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<br /> , � -- G.A3SIGNMENT OF LEASES. Upon Lendcr's rcquest,Borrowu shall a4sign to I.ender ail leases of the
<br /> Propem�and all soctu�ty daposlts made in connecdon with lease,c of the Property. Upon the assignment,Lendu
<br /> shall have the dght to mo�ify,oxund or terminau the oaisdng leases end to exocutc n�w lease.9,in Lendu's sok
<br /> ' ��- discredon. As usod in this paragraph G,the word"leaso" shall mean"sublease"if the Sac�riry Inst�uum�nt Is on a
<br /> '� kasclwld.
<br />'�..:,.;c.
<br /> ,�.��,��;�;``. ' Barower absolut�ly and unconditionally assIgns and tiansfers w Lender all the rents and revenues("Rents")of the
<br /> �`:°�;i�� Pmlxrty.regudless of to whom the Reats of the Property ere payable. Borrowcr suUarIzes Luitkt or Lendu's
<br />...•_i:";�� ageats to coUoct the Rcnts.and agtees tbat each teaaat of the Proputy shalt pay Utie Rents tn Lender or Lu�der's
<br /> ';'•:'��;;::: �gerets.Howevcx,Barower shatI rocaive the Rents unW(i)Lenckr has given Bonower aot,ice af default pursusntw
<br /> =:.;�1; p�ragraph 21 of the Security lnswmoat and(li)Lender ha9 given noace to the tenant(s) that the Rents are w be
<br /> `':�''�.�� paid to Lenda or Lendes's agenG 'Ihis asslgnmem of Rents constiwtes an absolute assignment and not en
<br /> � ;,:� assignment fa addidanal sec�ty only.
<br />„�-"��` If Lend�r gives nodce of breach to Bonower.(i)alt Rents receivod by Borrower s1�L be held by Honowu as
<br /> �°.`:�„�� tmstee for ihe benefit of I.ender oNy.w be applled to the sums secwtid by the Security Instrumen�(U)I.ender sheU
<br />��'�� be endtkd W callect and rocelv�all of the Renta of the Pmputy; (iii) Bocrower agre�s that each tenaut of the
<br /> � �Y�PaY aU Reats due and unpaid to Lender or I,euda's agwts upon L.endrr's written danand to 1he
<br />-`-�'!��`•; tenaat; (iv) unkss appllcable law provIdes otherwl�e. all Rente colloctod by Lendu a Lerida's agents shall ba
<br /> �—� applied first to the costs of taldng control of and managing Nue Pmperty end colkcdng the Rents�including�but not
<br /> --- . lim9tal to.auan�ys'fees.rxeiva's fees.premiums on receiver's bonda�repxir and m�tnteaance costs.insoranca
<br /> --- - �mi�s, t�w, a;so.-�n�u atid t��t�g�'w rta itsa.':o�iy, assd 22tr�ta Lw 4 s �urrd�y Li:.�.,..;o�;
<br /> —�� 3 Insu��(v)I.�end�r.Lender's aga�ta or nny judicially�ppolnted receiva shall be liabk to occ�ount for aily tlwaa
<br /> -- Renta acwally iooc9vod;�nd(vi)Lender ahall ba entitled to have a noeivex appointed to rake posswsion of and
<br /> � man�ge thG PraQrxry and collect the Rwts aad profits derivod from the Property wIdaut ony ahowing as to the
<br /> in�doqwcy of the prnper�y as secarity.
<br /> � If the Reat� of the Pmpa�ty are not s�fficknt to cova tha costs of talcing control of ond m�ng B�ta
<br /> % ProQrity and of collocdng tho Renb any f�nds ea�pendod by Lenda fa such purpoaes sh�U beooroe indebtadness of
<br /> Bamwet to La�der socared by the Security Inatrument purswnt to Ucdfam Cova�uit 7.
<br /> � Barowa cepreseAu and warront�that Borrnwa hag not executod aay priin assignrt►eat of tbe Rents and tuu
<br /> aot�nd will aot perfam eny�ct tbu woWd prevait Lrenda fmm exacL�ing its righta und�r tNs pr��ph.
<br /> L,enda,or LardePs�ga�ts or a judicielly appointod raoe[ver.slwU not be requi[�ed to enter upoa�tako contrd
<br /> of a nWnaia tho Aropaty before a atta glving nodoe of defw�lt w Bamwa.�ox�var, I,enda,ar La�de,r'a
<br /> �gents a a judiciauy app�intod reoeiva�may do so at my time whea a defautc occure.Any applic�tbn of Ra►ts
<br /> � sh W not cure ar wuve my defwlt a 3nvalW�te�ny ott�a right or nmedy af L�ender.'mis aes�gemiait of Rcista of
<br /> , the Proputy al�atl tcrmirwe wha�all the aums secured by the Security U►socumait ere paid In full.
<br /> s I.CROSS-d�FAULT PROVdSION. Barcowa's defiWt a bn�ch and�r ny no�e e�s ag�+eemau o
<br /> - which L�enda Iw�n intarat�hall ba a bnach w�da tbe Stcurlty lnstruma►t end L�adrr may involce any of the
<br /> ;�` iunalka pamittod by the SCCUrIty IestNmdlL
<br /> t BY SIC3MNO BffiAW.Barowa aooepts and agrees to the rcm�.a and pcovisiac�s oonteined in il� 1-4 Family
<br /> -t Riticr.
<br /> — ` � `��� ` �
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<br /> � JIM L M .Hotrower LYN R BIM .g��T
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