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<br /> �"�� • Aey emounts dlsbura�d by Landlr under Ihls Paregraph ahnll becoma en Bdditbnal debt of Borrow�r and ba soCUr�d �y �
<br /> � thi� S�curity Instrumant. Thes� omounls aholl bear fnlerest from Ihe dats ol disbursement at lha Note nu, end �l►h�optbn of
<br /> T'� l.endar, ahall h�knmodtatey �ue�nd payable. -
<br /> ��'•r Bonowot�h�lM p�omptt� dlsoltitp�ltny Ilon wh�h has prlorlly pv�r thl� Securlty InsirumYnt unMSS Borrowor: (�p YqrNf In
<br /> •f "' wrRlnp to!h�p�ymMU of th�obNp�tlon s�cund by the INn fn a mannN ucceptabb to Land�r, (b) conloslt fn pood t�Nh th�INn
<br /> `' '� by, o► Whnd� /Qthbt M/OtCA�►�Mt 01 tA� �4n Mi, Iqp�l proCHdk►ps whbh in lh� L�nd�r'b opinbn op�rtt� to pr�+r�nt th�
<br /> ,R_�;, M�orCMrNnt oi lh� IIM: or (C) s�Curq hCm th�hoWu ol th� INn qn �prNm�nl e�tlaf�Ctory to lende► euhOrdh4thp tM IIM to
<br />°''� thh S�eurNy Inttrum�nl. II L�ndur dNKmk�a thol any psA ol th�PrapNty n subJ�ct to � Ilon whVch may ttt�h prbrNy ov�thl�
<br />,���� ;:curRy In�lturo:.nt,LC11ti�r may pNn Ao�roti�rer n notke IdentHylnp ihe i�en. Eiorrowor nhall aaUSfy th� tfYn or ttk� On� Or mOq 0) �
<br /> th��otbm t�t fOrth�bnw wNhk► 10 d�ys a� th�pNinp ol notb�.
<br /> �� 6. F�t��LMd�r m�y aolkot f�f ontl chupef outhorizad by Iha SoCretary
<br />� __�a 9. G�aunds Mr Aeeele►etlon of Debt�
<br /> (e� Detauli. LsnWr mty, �xaept ns fmkM by rput�tbn� Issued by the Secrstary h th�oase of paym�nt d�NuKa.
<br /> ` nquin fmrtNdlaU psyment h luil of 1t11 sums aecund by this Security Inatrument H:
<br /> :��``, (p Botrow�r ddauks by hNlnp to p�y in 1u11 any monthly paymenl requkad by thls Sacurfty InsWmerst prbr to or on
<br /> : F.y th�du�dat!of ths n�xt monthly p�yrtwrt, or
<br /> :?s� (N)Borrowar dalauks by IlNfnp,tor t pKbd ol thkty days,to perform any othsr obfpalbns conUhed h thh S�curity
<br />`"{:i Inatrummt.
<br />,;;,,�,�� (b) Ssle Yltthout Credit App�oval.Lender ahall,M pem►itted by eppi�able taw (includinfl sectbn 341(d) 01 ths
<br /> •-•�— (iamSt Germaln O�poskory Institutbns Act of 1982, 12 U.S.C. 1701j•3(d)) and wRA the prbr epDroval of th�S�ont�ry.
<br /> — rYquke knmedtaU ptyment In lull of all Ihe sums secured by th(S SeCUrRy Instrument if:
<br /> ---�— p) All or pert ot the Property, or a benefblal interest in a trust ownhg all or part ot tP9 Property, fs aold or -
<br /> olharwis�tr�nsferred(othir than by cievise or desCent), and
<br /> ;� (Iq Tho Property is not occupied by the purchaser or grantee as his or her principal residence, or the purohasK or
<br /> pnntea does so xcupy tho PropeAy, but his or her credit hes not been epproved h accordanco with the
<br />:�� requkements of the Secretary.
<br /> (Cy NO WeIVE�. It circumatancos occur that would permk Lender to requke knmedtati pnyment h full, but 4�ndx
<br /> doea not requke suoh payments. Lender does not waiva Ns rqhts with respect to subsequent events.
<br /> _rt:� (d) Reyuletions O} HU� SCCfCtA1y. In many circumstences repulatbns issuod by the Sec'�tary wtA Wnit
<br /> --°�(■ Lend�s ripht6, h tha case ot poyment dofauks, to requke Ynmediate payment In lull and forocbsa H not paid. This
<br /> "''-��� Securky Instrument does not 4uthorize�cceleratbn or foreclosure H not pertnitted by repulatbns of th�Secrstuy.
<br />�_, (e) Mortqaqe Not inaured, g«rower aflrees thet it this Securiry InsVument and the Note are not dsbrtnhsd to
<br />__ - be�Npbb for hauranco under the Natbnat Housng act wrcnin# oi tiaVe ZaOj i�om �ta � h�t, l.�sl�
<br /> —, may,at fts optbn require immediate poyment in Ntl ot aY sums secured by this Security InstrumanL A writt�n stat�nwnt
<br /> — of any authorined aser►t of the Secretary dated subsequent to�` O? dey�8(90) irom th� date herool, deoYnhp
<br /> to insurs thfs Securky Instrument n�d the Note,aAall be deemed conclusNe proot of suCh heNpibliity. Notwithafandhp
<br /> Iha torepohp, thlS optbn mey nat ba acercised by Lender when the unavailability of insurence h soby dua to Lendws
<br /> talA,rs to nmR a martyaya Inturancs premium to the Secretary.
<br /> 10. Retnstetemen� eoROwer hee 4 dpht to be retnstated M Leader has rsquksd Immedi�t� p�yrt�ent in fu�l b�caut�of
<br /> BoROwefa f�llure to pay an amount due under the Note or thls Security Instrums�t. Thls rlpht�ppNes swn dlw tonc�sun
<br /> prxaedh�s are instkuted. To rehstate the Sacurity Instrument, Borrower sheil tender in a lump sum atl �rt►ounts nqu�nd to
<br /> brtny Borrowar's aeCOUnt aurtent tncludhq. to the extent tAey are obipatbns of Bortower under this SacurRy Instrum�nt.
<br /> foncbaure oosts and reasonabb and custamary attomey's fses and expensas properly assocfetM w'th tM lorocbauro
<br /> procesdhg. Upon relnsUtement by Borcowx,this Sscurity Instrument and the oblpatbns that k sacur�e�aN r«nt(n h ofhct as
<br /> H Lender had not requked knmedlete payment h fuli. However,Lender Is not requtred to permit reinstutemait M: (i)L�nd�r has
<br /> aacsptsd rohstatemer►t aNer tne commencement of loreclosure proceedinqs wkhin two years ImmedWtey pr�dinp th�
<br /> comrtNnCemmt of a curtent toreclosure proceeding, (U)reinstatement will preciude forecbsuro on dMfennt q�ounda tn th�future,
<br /> or(AI;rehstabmMt wfll adve�sely a8ect the prbrity ot tt�e lien created by this S6cur'dy In6trumM�t.
<br /> 11. Borrower Nat RelGaaecl; Forbearance By Lender Not � Walver. excens�on ot tna ctm�ot p.ym.nc or
<br /> modRbatbn of amortizatbn pf ihe sums seCUred by thts Security Instrument prantod by Lendar to any sucCessa In ht�nst of
<br /> Bonowar shaN not operate to release the NabiGy of the oripinai Bonower or Borrowars successor In intKest.L�nd�r shaN not b�
<br /> required to commence proceodinps egatnst eny successor In Inlerest or retusa to extend time fa payment or ath�wiH modHy
<br /> amortlutbn of the sums secured by t�is Security Instrument by reason of eny demend made by the oriqlnal Borrowar or
<br /> Borroww's 8uccessors In htorest. Any torbearance by Lendar h exerctshp any riyht or ranedy ahaY not b� a wah»� of o►
<br /> precluG the�xsrcise ot any ripht or remedy.
<br /> 12. Successore► and Aasigns Bound; Jaint end Several Liabltity; Co-signers. rne cownana .nd
<br />- -- flyra6rn�nts of thfs Security Instrument s�all bnd and beneiit the suCCessors ond asspns of LendY►and Bortow�r,Subj�Ct t0 thY
<br /> '��' provistons of Pareyraph 9(b). Borrower's covenants and agreements shau be Joht and several. Any Barrower who co•sipnt thfs
<br />_{°-'•�"�� SeCUrity Instrument but does not ex9CUte the Note: (a)Is co•sroning th(s SeCUrity Instrument only to m�irtyaqo, qru�t md oonv�y
<br /> ,'.�-`, • that Borrowers interesl In the Property under the terms ot thls Securfry Instrument; (b) tS not personalry obNp�tad to p�y th�
<br /> �':``:.`��` sums SeCUred by thls Security Instrumenh, end (c) agrees thnt Lender and a�y other Bortower miy aprH to axbnd, mOdKy,
<br />__ . fi`�
<br /> 'N�-;;, forbear or mnke any aCCOmmodatlons wNh repard to the term ot this Security Instrument or tho Noti wkhout ihat Borrow�r's
<br /> conasnt.
<br />:_��,:Y1,,'� 13. Notice�. My notiCe to Borrower provided for{n this SeCUrity Instrumant shall be piven by dilhrethp R or by rtNN'nQ k
<br /> u L�J'-"---+M/�u O�wwu����I�/�ll N
<br /> -� � tiy flrst o�tas man unbss app��ce0w�aw raquns use oi ono[itw rt�in4o'. �i�v 8vi�.G S���w......:�........-..�►-v •----- -•
<br />-�k°'��•r` �• any oth�r nddress Borrower deslpnates by natice to Lender. Any not�e to Lender shan be gNe�i by Ilrst citss maN to Nndvr's
<br /> ..;;; address stated heretn or any address Lender designates by not�Ce to 8onower. Any notfce provided tor In lh{s S�curky
<br /> . '. x• Instrument ahall be deemed to have been given to Bonower or lender when given es provided in thfs persyraph.
<br /> _it:
<br /> 14. Governing Lew; Severabflity. This Security Instrument shall be govemed by Federal Itlw flnd tho Iaw o} tho
<br /> jurisdbtlon h whtch the Property is located.In tne event that any provisfon or C�ause of this SeaurAy Instrument or tA�Note
<br /> ' ° . FSEt3.LM�(e/o7) Pay�J ol 5
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