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<br /> ...., ......... ... ` -•� - . . .. •.,. .. . �� �.
<br /> �
<br /> • . 97-iU8C1n3 -
<br /> die terms of thle sectlon ehnll
<br /> .::
<br /> �„ pp�,jthgtanding any of the language contoinod in dds Deed of Trust to thc wntrary, .�,,.
<br /> survive sny foreclosure or satisfaction of this D�f T�y C���d defenses�w tghc�con�ltn�ry�hereby wAtved. ;,�::,�
<br /> � dlsposition by Beneflciary of auy or all of We Pro r�;�
<br /> � real or tluwtenod,by prtvate or public ''
<br /> ?A.CONDEMNATION. Tcustar wlll give Beneficltay prompt notice of nnny acti4n, �;.�,'
<br /> eatitles to purchase or teke uny or all of We Property.includWg Any r��8�0����fcor�thei establ shment of n�ny -
<br /> „ ' or any other means.Trustor furthcr agrees to nntify Bengflciary of any p �u.of it.
<br /> '�'� sewer. water,conservedon,ditch,dra�►aSe,or other diatrlct relating to or binding upon the PropertY or anY P '' �-�
<br /> y Trustor autho�Beneficiary to interveae in'I'ntawr�e,�tor assiQ s�to Beneficiary�p ��g of��°�11� __-
<br /> ::•"'�� ? and receive all sutas resulting ilro��he acttot�'or� � art of the Property. Such proceede shaU be
<br /> +M,,,,.�-•.�'? d od ot o ef tsUc�►B of all or aaY P
<br />_ . � for damages co�ected w4th"s � �
<br /> ° cansidered paymeats aad�vill be ap,�iIi;o�as Piavid�d.in thia DeEd of Trust.Tbis assignment of proceede ia subject w the
<br /> '� ternis of auy pdor securit 1 agreement. .- s !
<br /> ' 21.INSURANCE.Tn�stor sgrees to maintain Iasnrunce a�foIIows:
<br /> A. 7Yustor shall keep the PropercY insure�$g�loss by Sre,theft and other hazards and riske reasonably asao�latod
<br /> ;;� with t�e Property due to iu type and locatioa.Other hazards and ruslcs maY include,for example,coverage against
<br /> loss due to floods or flooding. 'Il�is lnsw'ance st►all be ��°� � �� �0�� �d for the pertode tt►at
<br /> ',:� Eeneficiary requiroval.�whic� hs aU�not beer punreasoaably withheld.�IfgTtuator failseto bmaintatn�the cojera8e
<br /> '` Beneficiary's app
<br /> :�, .,�; described above, Heneflciary maY, at Beneficiary's option, obtain coverage to protect BeneRciary's riBhts 1n e �
<br /> �' �, Property accoading to tt►e termv of thls Deed of Trust.
<br />_ •�";.'`.s•__'•!:�''
<br /> • All insurance policies ��ble,e"vbeneficiary los payee1 clause�.tt Trus�or�shall immediatelY not fy Beaeflciary of
<br /> • clause" and, where app
<br /> � � , � ,` cancellatioa or terminatlon of the�at�nefivc�to Benefieiary all�r��et pts�of paidpPlremius°s �e��'�
<br /> _ �• Beneficiary requirea. Tn�stor shal Y �
<br />-� � amalc proof of 1 ss if aot made�limmodiatel�y b i Trustor���e����er and Beneftciary. Beneficiary may
<br />_ ��� , insurance proceode shall be appliod to ratoratloa or
<br /> - Onless Aeaeflclary and Trustor atherwtse agroe g
<br /> -� damagod if the reatorntton or repair is economicaliy feasibte wd Brneftciary'e security i�aot
<br /> tepalr of the PropertY ' would be lea�e�ed� the
<br />�;;'��� (esscned.If the reatoration or rep�ir i�not econou�ic�lly fwtble or BeaeHciuy e�ecndtY
<br /> ��;;r-,.� . . u►sucwce pro��st��t!�apgl3d sQ th•_c�ured Debt.whether or aot thea due. with any eacess paid to Tnutor.
<br />��:•'�•�,�,, .. if TNator ab�ndona the Propeny.or doea aot aaswer witt+in 30 dsys�aottce irom�nc�ftt���we tlu
<br /> -,�: ' . . carrier h�offered to senle A claim,thea Beaeflci�ry raay collect the inauraace procads.
<br /> '= ��"`. .;;r.`". proceeds to repaic or reatoce the Property or to p�y the Secured Debt whether or not then due.'Ihe 30�day pedod
<br />���zw�•.„ ..,
<br />___ ,�+t,� will begin whea the notice is gives.
<br /> :::::-?��:'`•i`� � � licatton of roceeds to prIncipal shall not extend
<br />=:;����+��'�v;i UWeas &aeflci aad Tcustor othenvieo+� in wrlting�aaY�PP p
<br /> _-�-.:�y s�'�, or postpone the due date of scheduled payments or change the amount of the paymenta. If the PropertY�d �f�
<br />=�;;:�.; ' ` by&aeflciary,Trustor s right to any insurance policies�ad procade resuldng from dama$e to ttte ProF�r�Y
<br />'=�=��-�_.,;;: the xquisltion shall pass to Beneficiary to the extent of the Sa:uted Debt isamediauly befon the accluts�don.
<br />`�;-ys,;�::=. H. Trustor agrees co malntala compnhensive general liebility inauruioe nuninB Beneftciary as nnn additional inaurod in
<br /> ".��r�:� �nmouat acc�eptable W Bene�iciery, insurin8 a8ainsc cleims adsiag fcom any aceideat or occurneace in or on the
<br /> ___.._�F_."�
<br /> �oam• uired by Beneflciuy,��+�t
<br />, -:�-i+��.'�'�'� C. Truscor ngras to maintaia rental loss or business inurruption insnrance.as r�l
<br />=-T,;���',.. ecival to at lease aoverage of one yeu's debt service,and required escrow account depoaits(if agctied w sep�r�u1Y
<br /> •u:;�J�,, in writing),uncler a forra of policy acceptablc w Beneficiary.
<br /> _�„��, t Ttuatoi wlll noI
<br /> �v:,:-:J: Z2.NO ESCROW FOR TAXFS AIVD INSURANCE.Unless othec�vlse provided in a separate agreaaen,
<br /> �-:;,:,�«,�.�.:�. �r�q�ired co pay to Heneficiary funds for taxes end insurance in�sc�ow.
<br /> . �=•-
<br /> _::�.w....,�
<br /> .1�;�;'��-".. 23.FINANCIAL REPORT6 AND ADDITIONAL DOC[JMENTS. Tn�st�011wur�nts that��fin��ncix�ast�ts and
<br /> ,,,."=��� .� tinancial statement or informadon &neRciary may dam neceseuy.
<br /> _--�`'�.- info:matioa't'rustor pmvldes w Beaeftciary an� or will be, accucate� correct, and compleu. Trustor agreea to aign,
<br /> .--N,-�;...:. ' deliver. and fde as Beneticiary may reasonably roquest aay additional documenta or ceMficaHons Wet Beneficiuy msy
<br /> ��_�.:��k" .
<br /> � ,,,;,;;r�_.,��. . considcr uccessary to perfect. continue,and preeerve Trustor'a obllgationa under thtt Dad of Tivat and Beneflciary's irn
<br /> -_•=%.:`�- etatus on the Property• If Trustor faUs to do so,Beneficiary may ei8n.deliver.and file�uch docwnente ar oertiScates �►
<br /> �.-1°:'.'..;'�'`" ' Trustor's uanae and Trustor henby irrevocably eppoints BeneSciary or AeneSciuy'n agart as attomey in fact to do the
<br /> �- things neceasary to comply with this secdon.
<br /> this Deed of Trust aze joint and individual. If Trustor signs this Doed of'IYust but does f toht�ai��Debt and�Trustor
<br /> - Truator does so only to mortgage Trustor's interest in the Property to sxure paYmen to thie Dea!of
<br /> � does not agree to be personally liable on the Secured Debt.Trustor agras that Beneftofary aad aay partY
<br /> a., Tn�st may eatend, modify or make any cheage in the tercas of this Dad of Tivat or the Evidence of Debc aithont
<br /> '' this D reed f Tcust hall bind an beneRt the successors en dacsigns o Truat r�and Benefici ry�. 'fhe dutles aad ben�Rts of
<br /> ' �' ' If this Deed of Trust secures a guaranty 1�etwcen Beneflciary and Ttustor and does nut dlraKly secure tt►e obltgation which
<br /> �- - is guarantied.Trustor agrees to waive any righte tha;.maY P�vent�BoneS,�iuy��a�R fg�.w ornne�-iaceion lawe�. ��inst
<br /> -- � Trusror or any party Indebteu unaer inc oouguu�u w..iu�:,�a,....•u�.--�---_--.--- -. .
<br /> 25.APPLICABLE LAW; 5EVERABII.ITYi I���TATION. This Dxd of Trust is govemed by the lawa of the
<br /> jurisdictioa in which BeaeBciery is located,eacept to the exteat otherwise required by the laws of the jurlsdiction whece
<br /> the Property !s located.This Deed of Tmst{s complete and fully intcgrated. This Deed of Trust maY not be ama�dod ot
<br /> modified by oral agreement. My section or olause In this Dced of Trust, attachmcats, or any agreement related to the
<br /> Secured Debt that conflicts with applicable law will not be effective,ualess that law expressly or 9mpliedly pecmits tt►�
<br /> variatioas by written agreement. If aay section or ciause of this Deefl of Trust cannot be eaforced accordin8 to ita terms.
<br /> that section or clause will be severed and will not affect tho enforceability of tbe remainder of this Deed of Trust.
<br /> Whenever used,the singular ahall include the plural and the plural the eingular.'Phe c�pdons and headings of tbe socrions
<br /> of this Decd of Trost aze for wnvenience only and are not to be used to interpret or define the tetms of thia Deed of Trust.
<br /> Time is of the essence ia this Deed of Tmst. �.����;y��A�D�6 vl 6
<br /> �7 883 Ben►x�Srium�.Inc..St.C�ouO.M1W�t•800�38743411 Form A6/CO-DT•NE 8It 3196
<br /> i
<br /> � -----�--- _ —_
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