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<br /> This Auignmenl,made this 26 day of September , 1997 bya»d
<br /> ,.�"?,%'.:` `.' WATERS
<br />�;�, be1µ,�� CHRISTOPHER R. AND CORI A.
<br /> � � ("Asslgnar'?,aad NORWEST BANK NEBRASKA,NATIONAL ASSOC/ATION("Assiynee"1• i
<br />}�'�;� ''� WITNESSETH:
<br />-'?' :;� /t ir agreed as/ollowr:
<br /> =-_ .•,`�, ,.,,,� 1. DeflnJtJons. As used in this Ag�6ement:
<br /> r=_-,�.�� -
<br />�51��_'-` A. �Mortgege"shall mean that certain Desd of Tiust In the principal sum
<br />_"";`•` �y'.,- ofS T�'�O ���D THOUSAND ANDI�A/100 deted Se�tember 26 , 19 97 ,
<br />`i�'""�•y, @X@CU�Qd by�tfDTQTl1Dp�R R AND CORI A WATERS _,es T/uptor,to NORWEST BANK
<br />�.�, ..
<br />--,�'�.�<,,. NEBRASKA,NAT/ONAL ASSOCIATION,as Beneliclary,upnn the rea/estate an mprovements
<br /> ___�__.�:. described in Exhibif ':ti':w�u�ir!s.`��"`�harcta snd by tl31s t[+fpf!+nr_e lncorporeted he�e/n.
<br />-�:"�.�• rovided on a e 2
<br /> .._..'`u`� P p g ., a...mopn flOtTS�NiJ7 l�Ni� NO/1.00
<br />--���"!'��� 8. "Note"shall mean that certain noie secured by the S""'
<br /> Deed ol Tiust,executed contemporaneous/y fherewith by ^�'•°=T�mn�-R�,AND CORI A.
<br />—�-=-a— ,.,.T� as make�,snd NORWEST BANK NEBRASKA,
<br />----�=-��� NATIONAL ASSOCIAT/ON,es payee,and aecured by the Deed o1 Truat.
<br /> ----^� C. "Loan"as hereinafre�uaed,ahal!mean ths/oen ln rhe amount o/7�L—HUNDRED THOIISAND
<br /> —__�-— AND NO/100-- as evidenced by the nateand secured by the Deed of Tiust,as w+ell as any other
<br /> --" securing inahuments.
<br /> NOW,THEREfORE,Ior and Jn consideration of the meking and funding of sald Loan,and lor
<br /> i_ other good and va/uab/e consideretlon,the receipt whereol Is hereby acknow/ed8ed.Astlpnor,far ltse/f,
<br /> its successors,persona/represen[etives,heirs and auiyns,has baryalned,so/d,[ransferred,sssJgned,
<br /> �� eonveyed,aet over end de/ivered,end by these presents does he��eby bargaln,sell,iianafer,essl8n,end
<br />- - - — canNeyes secu�Ity for the repayme»t o1 the abo►re descrlbed lndebtednets snd the payment and per-
<br /> formance of aN of the terms and conditlons of the Noie end MortpsQe evldenciny the ssme,snd iny
<br /> - ""� end a!lamendmenrs,extensfons end renewals therea/,all/eases now or heroafter executed affactJng
<br /> --- - the Morcpaged Premises,end all rents,irsua,prolits and Incoma and aums ol money which�y now
<br />"'�"� or henafter be or become due and owln8 ander and by vir[ue of seJd/e Q��u��•---�
<br /> � -� hereby to esrab/!sh a complete tianster and assJgnmQnt of rhe/eases he K•a�tl�e�d���di��L�t�l�s
<br /> ____� � theraunder unro the AssJgnee,!rs auccessora end sss/gns,together wlth e rlAhC;?1Gt��itlRiGt the,.��+.,.,
<br />--- - — ob/tpedon,ro co!lecr all of the sald�ents,lasues,proflrs en d/ncome ari 'n�q i 6�r r�j�t�,�t r 4�,;p�s y,.,
<br /> -- become due at any time during the/ife of th/s AsslgnmenG A�afpno�luitheregrees,upon demand
<br /> ""'�"'�! thereof, to defiver to and deposit raJd/eases wlth Asstgne�e.
<br />����_��
<br /> -°�---��. ` AssJgnor hereby designates,consdtutes and appoints Assignee,!ts auccessors and asslgns,wlth
<br /> �....-
<br /> ��'=.�i�, �ul/pow�e�of substitution,Jts true and/awfu/ettomey wlth pow�er for it and ia ks name;•p/ece Qt�d ' .�,••�
<br /> -µ;..':�� .. stead,(or!n the name of Asslgnee,to ask,demand,collecl,receive,�ecelpt and gfva full and ectm- . . :
<br /> - �� . ,.'��.„
<br /> -_-���;,,.,, . _, plete acquittances for any and all rents,issues,proflts and lncome he�eby essl�►ed whJch inay•besontp ,,.,
<br /> =`•'^''�" � due an d paya b le by lessees or other v ccu p ants of the Mortgaged P�emises;and ar ita d/scretlon ro 011e
<br /> - �` ��' , any clsirn or take any other actfon or proceeding to make any setdement of any claJm,elther in iis
<br /> ,'���'�r. own name or!n the name of Asslgnor,or otherwlse,which the Asa/gnee,o�any succ�essor may deem
<br /> ' desiia6le in order to collect end enforce the payment of any aed al!rants,lasues,pro/Jta s»d income
<br /> ,`�•. • he�ein assip�ed. The/essees and occupants of the Mortgaged Premises, or eny part hereof,are hereby
<br /> ;��. . axpresslyau[horlred and dlracted to pay ell�enrs and sums here/n essigned whJch wou/d be payab/e
<br /> .�,_ .__:�___. ......e n.�r..,.m a.,a r�rr�n.v„ft end de/iver such DeYmenf
<br /> �--�-°`-•��-���.�.. [0 ASi�qOr,aXCttpi ivr urio naargnr•�ony s.......-.,....y..--,--•--- --- . .
<br /> ... - to the Assignee or such nominee as it may deslgnate in w�itiny,de/lvered to end recefved by such
<br /> • leuee or occupant,who is expressly relfeved ofany and al/du[y,liabi/fiy o�obligatlon to the
<br /> Assignot•in iespect of all payments so made.
<br /> Assigaee shall be,and hereby is,vested with full pow+er ro use a!/such measures,legal and
<br /> equirablo,as in irs discrerron may be deemed ner.essary or proper to enfo�ce this Agraemeni end
<br /> to collect rhe rents,issues,prolits and lncome asslgned hereunde�,fncludJng the r/ghi to enter upnn
<br /> � the premises and to take posseulon thereof,end Assignor hereby grants tull pow+er end authority
<br /> , to the�issignee to exercrse elf righcs,privileges and powers herein g�anted ai any and ell[imes here-
<br /> • after,without norice to Assignor,wi d�lull power to use and applY al!nf the rents,issues,protlts and
<br /> income herein assigned to fhe payments ol any indebtedness or liabilitY of the Assignvr[o the
<br /> Assignee,in such order es Assignee may determine.
<br /> 1
<br /> I
<br />