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<br /> �?-/�loiJ .
<br /> Aasignee sha//be w�der no obligation to Assignor to press any al the rrghts or cfarms assign�d
<br /> to�t hereundar or ro perlorm or carry out any of the obllgatlons undartaken by Asslpnor under the
<br /> leases,end it does not assume any o/the!labilities!n connectlon wi th,or rlsing or growrng out ot,
<br /> the cou�enents and agieements ol the Asslgnor;and Assfpnor covenanta and egrees thet!t wlll lalth•
<br /> tully per/�rm ell o/the obll�atlons imposed upon!t under the/eases hereln essJgned,and agreer to
<br /> indemni/y Assignee,and hold Asslgneo herm/e,ta, lrorn any and allliabllity,lvst or damage whlch
<br /> m�y or m/ght be Incurred by nssfgnae under tha/��sos or under or b y reason of thls AssiQnment, and �
<br /> /rom any end all c/alms end demands whatsoever whJch be esserted agalnst the Asslgnee by reason of
<br /> eny al/eged obligatJo»or undertakings on its part to perlorm or diacharge any o/the ternrs,covenants
<br /> or shell not operate to p/ace responslbility lo�the control,care managemenr or repaJr o/said/easad
<br /> premises upon Asslgnee,nor fnr rhe carrying out ol the termsand conditions ol the leases,norshall
<br /> it operate to meke Assignee responsible or llab/e torany waste comrnitted on rhe property by tenants
<br /> or oecuponts under suchrlease;.,or any ofher part y,or for any dangeraus or de%live condition of the
<br /> premises or loran��egk/renc�[he manegement,upkeep,repai�or coniro/ofsaid piemises resu/ting
<br /> In loss,injury or death to eny tenanc,llcenses,employee,occupant or an y o[her persons.
<br /> Upon pRyment In/uf/01�he indebtedness/or which thls Apreement is additiona!security,
<br /> this AssignmRn[sha/l bo,and become,nul/and void P�om end a iter sald date;and otherw/se,It
<br /> shal/remein and be in/u!/Iorce and ef/e�ct as h�refn piavlded,and�agether w/th the covenanis and
<br /> . warrandes here/n conta/ned,sha/l Jnure to the tre�b/1��b/the Asslgneeand any subsequent holde� _
<br /> 01 said lnQabtedness,end shall be binding upon Assignor,Its heira,execuiors,administ�ators,
<br /> successors and assrgns and eny subsequent owner o/the mortgaged premises.
<br /> • !P::".�lTPlFS3 G+lKFREQf,.^,s..^lgnor hss e::e.^_eted this Agreement Ps of Lhe d2y end,vpar Ahny�
<br /> • written.
<br /> � .
<br /> , Chr sto,ph� R. Watere
<br /> / s
<br /> �
<br /> t .�
<br /> � Cori . W texe �
<br /> { STATE Of NEBRASKA "� 1
<br /> '� 1 S.S.
<br /> � COUNTY OF Hall �
<br /> 4
<br /> 0�th/s�_dey of September� 1997 A.O. before ms a Notary
<br /> Public in and for sald County,persona/ly appeared ChriAtopher A. and �ori A.
<br /> ilaters � --
<br /> to ms known to he the persons named in and who exe+euted the for+egoinglnstrument,and
<br /> ecknow,�edped that they executed[hesameas their�
<br /> vo/untery act and deed.
<br /> � WlTNESSmy hand end Notaris/Seal on the day and year/att abov�e wrliten.
<br /> , �
<br /> � �
<br /> s �*� _ ,,n
<br /> ; �`�.�r:.p� t�—�o v..���1'��'J
<br /> � �������� Norary Public
<br /> ; UIIlRJ1 L M011YELL `� ���
<br /> , MydM.ErRINr.I.lo01 I\!lq-�rP�,'11 Qf4 .��.
<br /> ; �TMy con�misslon expires
<br /> ; EXHIBIT '�A"
<br /> f IIndivided one half Interest in and to Office Unit H in the Grand Island.Doctora Bu3lding
<br /> � Condominium Property Regime, Lot 1, Saint Francie Medica]. Subdivision, City of Grand
<br /> Island, Hall County, Nebraeka as defined in the Master Deed creating Grand Ielsnd Doctors
<br /> , Building Condominium Property Regime, d�ted Harch 26� 1980 and record�ed April 18� 1980
<br /> ! as Document No.80-001693 of the records of Eall County, Nebraska. .
<br /> �
<br />