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<br /> ,r�.Y.._- 1ti��C1J�.�r.���.
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<br />' +1{� r�J �K'�t�l��}+'�M1�r11ow�MtM1G�''ia .�. �s�v. 4 . � - ,.� . . .,.a ,__ . _
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<br />_ .�..��,"°.`t 97-1o8uni,�
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<br /> , ,� • t?n11bIB wilh qpplbabN Iaw, euch conlliCl ehpll not aNBO! othor provlslonc of Ihis Securily InBirument or the Nots whlCt� o�n ow
<br /> t pNOn oNap�wit�out l�e conillCll�tp provlalon. To Ihis Qnd Rit+ p�ovialons ol Ihl:, SaCUrity Inc�rumsnt und the Nole ere declered to i--
<br /> �� 6w�nbA. _
<br />_ �� 16. BO�rOW�t'� �opy. Borrow�r ehall b� Qhnn onr tontormed copy o�Ihe Note end of thls S�curRy Inatrum�nft. _
<br />': ;t 16. H�zardou• Substaness. Borrow�r ehall not cwa� or permlt th� presence, une, disposel, ator�tyr, or rileae�at –
<br /> ' �� �ny H�sudoua SubstlnCOe on or In fhe Prop�Ry. Borrowst�hall not do,nor eliow Qnyune elsa to do, Anythhp afl�othq th� -
<br /> PropKly thtt is n vb�tbn ol xny Environrrwnlal Law. Tho procad�np two senlencas shall nol oppty to lho prosenCO, u5o, or ��`
<br /> ,.t4P� elm�p� on Ihe Prop�rty of small qutnlNMa of H�=ardoua 8ub61ancss that ars panerally rscopnlssd to b� �pproprkb to normal –�
<br /> . .•.. .
<br /> resldent�l uees end to mehtenence ot the Proporty.
<br /> BorrowY► ehall prompt�y plvo L�ndar writt�n notica of my hvest�galbn, clalm, domand, Iawsuit or oth�r aotbn by I�ny _
<br /> c n, povenrrNM�l or rquAtory o�ancy or prlvets pArty invoNlnp th�Property and any Hazardous Substance or Envkonm�nl�l Lww of =-
<br /> whlCh Borrowet has �ctual knowbdye. N Elorrnwer Warns, a Is notlfied by any povernmental qr repulatory authorky, that�ny –
<br /> r rwnovai or othw rw�wdtotbn ot any Mazardnus 3ubstancos afbctlnp the Proparly Is necossary, Bonower�h3N prompty t�k�all _
<br /> : ' ' nscasary rNn�d�l actbna k►�coordancs wlth&nvlronmmtsl l�w.
<br /> . � . As uaW in Ihis p�raynph t6, "Huardous Substances" uo those subslances defhed as toxic or haurdoua aubatancos by
<br /> • Environmunttl L.�w md the folbwinp oubstenCes: pesoline, kerasene, other flammabie or toxb patroleum produCts, toxic
<br />:�:;
<br /> � •; psstkides end herbbidas,voytile soMents, m8terials containinp asbestos ar formaldehyde, and radbactive matertels. As usod in
<br />��,' � � the paraQnph 16,"Envkonmental Law" meana tederal laws and laws of the jurisdfctbn where the Property is bcated that reiate
<br />- to h�lth,s�tety ar qnvkonmental protecttan.
<br /> �� NON•UNIFORM CQVENANTS. Borrower and Lendor turther covenant and agree es tollows:
<br /> ;i,•i�.:,.. ..
<br />�;,�,,.
<br />_ 17. Aasignment of Rents. Borrower unconditionaly assigns end translers to Lender all the rents and revenues of the
<br /> ti�:.., .. *, Property. Borrower authorires Lentler or Lenders ayents to co�ect iho ren15 and revenues and hereby dkoctB eaCh te�ant of the
<br /> �^;` Property to pay tha rents to Lender or Lender's aqents. However,prior to Lenders not�e to Borrower of BOrtowars bfeaCh of
<br />� .. ;� any oovonant ar aqreement in the Security Instrument, Borcower shall collect and receive all rents and revenues of the Property
<br />„`'' as trustee for the benefit of Lender and Bortower. Thls assqnment of rents cOnstitutes en absolute assfpnment and not an
<br /> -".:^.�'"� �ssipnment for addkional seaurky ony.
<br />��.�,.;°c't;p'�.. If Londir pkes notke ot breach to BoROwer. (a) all reMe �eceNed by Borrower shall be hetd by Borrower as trustee for
<br />=4��i'"'���11.�' bensfit of Lender ony,to be appiied to the sums secured by the Security Instmment; (b) Lencier shall bs entkled to collsct and
<br /> �_f;�+��'�., recehre all o( the renls of the Property; and (a) each tenant of the Property shall pay eU rents due and unpald to Lender or
<br /> -��'�
<br /> --_==- •� i.entiers ayMT on Lender�s wriftan tiamand fo ihn innani. °
<br />'.`�6�^��f", Bortower hee not executed any prbr asslgnment of the rents and has not and will nOt po�form any act that would prevent
<br /> ti�e:{:°�q;
<br /> •Y•- Lender trom exercisinp its riphts under this Parapraph 17.
<br />—�s-.t:,-,
<br /> - -;`R►;R Lender ehaY not 6e requfred to enter upon,take control ol or mahtain Ihe Property before ar aftor glvhp not�ce of broach to
<br /> �..:+� ' 8orrawer. However, Lender or a Judfclaly&ppohted receNer may do so et any tkne there is a breach. Any applbatbn of rents
<br /> '–�='��= shali not cure or walue any defauk or invalldate any other ripht or remedy of Lender. Thts assignment of renta of tho Property
<br />_-=-=„"–`�'-� Shell termin�ta when the debt secured by the Securky Instniment Is paid in luil.
<br />��_"-"� � 18. Forecloaure Proaedure. If Lender requfrea immediate payment In full under Parayraph 9.
<br /> �_.,—�_.
<br /> _---;;� � Lender msy Invoke the power of sale end eny other remedtea permitted by applicable [aw.
<br /> - __ Lender ahall be entitled to collect all expenses Incurred in pursuing the remed[es provided in
<br /> _ , this Paregraph 18, inaluding� but not Ilmtted to, ree�onable attorneya' fees and costs of dtle
<br />- -- evidence.
<br /> °';"-° tf the power ot sale la tnvoked, Truatee aheQ record a noUce of default i� each county 1�
<br /> _ � z whlch eny part ot the Property la located end aheli mell coplea of auch notice In the menner
<br /> : p�eacribed by epplicable law to Borrower and to the other peraona preseribed by epplicable I�w.
<br /> __.�� Aiter the time �equired by applicabie law, Trustee ahell ytve public notice of aale to the panons
<br /> and tn the menner preacribed by applicebte taw. Truatee, without demand on Borrower, shall sell
<br /> ��� the Pro�Oerty et public auctlon to the hipheat bidder et the time and place end under the terms
<br /> -- daalynsted in the notloe of sale In one or more parcela and in eny order Trustee d�termtnes.
<br /> ' Trustee may postpone sale of ell or any percel of the Property by publtc ennouncement at the
<br /> - __ ttme end plece of Any previausly acheduled sale. Lender o� tts deal9nee may purehase the
<br /> Property et eny safe.
<br /> •��-a. Upon recetpt of payment of the price btd, Trustee shall deliver to the purchaser Trustee's
<br />--v���=�s deed conveying the Property. 7he recitsla in the Trustee'a deed ahall be prima facle evidence ot
<br />�":�� the truth of the statementa made therein. T�uatee sheil npply the proceeda of tha sale tn the
<br /> - =:��= �' � foliowinq order: (a) to ell costs and expenses ot exarcistn� the power ot aele, end the �ale,
<br /> -�•'pr"�:°�"; includinq the payment ot the Trustee's teea aetually ineurred, not to exceed 3 %
<br /> ������r�;;�x of the principal emount oi the note et the time of the declaratlon of defeult� and reasoneble
<br /> - , �":..,� ettorneya' �ees es permttted by lew; (b) to ell euma secured by thla Security InaVument; and (c)
<br /> � any exceaa to the person or persvns legelly entltled to it.
<br /> � ' If the Lender'a intereat in this Seaurity Instrument la held by the Secretery end the Secretary
<br /> requirea Immedtate payment In full under Peregreph 9� the Secretery may tnvoke the nonjudictal
<br /> • , power of sale provided in the Sinqle Femtly Mortgeqe Forecloaure Act of 1994 ("Aat"} (12 U.S.C.
<br /> � 3761 � �q.) by requeattng a forecloau�e commiaatoner dralgnated under the Act to commence
<br /> � foreclosure end to aell the Properry aa provtded In the Act. Nothiny in tt�e proceatn� aentence
<br /> ehall deprive the Secretary oi any righta otherwiae availeble to e Lender under thls Pereqreph 18
<br />_ or appilceble lew.
<br /> � 18. Reconveyance. Upon peyment of oll sums secured by thls Security Instrument, Len�fer shell roquest TrusUe to
<br /> reconvey the Properry end shali surcender this Security Inslrument and ali noted evidenCinp debt securod by this Securlty
<br /> , Instrument to Trust9e.Trustee shall reCOnvey t�e Proporty wilh0ut warcanty end without charge to the person or peteons Wpilty
<br /> entitted to N.Such person or persons shall pay any recordatlon costs.
<br /> Faeia.�MO�ere�� P�o��o�s
<br /> i �
<br /> i --
<br /> � 56t
<br /> �
<br />