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<br /> �� �� 26.6UCCES.SOR TRUbTEE. Brncflctiuy, �t Beaeflclary'�optton, my from Hme ta time mtwve Tivatoe �ad �ppoiat �
<br /> �ucceswr tnutea by w iattrummt recordsd in the county in which thii Dad of Tnut 1�acorded.'Itie aucoawr truitoe.
<br />';+.', without convcyu�oe of tbe PropeKy. ehvl euccaed to dl the tttle. power�ad dutla conferrod up�n the Tcuitee by thi�
<br />;�,�. Dad af Truat uid�ppllc�ble IQw.
<br /> -�'"�
<br /> 27.NO'TICE.ilaless otherwise tequlred by law. eny notice e6�11 bc givrn by delivering lt or by mdllag it by fir�t cl�tt m�ll -
<br />:,;� to the appmpdue p�tty'�addras on pagc 1 of thit Dood ot Tcuat.or to�ay otl�r�ddre�dai�utod la wdtlna. Notla w `
<br /> aae tn�ator will be deecned to be noticx to�1!tnuton.
<br />���-�� Z8.U.C.C.PROVI3IONS.If chaked.ttte followlag ae applicable to.but do not ltmit,tWe Dad of Truar.
<br />" ❑ Coad�floa Low. 'Ibit Dad of Truat eecun�e u�oblig�tioa incurrod for the construcNon of an lniprovemeat on
<br /> "` the Property.
<br /> "�-'` ❑ Flxtore Fiiln�.Tcustor granta w Bcaaficiary a securlty inureat in all gooda thu Tn�stor awas now or Ia the future
<br /> -';`" oad that tue or wlll become futurea nlatal to the Property.
<br />---..�
<br />__:�` � Cmpe; 'IYmber; Miner�; Rente� Isnw� and ProAtr. Ttustor graata to Beneficiary a socunty intenat ia�11
<br /> _' crops,tunber, and aainerala loated oa the Pcoperty as well u all rente, issu�s, And pmSU of them includiag,but
<br />-:��� aot liwited to. ali Coaservatioa Reserve Progr�m (CRP) md Payment ln Kiad (PII� paymeats and sudlu
<br />=—`�-- govemment�l prograau(all of which shdl dso be lacluded in the term"Ptoperty").
<br />=:?��'. � Prsson�l Propa�ty. T�ustor grants to BrneficIuy a eaKWty inten;st in all personal pcoperty loc�ted on or
<br /> '' connected wlth the Ptoperty. 71iis secudty intereRt t�nciude�all farm praiucts, iaveatory, equipment� accouata, _
<br />����:`�'"�` docuuunts.Instnnnents�chattel paper.Beneial intangiblca. aad all otUer itan�af personal ptoperty TrueWr owna
<br /> _��;:_� now or in the future and that ue used or usefnl ia the constcuction, owaershyp, operuton� man�gcment. or
<br /> •_�-<�Y"� maitttenance of the Property. The term "peisonal property" specifically axcludea that pmperty described as
<br /> '�''_''� "houadiold gopds'secured in connectlon with a"consumer"loan as thase terms are doflaod in applicabie federai
<br /> -:,�,:,j— reguladons governing unfair aud deceptive cndlt practic�.
<br /> `�'. �� ❑��71i►� As Financing Statemeat. Tr�ator agras aad acknowlodgea that this Deod of Trust alao suffices ae a
<br />-.`-,i'r� �: �
<br />::�..���s
<br /> =�'��'-- fwpncing statement and as snch, may be filed of record as t flnanciug etatement of pu:poaa�of Article 9 of the
<br /> __=�"�= Uaiform�ommcncial Code.A carbon.phoWgraphic,�nage or other nprnduction of thie Dad of 1Yust is sufficient `
<br /> —_= aa a finuicing statea�eat.
<br /> 29.OTf�R TERM9.If chaked,the foUowiag are appliqble to this Deed of'1'iwt:
<br /> -- I�l i.in.•�t[`m11t. 'ilie Secured Aebt includes a revolving linc of credit gmvieIon.Although the Secured Debt maV 6e
<br /> - reduced to a um b�lanca,Wie Deed of Tnut wUl randn In eifxt until relcyeed.
<br /> O A�riculturd Property.Tiustor covauau u�d wut�t►U that the Propecty wUl be wed princip�lly for a�rkulwral
<br /> or firming purpox�a�sd thu Tnutor ia m iadivldwl or eadry dlowed w owa�grlcultus�l I�ad��pecifted by ltw.
<br /> C7AddltlonAl Ta�. ....................................................................................................................
<br /> .............................................................................................................................................
<br /> .............................................................................................................................................
<br /> Pursumt to the Fnna Homeste�d Protectton Act,deaigmdon of 6omataid�is�uached w thi�Deod of Tn�et�nd m�de a
<br /> put 6ereof(7 has boea discldmod:the diaclaimer 1�att�ched w thi�Deal of Tcwt�nd m�cle t part heroof.
<br /> SIGNAT[JRFS: By sigaing below. Tru�tor agrar to the tcrme �nd covenmta oont�nal in tbis Deal of 1h�at�ud in imy
<br /> atcschmeatn.'husoor alao�ckaowledgea rooeIpt of a copy of thl�Deed�!Tn�et on tl�e dste�t�tal�bove on Psga 1. �
<br /> � Aaual wthodty wa��ranted to the pardea:igning belo�v by naolution�igned�nd dued................................... .
<br /> Badry N�me:J4�r..ti.�. ..................... Eotitg Name:�T��.e�! �e�i i� ..................... .
<br /> .................. . ................
<br /> 4JIF� AS Hf�ID At�ID WTFE
<br /> ..................................... . Gl.cl�l.l�C'�..�:.i...."�!`.�`.":(...............
<br /> . ......... .... .. .........
<br /> (5 ) (D�a) (S ) (D�ee)
<br /> ... .................................................................. .......................................................................
<br /> � iKmn) N+�e) (Siprdie) (DUe)
<br /> _�� O Rcfcr to the Addendum whfch is atts�ched aad inooiporatod herein for addttloaal TNStors, s�gaatures and
<br /> acknowledgmonta.
<br /> ___--
<br /> `°��.°�. ACKNOWLEDGIVIENT:
<br /> ___�
<br />�w'.6��
<br /> :AJ�neiG
<br /> ;,s. S"I'A'fB OP�!�}�4.............................COUN'1'Y OF .��......... . ...}sa.........
<br />:.. . . .. .
<br /> .......
<br />°::�:�yt� n�w�a,r� This Insuument was acknowlod od before me thio.......��.�#......da of.....+.�8��7;r..���7....
<br />��� �, bY.�..�.�..��.r,�r��..�.�.z��x�:.a�..�s. .�.. �......... .
<br />�v;;� My commisslon e .�. ,!.4�l.1!.c!.
<br /> "-- (sat) . �: .
<br /> =—,�� A iEN�A111 NOTAIIY•St�e�I Nrbtaq
<br /> ..: .... .... .. . . . . . ...........
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<br /> r'��.i�.t
<br />�- S'I'ATB OP...........................................,COUN'Y'Y OF................................................}aa.
<br />�T.. .,.
<br />. "�"-'" This instrument was aclmowlodged before me this....................day of...................................................
<br /> ��n,► by.........................................................................................................................................
<br /> ���. a���r .... ................................................................................................................................ a�c�n
<br /> : .
<br /> �� e���� of....................... ................ cx��r sWrw�►�
<br /> , , ............................................................................
<br /> � � a...............................................................................................on bei�alf of the buaineae or eaHty.
<br /> ��-�•�. My commisaion expires:
<br /> ••�:;, (5al) ......................... ..........................
<br /> ,. � •��ry���.
<br /> .�r�.. ,.. °��)
<br /> �: ��(ri.;�.,
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