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<br /> V we or �aore p*rceM and [� �ny order Tru�ta deten�tna. Truatee may PostPone sAle�o�f aU or �oy pucel ot the
<br /> Property by P�bdc �a�a+aceaent at tLe tieu a�d pl�ce of sny previowly achedukd a�k. Lender or ib �nee tnay
<br />" purcwee the Property at way ask. �-
<br /> Upa receipt o� prrse�t of tbe pria bid� 'C�mtee etisU deUver to tYe purelaeer TnWee'e deed conveyia� the
<br /> Properly.Tbe recitab t� t6e Truata'� deed tM�M be prima tack evtdeaoe of the trutd of tLe�tements msde tMereia.
<br /> Trustee�hall+�PPb tbe procee�L of ttie adt u t6e toUo�►ie=ordert(�)to W cats wed expeaxs o�a�ercistng the power ot
<br /> a�k.�nd tMe ak,isctudios the p�;�aent ot�se 7'ru�tee'.rea actwuy iucurrsd,oot to a�ceed a.o 0 o g�,
<br />= o�tLe rincipd aaouat ot the note at the dme o�the dec4ntbn o�detauk��nd reaso�a6k tttarneya'feea Aspdr�itted b�
<br /> 4�:(b�to�q ansa eeared by Wi�Se�rk�IeWrument:�od(c)Any exoaie to the persoo or peraa�s1e�a�Uy eatitkd to k.
<br /> �ecwve�y �d �yme�t of W sums sxeirod by this Security Ins�ument,Lenda shall request'Ilrustce to
<br /> reoonve the aumnder this Sacwity Insaument and ell notes cvlda�cing dcbt secure�by this SocurIty
<br /> Truslee.l'�ustee shW reconvay tha Propaty wIthout w�rt�aty and withoutcharga to tlio paaua or pasona kB�Y
<br /> endtled to i�Such pa�on or pereotia shaU p�y�ny recordation ooats.
<br /> 23.S�bait�te 7'nstte. LaWer.�t its aption.may fmm dme a dma ratwve'itus�o and�ppoiat a auoccs9or tcustoe w any
<br /> 'hus�ee�ppoL►1od ha�eunAa by �a instrurnent r000rdod in the ca�nty in whieh thLa Socurity Instunaa�t ls ta�oc�cbd. Withoot
<br /> oonveyaaoe of the Prope=ty�the suxes,9or trustee sh�il succxed w aU�he dtle�Power and dudea confemd upon ikustee heYCin aad
<br /> by applic�ble Lw.
<br /> ?A.Roqrat for Natiees. Bomowu requests tlun ooples of the notices of defwlt md sale bc eent to Barowa's addr�s -
<br /> w�la�PtoQaty Addrp�.
<br /> fo t�s Secnrky Ia�ru�uen� If one or moro riders aro racecuted by Barowa and ceccxded Wgc.ther with thb
<br /> Securlty Inslnunent,the oovexwnts and�gnxaner�ts of cach such rider shsll be incorporatod into and shAil unend and supplanait
<br /> y the ooveants md�greema�ts of th�Secwaty Instrument as if the rider(s)wae a part of thi�Socurlty Ins�,nt
<br /> [C1�eck�pplkabk 6ox(es)I
<br />' C]Ad,juaableRaleRider �Condomlr►ium Ridd' O l�d Family Ridet
<br /> p craeuated Piyma,c Rid�x O Plannod unic nevelopr�knc ttida 0 siwatty P,ynxnc tt�ea
<br /> ' �B�Iloon Rida �Rato Impmvana�t Ridet 0 Socond Homa Rlda
<br /> ' []VA Ridtt Q O1�1C[(g}[E�pC�j►]AS�ign�ent� of Rmt
<br /> �
<br /> A BY SIaNING BfiLOW,Bormwa accq�b and�grow W the tams and oova�ants connincd in ttw Secmiry L�un�ent md ia
<br /> � �ay rk{ar(a)w�ecalod by Bocmxcx md reca�cd�d wl�h it
<br /> Wip�er ��
<br /> X.�TI'.e�C., �1 1—��4�'�� (sa�) .
<br /> MARTIN RIVSRA -Barorver
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