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<br /> � 97— so�s�s �
<br /> 16.Borrower's Copy. Borrower shaU bc Bivcn onc conformcd copy of thc Natc end of thi9 Sccurity InstrumcnG �
<br /> ' 17.Trensfer of thc Piroperty or a Bcnefict�t Iaterest ie Borrower. If ull ar any pzut af thc Prapcny or eny intcrest in it i�
<br /> .,�, sold or transferrcd (or tf a beneCiclal interest in Boaowcr is sold or tran�fcrrcd and 13orrowcr i9�ot a nawr�lpersun) withuut
<br /> LcndcPs pdor wditcn conscM�Lcndcr may, at Its option.rcquirc Immafiatc paymcnt in[ull of�II sums xocurc�by thi�Socurlay
<br /> ,�,,,,,�!! InstrumenG Howevcr,this option shall not be exercised by Lcndcr tf cxc�cisc is prohibitcd by icdcrul law a4 ot thC datC O�I11�9
<br /> . ,,.,,,,� Sx�uity Instrumcn�
<br /> , If Lender exercLses this opdon.Lender shall give Bortower nodce of acceleratian.'Ihe natice shall provido upcdod nf not Iess
<br /> than 30 days from the date Ihe nodce is dcliver,ed or mailed wlthin whlch Borrowcr must pay ull sums socurcd by Ihis Saurlty
<br /> InstrumenG If Borrowu faiiis to pay theee cumc prior to tho nxpIration of this period,Lendcr ms►y invoke any remodles perrnitted ..
<br />_ ' by this Socurity Instntmentwithout fuAhernotiCe dr'ddn�nd�n Hocrower. �:-.:
<br /> � 1�.Borrower's RigdtRo ReinstAt�-'� ��l� � �� �ndldons, aorrowcr shell t�ave ths r�ght to liavc �'
<br /> � enfoccement of this Secur�y I�aUtnet�!dlaoon�+aed af'��►i tune p►ior W tha carUer of: (a) 5 days (or such other period a9 �
<br /> appltcable law may spec�"fy Tbi reuista ef""mel►t)�before'sale oF the Proputy pursuant w eny powcr ot sale conteincd in this Saurity —_..
<br /> .�: Instrumen�or(b)encry of e judgment enforaing this Security Instrumen�'Itwse condidans are that Bocrower.(a)pays Lendcr all ��
<br /> sums whicb then�vc�uld be due under ihis S�xurity Insbument and ihe Note as jf no s�cceleration hs�d occursed: @)cures anY —
<br /> � �� defa�lt of eny other cove�ants or agreements;(c)paYs all cxpenses incurnd in enforcing this Saurlty Instrumcnt,including,but
<br /> not limited w.nasouable a�IOrnoys'fees;and(d)takes such acdon a4 Lcnder maY rcasonably requl�w assure t1u�c t1M lien of Ih�s
<br /> 5xiulty Instrument, Lendu's rights in Ihe Pro�erty and Bocrowc�'s obligaaon to pay thc sums sccurccl by Ihis Scxurlty =-
<br /> � Inswment shall continue unchanged. Upon reinstatcment by Borrower,this Socurity Iastrument and the obUgations socuncd --
<br /> ' � hemby shall remain fully eftecdve as If no t+ccelerAUOn had occurred.However,this dght to reinstate shell not epply in the case of
<br /> � acceleration undu paragraph 17. °`
<br /> 19.S�k of Notei Chaoge ot Lonn Suviar. 'ilie Note or a partial intcrest in the Notc (togethcr with this Sccurity
<br /> ��. Inswment)may be sold one a more times without prior natice to Borrower.A salo may resutt in a change in the caaty(laiown =
<br /> • as the"L.oan Suvker")that colkcts monthlY paYments due unde�tha Now and this Sxunty InsuumenG'Riue also may be one or
<br /> ' ; more changes of the Loan Serncer unrelated to a sale of the Note.If there is a changa of the Loan Suvia.r.Borrowu w3ll bo
<br /> given writun nadca of the change�n accordance with paraBraph 14 above and plicable law.'Itie nodce will slate the name and
<br /> n
<br /> � addre,s,s of the new Loan Servioer and the address to which payments should mada.'1Tie nodce will also contain any other
<br /> ;. information mqnired by applicable law.
<br /> ,� '� ?A.Harxrdous Subshnca. Borrowcr shall not cause or permit the pnsence. use,disposal. storage. or relea�e of any
<br />�*- � Har�rdous Substances on a in the Proputy.Borrower shall not du,nor allow anyone cLse w do,anything affecting the Property
<br /> �_�___-- Uiat is in vbladon of an�r bnvironme�tal Law.li�e pcc�din8 iwo��ic+�uc,;si�wtt��ut ap�y tu:�;prc�cs�ca,u��ar osar�,�a oa L'x
<br />- Propeity of amAll quana�ks of Hazerdow Subsrances�hac are generally rocognized►o appropriate to �a�nal ns�du►�l us�s
<br /> � � nnd to melntenance af the Propaty.
<br />=.�'� • :' . .' Bormwu ahall pmmqlY give Lenda vvduen notice of eny invesdgadon, claim, demand lawsuit a ott�x acdon by uny
<br />_�.,;::• ..�,�� govemmental a�+e��tory e�ga�cy or prlvau party involving the Property and any Herardous Substaace a Envlronmental Law
<br /> '' ' of which Bormwu�l�acNal keo�wledga If Borrowu leams.or is ndified by�u�y govemmental or ngulatay authority.t�t any
<br />'�t'i;';';�,.•:•' • irmoval or othu temodiadon of any Haz�rdous Subs[anco affecting ihe Ptoperty Is nccessary,Borrower shall P�P�Y tAko aU
<br />=:.��::,•. 4,'. remediai actioua in accordance with Environmental Law.
<br /> f,....;r ., noces.sarY
<br />;�;;,,::;;, As used in th�s para�aph 20."Hazardous Substances" are those substances defined as wxic or harardous subst�es 6y
<br />��,,;`�; _ ., Bnvironmu►tal Iaw and�he foAowjng substances: gasoline. kerosene, other flemmabk or W�cic pet�+okum�roducts,bxic
<br />-5�;:�s""=.; ' pesdcides end hubicides,vola�le solvents,matexials containing esbesws a formaldehyde,end radioactive mataials.As wod in
<br />—' >';";��:�' ' ' lhis parag�aph 20,"Enviranmental Law"means fedeiallaws and laws of the jurisdlcdon whcc�e the Propaty is located that nlate -
<br /> -"`-,��.�`.�Y� to htalth.safety a enviromiental procecdon.
<br /> -_-=� ����
<br /> =z-...t,�����
<br /> '�--�.'�._.`����"�°� NON•UNIFORM COVENANfS.Bo�rower and Ler►der forth�r ooveaaat and aga as follows:
<br /> =�'"=-�Y�'���,.;_�'� ' El.Accekratbn;Remedka.Lender s6aU give aotice to Borrower prior M acakntbn followiag Borrower'e 6re�ch of
<br />�=ti,�,;;�r,;;"� any rnvenant or agreenent in t6t� Security Instrumwt (but not prbr to accekrnlia uoder p�ra�ph 17 wlese
<br /> V�' �.z__;
<br /> .1,�: �, APPileabk law provides othenriae).T6e notke sUaU specity:(a)t6e delouRi(b)t6e ac�o�required to cun t6e def�itp c)
<br /> -=�mr�;�:.•r a d�te,not kae tban 30 daye ffrom the d�te the notice is given to Borrower�by whk6 the det�Wt must be crredi aad(d)
<br /> ''''" ' that t�ilure to cure the defauk on or before t6e d�tte specEfkd in the notia m�y reault in �cctleratiw o�lre euas sKwired
<br /> —��```'�'� by thi�Security Instrunent�nd sak ot tUe Propecty.The notke shaU turther inform I�orrower o�tYe ri�ht to rehstate
<br /> -.�„�,,._�;
<br />-�� after�oekratiou and tk rlght to bring �rnurt octbe to usert the eon�isteece of a default or�oy ot6er deleme d
<br /> Borrower to accekrAtia and sak.It tMe defauit ie not cured on or be[on the date apeciifed in tik notloe.I.epder,�t ib
<br /> -�� option,may require imuedi�te payment ie fhll ot aU suma sccund by this Security Instruaent wit6out turtber de�Rnd
<br /> --;^���c' + and may invoke t6e pm�er ot eak and any other remedks permttted by applkabk law.�.eakr a6aU t►e entitled to o�lfect
<br /> _�'�"Y���. all expenses incuntid in pursuing the romedies provlded In thb pangrapb 21,indudin�,bWt not Nnited to,reaso��6k
<br />---` ""'�': ottaneye'tees and casta of tltk evkiena.
<br />__ `�M It t6e power ot aale ia invoked, 7lrustee shall record o notke ot detauh in tac6 eounty fe which any put of tLe
<br /> - �c•;
<br /> -� �'�=���% Fropert�B k�cated�ed sball ms�il rnpia ot suc6 notke In tbe manoer prescribed by opplkabk l��r to Borrow�er and W!ie
<br /> -• • . ot6er per�ons prescribed by�pplicabk law.After the tiene required by applicabk law,Trustee shaY�ive public nMbe af
<br /> ". � � sak to t6e pereons and le!6e manner prescribed by appltcabk 4w.Trustee,without dem�nd on Barower,arail eeY t1e
<br /> Property At public aucEbn to t6e highest bidder at the time and piaa And under tite terms desiges�ttd ie the notiee ot sak
<br /> . �,,;, Fotm 3021 i/!0
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