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201208123 <br /> sentenaes shflll not apply Co Che presencc, use, or storage on the Property of small qunnlifies of FIazardn��s <br /> Substa�ices UiaY u•e generally recog�iized Co be appropriatc Yo normnl residential usas and Co m�intenAnce of <br /> tUc Property(including, but not lunited tq hazaxdous substances in coveuuun•products). <br /> k3orrower skall proinptly g�ive Lend�r written notice of(n) any investigation, claitn, derc�vid, lawsuit or other <br /> acC'ron l�y any gove��imental or regulatoty agency or private pauty involving lhe Property and arry,H�zardous <br /> Substanoe or L+nviromnontal Law of whicl�13orrower has achaal lmowledge, (b) �ny EnvironmenY��l <br /> Condition, including bnt not limited Co, �u�y e�illiiig, lcnl<ing, discharge, release or tiv�eaY of release of any <br /> H�za�dous SuUs�anoe, and(c) any condition c�used by the�resence, ti�sc or rcicaso of a Haz�rdous SubsYance <br /> whicll adversely affeets the value of'the Property. If Borrower l�rns, or ia notified 6y any govcrmncntal or <br /> tegulatory auYhority, or �ny private parCy, tihat viy removal or other remediarion of any IIaznrdous Subetance <br /> af'fecting the Property is neoessaxy, Borrower shall promptly Cake all�inccssary rcrned'ral actiona in <br /> accordance with EnvirotunenYal Law. Nothing herein shnll create any oblignlion on Le�idcr for an <br /> �nvironrnental Cleanup. <br /> Non-Uniform Covenants. I3orrower and Lender coveiiant aud 2gree as follo�os: <br /> 22. Acceleration; Remedies. Lender slitdl givc noticc to I3mrowcr prior to ncccleration followiug <br /> Borrower'H breflch of any covenant or agreement in this Security L�sh•nment (but not�rior to <br /> acecleration nnder Section 18 m�less Applicable Law provides nCherwise). 'l'lie notice shafl specify; (a) <br /> Nie dePuidt; (b) tho aetion neqtiired to cure tlie clefanlE; (c) a date, not less than 30 �lays from tl�e dafe <br /> tlie notice is giveu to Borrower, by which tLc defanit mnat be enred; and (d) that Puilnre to cnre the <br /> deFaalC on or befm•e the date apecified in Y�l�e nutice niny result iu �ecclerntion af tlie sums securcd by <br /> this SecuriCy v�striuneuC and sale of�7io Properly. 'Phe nnlice sLall further inforn� Borrower of the <br /> riglit to reinetnte after acceleration and the right to bring n wurt acHon to assert tlie non-e�etence of a <br /> def�ndt or any other defcnsc of Borrowcr to nccclerntion and salc. If thc dcfa�dt is not carcd on or <br /> be�Fnre Che date speoified in the notice, l',encier.��t i1:5 option may reqiiire immedixte paynxent in fall of <br /> nll smns secnred by tlus Secnrity Ineh�iunent wiCLont fi�rtlier clemflnd and�y�ay iuvolce Che power of sale <br /> nnd nn,y otlicr rwncdice permitCed by Applicnble Ltiw. Lcndcr shnll bc entitlecl to collect nll expenses <br /> incm•red i�t pursning tlie remedies provided i�i thiN Sectiun 22, uiclnd'u�g, but not limited to, re:tsminbla <br /> s�ttorneys' fees nnd cosl.s rvf CiCle evidence. <br /> If the power uf sale is involced, Trustee sliall recorcl a notice of defanlC in eacl� co�mLy in whicli any <br /> part oP tlie Propecty ie IocnYcd aucl sl�all mail copice of ench notico in the manner prescril�ed I�y <br /> ApplicaUle Ln�ti�to Borirower and to tlic other perso��s prescriUed by Applicnble Lnw. After flie timc <br /> reqnired by Applicable Law, 'l'ra�Yee shaU give pnblic notice of'srde tu the persons and h� the n�nnner <br /> a�rescribed by Applicable Lnw. Trnstee, witliout dema�ul on Borrower, slinll sell tlie Property nf puhlic <br /> anction tb thc lughcst biddcr nt tlic timc nnd pincc nnd uuder thc tcrms dosignntecl in thc noticc of salc <br /> in one m� mure paruels :�nd in Any m�der'frustee tletermines. 7'rustee m;�y postpone sale of all or .uiy <br /> parcel of tlie Property by pnblic a�wonneement at the time nnd place of nny previonsly schednled sale. <br /> Lcndcr or its dcsigncc mny parclinsc U�c Property nt nny sale. <br /> Upon receipt of paymenC of tl�e price uid, TrnsEee shall dclivcr to the pnrchascr Trneteds dced <br /> wuveying the Propertp. Thc rocilals in thc TrusCee's deed sl�xll bo pi�ma fac�e evidencc ot tlic trnth of <br /> the stxtements n�n�1e tlierein. 7'rastee �hall apply the proceeds of the sale in Cl�e following m•de�; (�)to <br /> all co9fs nnd expenses oP exerciaing CLe power of sale, and the sale, including Che payment of the <br /> Trastee's fees actnally Inc��rred aud roasounUle atto�ncys' Fecs as permitEed Uy AppHcaUle Law;(b) to <br /> :dl stnnS 5eCnred Uy tl�is Secnrity Insh•nment; and (c) any exoe85 to the persmt or p¢rso�iS legally <br /> enliCled Co it. <br /> zaoo�z�a <br /> NEBNASKA�SIng Is Fam Ily-Fennle A7 ea7Retldle A4 ec UNIFORh7 MS fRUh1 ENT Form 3028 1IQ 1 <br /> VM P� Vh1 P8(NGl(71�.�) <br /> Wniters Kinwer Flnannial9ervinas P�9a i4 ot 1"! <br />