Q pact of the Propaty covered by die Securiry
<br />-i.-��� L�strurnonG All of the foresoing wgetha with the Aropaty descnibed in the Security Ins�un�ern(a thc 1�audwW
<br />----- � estate if tbe Socunity Instn�ma►t is on a kaulwld) are refemed w in ihis 1-4 Family Rider and the Secu:iry
<br />—�_. = Iastruroent a�the"Pcopaty."
<br /> �-�� B.USE OF PROPERTYi COMPI.IANCE WITH LAW. Bamwer sball not sak, e�oo ia or nnico t
<br />�=*LL� c6ange in the use of the Pmp�xty a its zoning clauificadon,unlas Lender has egrood in writing to d�e clunge.
<br />----- Borrower stull oou�ply wiW ell laws, ordin�nces. ngulations and roquicemeAts of aoy govunmaual be�dy
<br /> ..— Applicable tn the Pmpaty.
<br /> � C.SUBOADINATE LIENS. Bxoept�pamiued by federal I�w�Bormwer sl�ll not albw�ny ilai 1ofc�ior
<br /> - - w tho Sec�u'ity lnsuummt to be pafected against tha P[opaty without Lrender's pdor writtai p�miseion.
<br />� � D.REIVT L06S INSURANCE. Bortower shW maintain ituuranoe agatnst ra�t losv in additlon W theoRt�x
<br /> _� hais�rda fa which inwnnce ia co4ulred by Unifam Cova�ant 5.
<br /> E."BORROWEIt'S RI(iHT TO RF.INSTATF."DBLETED. Unifortn Covaunt 18 is deldetl.
<br /> F.BORROWER'S OCCUPANCY. Unless I.eada and Bannwu athetwix �groa In wrltlnB, tho firat
<br /> i9 T- — aenunce ia Uniform Covenaat 6 concemL�g Bamwa's occupaecy of tha Propaty i� dektod. All�amining
<br /> -- covenants and agi�oanents set forth in Uniform Cova�ant 6 shall rem�in in effect
<br />>i:S� '
<br /> -�n� MULTISTATE 1•4 FAYILY RIDEW•F�nnl�M��IFr�ddi��I�o Untiorm Instrum�nt Fa�M s110 sA7
<br /> ,. -'--- rap.t ot 2
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