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<br /> ^ • APPL# 001•707250?F
<br /> _ � � � MLk OOOOQ00000
<br /> `�#�� 1-4 FAMILY RIDER
<br /> Aatfgnmcnt ot Renfs ���d�O�
<br />��O
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<br /> � 'Y'HIS 1-0.FAMILY R1DHR is made tt►is 22ND �y of SEPTBMBBR , 19 97 ,�d jg
<br /> �` iacorporatcd into and shall tx;decmcd w amcnd and supplcmcnt the Mortgugc,Decd of Trust or Saurity Deed(the
<br /> � "Security I�:�t�ument")of thc same data givcn by the undcrsigned(thc"Barowcr")to sausc Borrower's Nou to
<br /> �. ,,,..
<br /> r
<br /> ,� ..a f�� ���'����)
<br /> �e•.
<br /> _ . . of Ihe s�rne date and covcring thc Proputy dcscribed in the Securlty Instrumcnt and locatod at:
<br /> 921 E BISMARK ROAD
<br /> � � (3R1it�TD ISLAND, IJFBRASIW 68801
<br /> ,n{ I��KY Addrea�]
<br /> ]::.y..••::.,�
<br />'� 1-d FA1�.Y COVENANfS. In addition to the wvenants and agreemants made ia the Security Instrument,
<br />�,<. ��'� '� Borrowu and Lendu furthu covenmt and agr�ee�c follows:
<br /> - •.,, .
<br />�,'c=.�.e��"..�°; Property desalbod in the Socurlty Inswment,t6e folbwing itrans ue addod w thc Proputy description,and shaU
<br />;;,.��,rx.,�
<br /> 'sz•:� al�o conwltute the Prc�xxty covaed by the Secudty Insirumen�building meterinls,+aPPliances end goads of every
<br />�`�""�•. nature whatsaevu aow or hueafter located in,oa,or used,or intu�dod to be used in cuunecdon wi�h the Pmpuiy,
<br />�,"?'�'s,�,
<br />—� �x inci�ing,out na Iimiad w,those for me puzposes oF suppIym,g or disadbu[mg hearing.cooling�eieariciry,gag.
<br />-�`=��'-''� i�x_ wata,eir and li ht,fue nvendon and eudn a
<br /> 8 A E�8 PP�S.socantty artd acoess con�ol appa�aws�Plwnbing.
<br />-�.�'=���' bath dtbs.wetu heatcxs,watcx dosets.si�ks,renges,sWves.nfrIgaators.dishwashers,disposals,westxrs.dryers,
<br />� - ---- awnings�storm wLidows.storm doors�scruns,Alinds,shades.curtains and cu�tain rods.anachod mirr�ors.cabincts,
<br /> --���� p�nelting and aaachod floor covuings now or hereafur attacbed co the Pmpeaty, all of which, including
<br /> _ ------ rq�laoemeats end additlons tlur�eto.st�all be decmed w be and r�emain a part of the Propaty cover�ed by the Securiry
<br /> °__— Inst�umen� All of the foc�egoing together with the Pmpe�ty descdberl in the Secadty Insuument(a the ku9elwkl
<br />-- - - a�te ff the Seciulty Instrument is on a leaseJwld) are �ferred w in tbLs 1-4 Family Rider md the Socuriry
<br />�..___� Iaguumau a�thc"Pnuperty."
<br /> "'�'"� B.USE OF 1'ROPERTY;COMPLIMICE WITH LAW. Borrowu shall not seek. agree to or mdce a
<br /> change in the u�e of the Propeity or its zoning classlticadon.unkss I.ender has agcad in wrlting to the chango.
<br /> Boaower sl�all oomply wlth ell laws. ordinances. ngulations and requi�ements of any govanma�tal body
<br /> applicabke to tho Property.
<br /> C.SUBpRDINATE LIENS. B�ccept as pamiued by fedcral taw�Borrowcr stwU not allow any lk,n infcrior
<br /> to Ihe Socurity Instmment to ba perfectod ageinst the P,roputy aithout I�end�i's prlor written pecmis�ion.
<br /> D.ItENT LOSS lN5UttANCE. Borrowa slwll maintain ittsw�ance sgainst cent bs�in additbn to the other
<br /> --— hazards foc which Insuru�cels roquiced by Onifam Coveoant 5.
<br /> --�� E."BORROWER'S RIGHT TO REiNSTATE"DELE1'ED. Unifocm Coveatant 18 is dcldal.
<br /> __ F.80AROWER'S OCCUPANCY. UNas Lender and Bcxmwei otherwise�grx in writi�g, the fuat
<br /> sm�ence in Unifam Covenant 6 wncaming Borrowu's occupency of thc Property is dck,ud.All remaining
<br /> ,. covex�ants wtd agreanents set forth in Unlfocm Covenant 6 s2w11 rrntain in effoct.
<br /> ------ MULTIBTATE 1-4 FAMILY RIDER•Fanel�M��/Fr�ddl�Yao Unliorm Instrum�ni Form s17��1l�
<br />=��
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