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<br /> ' � APPL# 001-709'12019
<br />"-+�,fi.+,•,' ML# 0000000000
<br />.::,,:.�-.-��—� 97— 1i�i79'�'i �
<br /> _,-7S� 1-4 FAMILY RIDER
<br /> -. .i.�,^� Aastanment ot Renta
<br /> THIS 1-4 FAMII.Y RIDBR Is[nedC ihL9 25� day of SEPT�MBER , 1997 ,gnd jg
<br />° ';',��,�,;� lncotporatod Into and shall badoemoc�w amend and eupplement Ute Mortgago,Dced of Tr�st ar Sccudty Dad(the
<br />-��.;�;; "Security Insavmeat")of th�sartcc dau glven by the undersigned(the"Borrower")to sccure Aorrower's Notc Lo
<br /> T�.:.a�-=: ���r���YG��
<br /> _h.,^C�
<br />--,..,7 t;.�. ot�sane�s su�d covuIi►g�he P[operty descrIlred iui u1e Securlty Instmment and locaud sx
<br />, .'',,�;� 419 BTAC�ECOACH RD
<br />_._�:�, `.` aRAND I3LAND. NEBRASifA 68801
<br />:��. (E'ropeny Addmu)
<br /> _�__�
<br /> �.e;� i-4 PAIVQLY COVENANT9. In addidon to the covenants end egreuneats made in the Securlry Inshument,
<br />,:;�;;,�,�. Barrower and Lenda fuN�ei coven�nt md ogroo ag follows:
<br /> �...� propaty dexn'bed in the Secucity Insuument,the fol3owing Items are added w the Prnpaty dexripdon.end shell
<br /> also consdwt�e the Propaty cuverod by the Socarlty Ins�ma:t;building materials,aPPl�wxs and goods of evay
<br /> - a�turc rals�var aars ar!-.�f�rlr�^•.,,.sa3�s,a��ar u�cl.ar fntes:slec!sa be u�!in coas�xi3oss�ist�sht Ps�t;,
<br /> — � L�cluding,but not llmi�ed to.�t�se fa the putposes of snPP1Y�B a dlstrilwdng I�ating,coolinq.electriciry. 8av,
<br /> wata,air and 1�Qt,fire prevention and exdnBuLghinB�pparau�s.securIty snd accees control apporat��plumbiag�
<br /> bath wba,wAtt�heaoxs.wata claaets,einks,ranges. stove�,rofrigeiaonts�dishwaahers.diaposrit,�r►aehers�drYare,
<br /> a�vnL�ga,atorm windawa�sto�m d�xs.scrocns.bllnds.sh�des.curta�ns and c�utain rods.�tuched minncs.cabinw,
<br /> p�nclling oad auschod tloa ooveranga now or hertafter atUChed Lo the Pmpeity. all of which. including
<br /> repl�cana�ta aud additioas tbaew�ahall ba dxmed to be aad ranain a p�ut of tho Propaty covaed by th�Socurity
<br /> Insorumeot All of the faego�g togetha wIth the Propaty desaibed in the Socurity Insnuma�t(or the k�hold
<br /> esate if tho Secutiry Instrutnait b aa a kavetald) are referred w in thi�c 1-4 Fatnily Rida and the SeCUrity
<br /> Inawment as Ihc"Propaty."
<br /> , B.USE OF PROPERTYt COMPLIANCE WI'Y'H LAW. Barower stwil not saY, a�x to a malce�
<br /> . ch�e in die usa of tha Propaty o� �lt zaaing classifiauion� nnk.sa L�ender has ag��eod in wridng to tha chanee.
<br /> Bamwer shall oomply with 411 I�we, adi�smo�,a. ngulatk►ns aad roqnircmenta of any goverrunent�l body
<br /> appijcabb�o thb Prnprrty.
<br /> C.SUIIORDINATE I.IBMS. Euccpt u pamitted by feda�l law,8orrowa shall not allow�ny Uca infaior
<br /> to d�e secudry rn,orumaic�o bo pafacted ag�inat the Propercy wi;diouc Lander's p�1or wrlaen pam4xioa.
<br /> D.It�NT L065 IIVSUMNCE. Barowa shAll maint�in insurance against reni losa in addition�u the od�a
<br /> hmcds far Mhich inwn�nce i�nqulred by Unifoim Covenant 5.
<br /> &"liOiUtOWER'S WGHT TO REINS"PATE"DELETED. Uniform Covp�nt 18 L�deiaod.
<br /> F.BORROWER'S OCCLTpANCY. Uukss I.etider nd Horrowa W6a'wtte �groe ln writia�. the 6rst
<br /> sdlienoe in Uni[arm Coven�at 6 conoe�ning Barowes'a occup�ncy of tho Pt�opa�ty ia deleted. All ran�inin�
<br /> wvaann nd agroanenb eetfathh Uniform Coveiwnt6 stull mr�in in ef�'ect
<br /> MULTISTATF t•4 FAMILI►RIDER•Fannl�MsNF��ddi�M�a UMtor�n instrum�nt �orn�3170�J�9
<br /> . Pap�1 ot�
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