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<br /> ,r G.ASSIGNM�NT OF LEASES. Upon Lcndcr's rcquest,Borrowcr shall assig�� to Lenda uU Icasc.+of thc �;'.
<br /> Proputy end all socurlty deposits made in connxdon with kases of Ihe Pmputy.Upon the usignment,I.endu ��
<br /> shall have the right w modify.eaetend ar tcrminate ihe exis6ng leasPS and t�n execute new ka.s�x,in I.ender's sale �^
<br /> discxedon.As used in this paragraph Ci.t1k wad "lcaw"shaU mean"subkase" if the Socurity lnswment Ls an a a�_
<br /> � kasehold. _-
<br /> Boirowu absalutcly and anconditionally essigns end transfers to Lendcr all the renis and ravcnurs ("Rents')of the �
<br /> °'"- � � Propaty,regardless of w whom the Rents of tho Proputy ace payablc. Borrowcr authorizes Lender or I.t�da's =
<br /> .., _�� -
<br />�° � � agents w colkct the RcAts.aad agraes�hat each tenant of the Pcoperty shaU pay the Rents to undtr or Laider's
<br /> - agents.Howevu,Borrowu shall receive We Rents untU(1)L�endu hav given BoROwu notice of defiwit pursuant w _
<br /> , :, para�aph 21 of the Secnrlty lnswment and(ii)Lendu has glvea �odca w the tenant(s)that Ihe Rents are to be
<br /> paid to Lender or I.cndu's agenG This assignment of Rents consdwtes an absalute assigmnenc end nat an
<br />_:�.,�wA_ assignmcnt for addidonal socuricy only.
<br /> . .�;f��j u t.enau gives no[ice of breach co Au�uwu:ti}�iit r�i�rw,:.iti�6y Bomo:vu�.s!!� !x!� by nr..mwe�ac
<br /> ;,,�:e:;,�� , pustee for the benefit of Lender only.to be aPPikd to the sums sccund by the Socuriry Insuument: (li)L.ender shall
<br /> �`�__i' • be endtled to cc�llact and receive atl of the Rents of the Propaty; (iii)Botrower agcces that each tcnant of Ihe
<br /> =,;,�' . Property shall pay all Renu due and unpaid w L,ender or Lender's agents upon Lcnder's wriuer�demand to the
<br /> -.;;';:`.�. : teaan� (iv) unkss applkabk law provides othawise. all Rents collxtod by Le�►der or Lenda's agents ahall be
<br /> ��.i�.M.
<br /> ,�r,=.F., eppliod t'�st to the co�ts of teldng control of and maneging the Property and collectiag the Rents�lncluding�but not
<br /> '�=��.�c . lim;ted to,sunmcys'fas,receiver's fees,pruniums on receiver's bonds,repair and maintenanx costs. insurance
<br />-,_.�y:� ' preMums,taxes.SSStsstnGlts and Other Citarges on ine Frupcdy. �� ti� ia ihc s�ra�su� h�;sh�S�susri;
<br /> (� Insmimen�(v)Lender.L.u�da's agents or any judicially appointed receivu shall be liable to acxa►nt for only ttase
<br />-_-=_°�'��� Rents actually raceived;and(vi) Lendu shall be enritle�i w have a recetver appointed w take possession of�od
<br /> - -- � manage the Property and collect the Rents and profits derlved from the Proputy without any showing �s t,o th�
<br /> __��—e'� L�quacY of the Pr�oputy as securiry.
<br /> ------ i If the Ra�ts of the Property are not sufficient w covcr the costs of taking control ot�ad managing the
<br /> �"� � Propaty aad of collxtinng the Rents any funda eape�►ded by Lendes fa such pu�poses sball become iadebudness of
<br /> &xrowa to I�axler secured by the Security Inswment pursuant to Uniform Coveoant 7.
<br />--�_��"''"'i � Barower rq�resents and warrants that Borrawu ha9 not executed any prloc assignment of the Rents and has
<br /> — � not and will not perfomi any act that wo�ld prevent Lendu from euacising its righis undu this pragraph.
<br /> :� Lrendcr.a Lender's ageats or a judiclaUY aPPointed receiver,shall not be rcquirod to enta upon,tako control
<br /> of a maintain the Property bafore or aftex givinB notke af dafault to Bomower.However. Lazda.or Ler�der's
<br /> _-,°.° _ Agents a a judicially appointe�l receivu.may do so at any time when a default occurs.My epplication of Reats
<br /> � , ahaU aot cure a waive any default or invalidata any other right or remedy of Lei►de��.Thls assianment of Rents of
<br /> - . the property shall uxminata when all tt►c;sums sxured by the Securlty lnswment are paid in full.
<br /> � I.C[tOSS-DEI�A[JLT PEtOVISION. Barower's defeult or breach undu any nae or egc�aement in
<br /> -----� whkh Lenda has aa int�aest shaU be a bceach under Ihe Securlty Instrument and Lenda may invoke any of the .
<br /> --_.°`s ' remediay pumiuod by the Security Instrumea�
<br /> ---_= SY SICiNING BfiLAW,Borrowu accepts and egrues to tha tem�s and provisions conteincd in this i-4 Family
<br /> - Rider. �
<br />--"+��a�
<br /> �:__ � ,K Gn�„ �I�l�>
<br /> W��.� � _�5�,
<br /> _-_=��� HAROLD J C�RFs' I I •Borrower ��1�RA K CiRSEN •BomoMer
<br /> -"_;'� �
<br /> _`v���,�� (Seel) ��)
<br /> ::�'t,3
<br /> -°t;,:`'� ' •Borrower •Borrower
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