<br /> in tl�c Yroper'ty and rigl�ts undor this Socw'ity It�etrumc�it; und(d)falms�ucl� action as Lcndcr may
<br /> reasonably require to assure thak Lender's iutereet in the Property and rights under this Security Instrument,
<br /> and Borrower'e obligaYion to pay flie swns secure<l Uy this Secmity Iustrwnent, shall contiuue uuch�nged,
<br /> 7.ender may reqnire�l�at 73orrower pay such reinstate�nettt stitms and cx}��7�sas in one or more of fl�c f�llowing
<br /> forins, ae selectecl6y Lender: (a) oash; (b) money order; (o) cer[i$ed oheek, bnnlc ehecic, treasurer's oheok ot
<br /> cashier's chwk, provided Any sucli check is drawn upon�n institution whose deposiYs �ra insured by a
<br /> f'edaral a�gency, insCiumentality ox entitiy; or (d)Electronic Funds Transfer. Upon reinst�atement Uy Rarrower,
<br /> this Seew•ity Instrument and oblibations secured horcby shall ranain fully offective as if no acecleration l�ad
<br /> occurred. Howevcr, this right to roinstafc shall noC apply in Cl�ie case of noceleration uncler Section 18.
<br /> 20. Sale ofi Note; Change of Loan Servicer; Notice of Grievance. 'PhcNotct�r aplr�ial inte��esC in 11ie
<br /> Note(together with this Security Instrument) can Ue sold one or more timas wiYhout prtor noYice Co
<br /> Borrower. A anle might result in a cha�ige in The entit,y(known as tlie '9.oan Servicer")that collects Ycnodic
<br /> Payinents dua undar tlie Note and this Security InsGrut2�enE and perPorms other�norCg�ge loan servici�g
<br /> obligations nnder lhe Note, Chis Seourity Instrument, and Applicable L1w. There also might be one or more
<br /> changes of the Lonn Servicer unrelated to a snle of'the Note. If Uiere is a cliauge of'the Loan Seivicer,
<br /> Borrower will be givan writtien notioe of The chauge which will statc tho name and address of the new Luan
<br /> Servicer, the address to which payments should bo inade and any other informa6ion RESPA requires in
<br /> conncction with a noticc oC tranefer oP aervioi��g. If the Note ie sold and thereafter khe Lo1n is serviced by a
<br /> Loan Scrviccr ol'her fllan tlie purcl�aser of tha Note, the morYgage lo2n servioing obligations to Borrower wi11
<br /> remain with the Loan Seivicer or be transferrecl to a successor Loan Seivicar and are not aseLnncd by the
<br /> Note purchasar unless otherwise provided Uy the Noto purchaeor.
<br /> Neither IIorrower nor Lander may commence, join, or Uc joined{o any judicial �ction(as eilher nu
<br /> indiviclual litigant or H�e mornbcr of a clasa) ChaC arises from fhe otlier p£u•ty's actions pursuant to this
<br /> Security Inslriunent or thnt�lleges that the other pArty has breached auy provision o�F, or any duty owed by
<br /> reason of, this Securify fiistirwnent, turtil such Borrower or I�euder�ha� noti6ed Uio tjther pv'ty(�viCh such
<br /> notice given in compliance with tl'ic reqLiirc7neni;s of Section IS) of such alleged breach�nd af£ordod the
<br /> othcr party hcrcto a reaeonable period a£ter the giving of such noYice to taka correetive action. If ApplioaUle
<br /> L�w pxovides a ti�ne period which must elapsa beEore certain action cau Ue taken, t1�at Lime period will Uc
<br /> deemed to be reasouable for purposes of tl�is pa��a��apli. 'fhe noticc of�ecclrn�atioi� and opportuniiy to cure �
<br /> givcn to Borro�vor p�uplianc 6o Sectiou 22 and the norice of accalerakion given to Borrower ptusuant to
<br /> Section 18 shall be deemed to eatisfy tlie'notice and opportunitiy to take corrective action provisions of tl�is
<br /> Seetion 20.
<br /> 27. HaZaYdOus SubstanCes. As used in tUis Section 21: (a) "Hitzcardou.r SuluZcrncc,r" are[hose substnnoes
<br /> defined as toxic or l�azardotiis substanccs, pollnh�nCs, or wnsCes by Environmental La�w end the Pollowing
<br /> �ubet�ucas: gaaoliue, kerosene, other flammnUle or toxic peh�oleum produotis, toxic pesticides and herbicides,
<br /> volatile solvents, m�terials conCaiving asbestos or fonualdehyde, and radioactivc maWri�ls; (b)
<br /> "Envaronmerttal Lt�w"mea�s federal laWs and laws�of tihe jurisc{ickion where the Pro�erty is locnted tliat
<br /> relate to 7�ealth, safeiy or cnvironmenfal protecCion; (c) "Erovironnaentad G"leata�up" includes any rasponse
<br /> action, rcmulial action, or removal action, as defined in Fnviromnental Law; anci(d) an "Err�vironnaentad
<br /> Condition"me2ns a condition that can cause, conU�ibute to, or othei-�vise b-igger an 13nvironment�ll Clcanup.
<br /> Bon�ower shall not oanse or permit the presence, use, dispogal, storage, or release of any 1-[azvdoLis
<br /> Substances, rn•f1n'etatan tio ralease aaiy I��ardous Substaucos, on or in the Property. Borrower shall not�do,
<br /> nor allow anyone clso t�a do, anything afPeoting the Proyerty(a)Yhat ia in violation of any F.nviromnental
<br /> Law, (b)which creflties nn Environmental CondiYion, or (c)wl�lch, ditie to the presence, use, �or relcase of a
<br /> Hazaz•doue Sul�stanoe, creates a condition that e�dverscly affects tho r�11ue oP th�PiroperCy. The preceding 6wo
<br /> 2A00229A
<br /> NEBFtASKA-Single f-am Ily-Fannle M ae/Freddle h1 ec UNIFORIv1 INSTRUW ENT Form 3020 1!01
<br /> VM P� VW P6(NE1(1106)
<br /> Walters Kluwer Flnqnclal Services PAge f3 of 1'/
<br />