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<br /> S.Naiard or Property In�urpnce. Borrowcr shull kocp Ihe Improvcmcnis naw oxisdng on c�rcuftcr ercctcd on Iho Property
<br /> insurod agclnst loss by Cuo, ha�ards Included within the term"extcndod coverago" and any othcr ha�ards.including Iloods or
<br /> .,� flc►adtng.for which l.coder rc�uire.w insurnnce.'i1ii9 insurnnec vhAll he mAintninect in Ihe nmoi�nts and far Ihd perEals ihaR�.ender
<br /> coqufres.'I1�e insuranco carrier providing thc Insuranco stuiU t�a chosen by Bormwor sabject w Lcndcr's approvel whkh shall not
<br /> bo unreasonably withhcld. If Barowar fails w maintain coverago dexrlhed above, Lcndcr may, at Lendu's option, obtain
<br /> -"'"y� coveragc to protcct Lcridcr's rights�i the Pcopccty in occord�nca with paregraph 7.
<br /> `""'"' � AU insuranco poUcies and renewals shall bo acceptablo w Lender and shell include a standard mortgege clausc.Lender shall
<br /> � havc thc r�ght to twld the policics end rcne•xrals.If Lcrtder roquires,Bomawcr shaU promptly give a Lendu all reccipta of pAid
<br /> ;; prcmiums and!renewal nodces.in Ihe everit of loss,Bomower shal!give pmmpt notke W the insurance carrie.r and t,ender,I.ender
<br /> - may mako pcoof of bss ff not made promptly by Borrowe�.
<br /> S Unks�Lendec wui Barnwu ott�rwise agcoe in wriUr►g.insurance p�+oceais shatl be appllod a reswrACion or repair of ihe
<br /> �Y��8od,lf ihe trstoradon or rcp�ir is xoaomiplly feaslbbe and Ler�dcr's sccurity ls not Icssenod.If the resioration or
<br /> repair is not oconomicelly fea4ible or I.ender's security would be ksseood,the insurance proceods shall be applied to the soms
<br /> secund by thL4 Securlty Instrurnen� whetlier a not tben due, with aay excessti paid w Bomower. If Borrower abandons�he
<br /> Property,or does cat answer within 30 days a rwaice from I.enc{er that the insunmca carrir,r hag offual to seule a cWm.tha�
<br /> Lender may colloct tde insurauc�procoals.L�euder�»ay use tt�e�xaceeds to repair or reswre U�e Ptoperty or w pay sums aecural
<br /> by this Sociuity Instcument,whethu or not d�en due.71�0 30�day perlod will begin when the notke is givcn.
<br /> Unless Irender and Bomnwu odx,rwLse agroe in writia8,a�►Y ePPlication of proceeds to principal shall not extend or posq�one
<br /> the due date of the montblY PaYmeuts refund W in paragraphs 1 and 2 or change the amouat of the payr►xnts.If w�der paragraph
<br /> • 21 the Pmperty is acquired by Lender�Bomowu's rlght to any insurance policks and procceds rrsulting &om damsge to tbe
<br /> �Y P�to ttie acquisition shall pass to I�ender to the extent of We sums sccurod by this Security Insttument immodiately
<br /> • ' pcior W thc acquisition.
<br /> � 6.Occupanc�,Preservatiou►Mai�tessace�sd Protectia�nf the Property; Borrow�er's Lu�n Applia�tio�;l.eue6olde.
<br /> � � Hac�nwer slu�ll occupy.es�blLsh�aad use the Property as Borrowes's princIpal residec�ce wjjthin siaty days afta the wcocatbn of
<br /> ' thls Soauity Instrument and sh�ll cantinue to accupy the Piopaty a4 Bomnwu's principal residence for�t kaSt one yesc afber the
<br />�� •". date of oocupmcy, unkxs I�uider ott�rise ag�ees in wdting, which consent sf�all uot be wueasonabty wlthhe�d. a uales.c
<br />_-,'`-r=.' cai�ui�iiiL`'yf i.i-i--a.�SLZic.c�c�wi��+i�cb�io i'i�-,y�i�ici S�v�'s�8'ii ii�i.^ptt��wc`a St�a+�ii�i tles�y,u'at'u���3�i�u itic�yiai�.
<br />_;�;r .,. albw the Pmperty to deterlor�te. a commit wact�e on tho Pmpecty. Borrowa shall be jn default if aay fafeiwro �ctlon or
<br />�:- ..� :'. proceeding,wt�tha c[vil a criminal,ls begun tlwt Ia I.ender's good faith judgmaic oould resulc in[orfeiaua of tha Prop�xty or
<br />�;._;,,t±��`..:�,,; ofiawix malarially impa'v the lkn cnatod by Uds Socuriry Insauma�t a L,a�der's sxurity interest.Bo�rowcx may cnre such a
<br />�--'�>�� default and neiasmte,as provided in p�e�grspli 1B,by causing tha action or prooeoding to be dismissed with a ruling d�at.in
<br /> .^ss,, .:.
<br />_-_::�. I.endel's good faIlh dalr�nination,p'ocludes fafelnue of tha Ham�va's intr�est N the Propcny a od�er matai�l imp�menc of
<br />__ _ the lkn cna�od by this Securlty Insuur.�eat or Lenda's secucary inurest Barowa al�all aLso be in defeult if Barowa.ducing the
<br /> _ �-°;.=�' • la�a spplica►�on process.Save mat�lly falce or L�accurate iafonnadon a statennents to L,ender(ar faikd w provk{e L�erida with
<br />_��`� any m�taial iafomiadoa) in cunnectioa �Ith the ban evidenoed by the Nae.includic►g. 6uc aoc limired w, rep�seAtatioas
<br /> - �._a;� oonarning Barow�r's oocupancy of the Propaty as a principl reslda�oe.If this Securiry Ins�uman is on a kavet�old.Hamwa
<br /> -°� --- shall oanply with�11 the provlsion.s of the IeasG If Barnwer acquires fa tiUe to the Proparty.the ka9eho{d aad the fee 6tle shall
<br />� _ not mage�La�dar agroes to tbo naaga in writing.
<br /> --�- 7.P�otect�on a�I.ender'a Rijhb in t6e Property. If Aorrower fails w perfam thc covenants and a�eaneats oonWned in
<br /> --_= th;s soc�rlty Insuuma►t,a mem�S a kgal proceedinS thac miy signif,canuy atlrxt I.a�aer's rights in the Pmpe�ty(s�ct,�s�e
<br /> -_-
<br />